Kaiser Permanente Corporate Offices
1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612, United States

Review №1

THIS PLACE IS COMPLETELY WORTHLESS!!! MY sister called Kaiser help line to get some help because she was feeling suicidal. After being on hold for about an hour they passed her on to about five different people, she explained how she felt what she was feeling and each time they would just put her on hold and pass her to someone else instead of receiving any advice from the representative oh wait the actually representatives! They respond with “oh I’m sorry”. These “health care workers” are completely useless after being passed on to five different people there response was go to the ER. This place is no help to any patient they really don’t care nor even try to help.

Review №2

I have been fortunate to have company supplied insurance through a number of stops in my career, and I have used all of the nationwide health companies and insurances. None of them are great, but Kaiser takes the cake as the absolute worst. Their responsiveness and customer service was difficult to non-existent for even the smallest of tasks. I have opted out of my companys insurance to get my own because it was so terrible. If any of my future employers offers me free Kaiser Permanente then Im going to just assume that they want me to die as quickly as possible!

Review №3

This business inept. The stress of trying to deal with their administration and billing is enough to send someone to the hospital or the grave.Couldnt even get accurate information about where the nearest urgent care facility was from their urgent care line during an emergency. They tried to send me to a place that was an hour and a half further away. Shouldnt that be perhaps the #1 thing that call works on the urgent line know?? Where the damn facilities are?

Review №4

Useless health plan. I dont know how they got five stars with Medicare with all the bad reviews they have with Consumer Affairs! I enrolled February 1st, via Medicare, after moving from FL, since, I asked Kaiser four times for a Providers book. For some reason, they refuse to provide that book, so almost one and a half month after applying, I still dont have a PCP or a pharmacy. They only thing they are great at is charging you for premium, for NO services rendered.

Review №5

I want to give my point of view on Kaiser. I had been at Kaiser from birth to about age 24. We knew from a young age I had Chari malformation and neurofibromatosis, pediatrics did their best. It was great till about age 15 when I began to talk about anxiety, depression, weight gain, irregular periods and exhaustion. It was dismissed. I want to fast forward to ages 21-24. Im 25 now. My symptoms were getting worse to the point I slept and ate most the time. In all honesty I was very hopeless. My friends and family always believed I had a thyroid condition but because the labs didnt always show off Kaiser didnt believe it. My levels were even drastically off at one point and they blamed it on adrenaline. They finally started me on low dose thyroid medication at the end of my time at Kaiser. I felt horrible all the time. Once I was off Kaiser I started with my new provider and 20 mins into my first visit she found a thyroid nodule. That led to an ultra sound, which led to two biopsies to rule out cancer. They tested my TPO antibodies and found they we about 16 times the amount they should have been. The ultrasound showed my new doctors a lot on my thyroid. They literally could see my thyroid falling apart covered in cyst and nodules. They only biopsied one because of the size of it. The new doctors explained that it is right on course with Hashimotos disease. I told multiple providers what was told to me at Kaiser and they asked me to never go back because it was so incorrect. They stated the development of the disease didnt get that way overnight. They are now doing their best to help the effects of the autoimmune condition. However that doesnt correct the fact that the problem I stated for years was ignored, and now I pay for it with the life time side effects.I have reviewed my records and found things that were never told to me. As an example my records state I have a fibroma on my right knee. You would think you would want to tell someone with neurofibromatosis what was found. The second thing is while in urgent care I was never told about the nodule on my chest. I have recently found out I have about 8 nodules and one that has to be biopsied. I give it to them the wrote it in the after visit summary but it was never spoken to me.I needed to say this because hopefully another patient will read this and realize they arent alone. I hope they will learn they arent always delusional. I was made to feel delusional and that it was all in my head. At one point and time I was told I was too young to feel this bad and be sad. I hope that Kaiser will realize there are outliers to every set of facts they have on diseases.The best part of this story is Im now in the care of great providers in Atlanta Georgia. Im fighting to live the best life and they fight with me. I have rough days but my hopelessness has turned into a drive to trust myself and not give up. So even though I was failed in one health group I found a new life in another.

Review №6

Kaiser reminds me of Nazi Germany the first words out of their mouths are give me your number. And you are treated just like that a number youre treated like cattle youre not a person when it comes to Kaiser. When you call to voice your opinion you can get no further than a call take her there Executive offices do not care about what their patients have to go through. It has been an uphill battle on absolutely everything November of last year 2016 is when it all started. I have numerous health problems not just the common cold or a hangnail I have things where I actually have to see specialist in November I said I need to see a neurologist because I have suffered a stroke here it is 5 months later still no help. I got to see an orthopedic surgeon because I need shoulder surgery Im told we have to go back and we have to do injections and when I said are the injections going to repair the tears oh no thats just for the pain. Keep in mind Kaiser isnt giving over any pain medications. And then Im told by the same doctor well youre going to have to see a neurologist and get cleared even before I can consider your shoulder surgery. Damn thats what Ive been saying for the last 5 months I need to see a neurologist once again Kaiser does not care about people. The only thing Kaiser wants to do is to control people treat them like two-year-olds talk down to them tell them theyre going to do what they want done not what you need done. Been trying to call their corporate headquarters of course you cannot get test a call taker you ask for a supervisor theres never anyone available will take your name and number and theyll call you. So much for convenience. Ive heard those famous words many many times over a 5 month. Somebody will return your phone call and it just never happens. but damn they dont get a payment on time you have there attention.Call Kaiser this is not Nazi Germany your patients are more than just a number start treating them like that.

Review №7

Kaiser is absolutely the worst! All they want is your money. My husband had to see 4 different eye doctors to get told that he needed eye surgery, all four doctors did and said the exact same thing, only to tell him he had to go to yet another Doctor to be approved for surgery. Each Doctor takes a co-pay and the last Doctor did several tests, each test costing a different co-pay. All in all, thus far, this eye surgery has cost us over $300 out of pocket (not counting our premiums, which are $1200 a month) and he hasnt even gotten the surgery yet!! That I am sure is going to cost us big! Every time one of my children has to go to the doctor, we get referred to another doctor for something and it always costs another co-pay. On top of all the co-pays we have to pay for absolutely no reason, they raise our co-pay costs out of is ridiculous...why do we pay high premiums and high co-pays? I can not wait to get a different insurance/health care plan so that my family can get good health care for a decent payment. Kaiser is awful!

Review №8

I am currently involved in a internal civil investigation initiated by the CEO Mr Bernard TYSON. I will state as God is my witness Kaiser values their own selfish interest than their 30 year customer. A investigation initiated by the CEO! to long to put in detail but I warn all Kaiser customers you can not file an justifiable complaint and get fair treatment. I’m fact I received treatment from Kaiser that by the own words of their psychiatrist has severely acerbated my PTSD a mental condition that KIASER treats no better than a stubbed toe. The humiliation and suffering my family had to endure because we filed a complaint against their security guards who with evidence have harassed and discriminated against me since 7 Sept 19. They who are contracted (remember this key word) by Kaiser are also protected by Kaiser WHY? Because the complaint filed against their security guards that work the Wailuku locations came back and slapped me in the face. In order for Kaiser to save face and money they felt it was more important to protect their interest and not the customer who was violated. They believed everything the guard said and pretended I was one who was not to be trusted because I have PTSD. They had the audacity to purposely conduct my investigation in favor of the guard. If you all had the facts you would be appalled. I have learned a important lesson here that Kaiser guards are there to harass and discriminate not protect and serve. Kaiser is cold, calculating and manipulative and if it benefits Kaiser screw the customer regardless of the magnitude of the complaint.

Review №9

Professional Environment.Clean and friendly people.

Review №10

It is impossible to contact anyone at Kaiser Corporate office.They are so big they do not care for a customer. All Kaiser is interested in is to take your money and provide the cheapest service. It is absolutely the most horrible medical insurance company in the market. They do not care for a consumer/patient. They are so big it is impossible to talk to a live person. Either the line is busy or when you get a recording it is stating to call again.

Review №11

My foot has been bothering me so my orthopaedic surgeon put in a referral for me. I went to the appt and was waiting for the doctor come in and I see a cockroach scurry across the floor. As I am screaming I took apic to show the doctor. He was not in the least bit interested, and was adamant about my not having plantar fasciitis (just by looking at it and touching it) he did not take xrays and pawned me off to pain management. So pain management calls and we set up telephone orientation (charge nurse that had set everything up had made a notation and told me several times that she left word with the regular nurse to call me at 915 today. The nasty nurse Rahmi called twice before 915 and told me that I would have to call them back to make another appt. By the podiatrist pawning me off like it is all in my head and the rudeness of Rahmi. A 1rating is all I can give and a letter will be going to corporate

Review №12

The team in the Family Medicine department at Kaiser Permanente (KP) Santa Medical Offices provide exemplary medical services in a professional and courteous manner. From the initial video conference shortly after joining the medical provider this year to the face to face meeting with Dr. Chitra Vijayaraghavan, I can hardly think of a smoother on-boarding process. The annual examination was performed professionally at my convenience with laboratories open 7 days a week including on weekends! Test results are updated in real time with patient accessibility and guided assistance. The KP integrated health model is definitely one which I recommend as patients are able to focus on their health centrally rather than chasing papers and dealing with bureaucracy with multiple instances. As a patient, it is very important to me to focus on my well being and let the professionals take care of their area of expertise. While other providers may carry a name and superficial reputation, I very much encourage those residents living in a service area to opt for KP for the sake of simplicity and getting your care under control. If you are looking for medical care and a peace of mind, I highly recommend KP.

Review №13

I hate to give you a star when you deserve 4. Just trying to get your attention. In general Kaiser its been good to our family for the past 30 years, until recently, I have an excruciating pain on my right lower leg, every day was getting worst and worst so I went and saw a doctor. She took no X-ray just by the symptoms she diagnosed calf sprain, muscle relaxer medicine and home. Pain just kept on getting worse. 3 days later I ended up in the ER. Saw the worst Doctor Elizabeth Ingrid Fiedlin Kaiser Kramer in anaheim) I believe, she runs some tests and told me that the ER was for life threatening and I didnt have anything, all test were negative to go see my primary care and request a reumatologist. Isnt unbearable pain an emergency? I wish for her one day to get the pain Im feeling. 3 weeks later, no work, pain Killers are helping not for long cant drive or walk far, sitting on the toilet its painful and still got 3 days to go to see a specialist. I feel so frustrated and in pain. Pain is unbearable

Review №14

Something is wrong with my account and I cant login. First, Kaisers security questions that were supposedly based on credit report data asked when I bought my current house and all of the dates were before I lived in this state, and now my member number and last name dont match. Contacting customer service results in the inevitable conclusion that I dont know when I bought my house or what my last name is. Obviously, that must be it. My last name has been the same for my entire life. Would love to know what they changed it to!

Review №15

I am not writing this to report a problem with the Health Care Services at Kaiser Permanente.I am writing this to share my horrific experience with the Kaiser Permanente Retirement Center.I have been trying since December 11, 2012 to collect my benefit money. In December I was told that it would take 60 days for them to mail me a packet of papers that would need to be filled out and returned to them. I was then informed that upon their receipt of the completed forms they would process my request for collection and that it would take approximately two additional weeks.February 25, 2013 I contacted the Retirement center to inform them that I had not received the packet. I was politely told that they had record of my request, and that my documents were with an auditor. I was informed that I should hear something from them in a couple of days.February 27, 2013 I again contacted the Retirement center for an update on my request. Again I was politely informed that they were aware of my request and were not sure what the hold up was. I was informed that my request would be escalated. And someone would contact me within 48 hours. I was not contacted.March 6, 2014 I contacted the Retirement Center, was told that my request had been escalated and that someone would contact me within 48 hours. At that point I requested a supervisor to speak with me. Brian the supervisor got on the phone and I explained to him my situation:1. I am unemployed2. I need to make my mortgage payment3. I have been getting the run-around since December4. This is unacceptable!Brian listened, apologized, and said he would contact me in 48 hours.March 8, 2013 I called AGAIN the retirement center and asked to speak with Brian. I was placed on hold, and then told that they were having a big storm and Brian would contact me later the same day.Brian called me the evening of March 8, said he unfortunately did not have an update for me because they were having a big storm and were short staffed. He promised me he would call on Monday March 11th.SO MUCH FOR SERVICESO MUCH FOR ESCALATIONWhat in the heck have they been doing since December 11th?DO YOU THINK MY MORTGAGE COMPANY WILL ACCEPT THE FACT THAT BECAUSE I AM GETTING THE RUN AROUND FROM KAISER AND BECAUSE OF A STORM I CANT MAKE MY MORTGAGE PAYMENT!I DONT THINK SO.HELPCharlotte J CookYou can get my number from Brian

Review №16

I tried very hard to make an intelligent decision in regards to my health care but Kaiser had misleading information on their plan description and it has caused me to have a terrible plan for an outrageous cost.I chose KPs Bronze 60 HMO specifically because it has a separate pharmacy deductible and I have one expensive prescription. The Summery of Benefits said “Pharmacy Deductible: $500 person / $1,000 family in network. There are no other specific deductibles.” It further described this as applying to all four tiers of drugs, stating “After pharmacy deductible. Up to $500 per prescription for up to a 30-day supply at a KP plan pharmacy.I called Kaiser in December 2016 while doing my research and due diligence, their representative confirmed that I was reading the policy correct. I also talked with a professional health care agent. Who registered my plan. He also interpreted the language the same way I did.It was not until I went to get my second month of the prescription filled, which would have taken me over the $500 deductible, that I learned something was amiss. I called customer service and had the policy described as one that basically resets the $500 deductible every month. So unless you spend over $500 on a prescription every month, it does not apply. By that time it was too late to change my policy to any other as the open enrollment periods were over.Between this prescription and my coverage fee, Im paying over $1,100 a month without doctor or prescription coverage until/unless I meet a $6,000+ deductible. I have filed complaint with Kaiser and asked that they honor the common-sense reading of their benefit summary, and the word of their associate, and cover the prescriptions my Kaiser Doctors prescribe, once I have met an annual prescription deductible of $500. They declined so Im on to the Better Business Bureau and other ways of letting folks know about this.Im sure Im not alone in having misinterpreted this as it was terribly misleading!

Review №17

I would never, ever use Kaiser again after the experience Ive had with them. They transitioned to a new payment system when I signed up and lost a payment of over $250 for my first premium. I spent over 10 hours on the phone with them (most of it on hold), sent in copies of my bank statement on 3 different occasions, got hung up on numerous times, and had my insurance cancelled despite them promising that they wouldnt cancel when there was a investigation into my account leaving me without health insurance because they were too incompetent to follow up. I have never been treated so poorly by any customer service (thats including cable companies). Kaisers cancellation letter stated we are committed to your health and well-being. Ironic, given they caused me more stress and anxiety trying to get them to process 1 payment than I would have had I lived the last 5 months without insurance. Ive never encountered a company with less accountability, integrity and care for the customers that are supposed to be enrolled with them for their health.

Review №18

Traffic sucks, parking sucks, finding your appointment in the new building sucks, other than that you get pretty hungry throughout the time being there.

Review №19

There are no live people to talk to - very sketchy operation.

Review №20

No parking if you show up late

Review №21

Mgmt will Not take Any calls!!Especially from the son of 99 year old Mom who has an UNSAT. Primary MD, like Dr. Sabor:Mom has neglected serious toe fungus. For years.Mom has neglected heart beat irregularities. Now.Mom has pneumonia in her neglected left lung. Now.Mom has MD neglected osteoporosis and a hunchback with 3 very painful cracked neck vertebra. For Decades!You Must remember, this Is Hospitals Combined with a Medical Insurance Company, so no counterbalancing forces of Mercy versus Profit, just Profit Motive of Primary blocked Specialists, cheap treatments, long waits, and lying second opinions to save minor surgery cost on Very EXPENSIVE Medical Insurance!!No wonder we in the USA are so far behind the rest if the Civilized World in cost-effective medical care.I have had Kaiser nurses repeatedly tell me that my 70 yr old Professor-friend, smart sharp thin and fit, with a hospital infected broken rib, get this, is too old to still be alive! So they reduced care, like not quickly replacing a pulled IV.He died there, unnecessarily.Dear kind fun professor Bud.DO NOT SIGN A DNR/do not resuscitate, because it is Much More then do not resuscitate !I watched the Kaiser RN played on my folks fears of being vegetables hooked to machines and unconscious.For a Medical professional, an RN, registered nurse, I have never seen such a deceptive unscrupulous dishonest insidious hustle not at all touch on they would still pay very high monthly premiums for drastically reduced care, even for the next time they got sick.A famous surgeon friend advises, Do not sign a DNR unless you have a terminal fatal illness. Never sign if you are healthy and have trusted family or trusted friend with power of attorney only went you are unable. Now they have discovered cancer, 2 masses inside my dear Mom that for years and decades they did not want to know about.Mom has been on strong pain meds for decades for 3 cracked vertebra from long missed diagnosed low calcium, disease of osteoporosis .One of the major side effects of this pain med is nasea and loss of appetite! I did not know! And Kaiser didnt think it was important to treat that side effect with an appetite stimulant drug! So Mom has been starving and shrinking for decades ,know to her Kaiser MD! Finally an appetite stimulant drug was prescribed, but IT DOESNT WORK! and the Kaiser doctor knows it doesnt work! You might say, heck ,she is 99 , let her suffering old age end!This is a valuable person, old yes, but STILL A VALUABLE PERSON!So, lovely Executive Christine, this is also on you.For me, my Kaiser finito was my Sister getting painful ugly Shingles, when both of us paid lots for Kaiser medical insurance.So I called Kaiser advice nurse, I had chicken pox too as a child, so shouldnt my Primary MD have told me or both of us to get the vaccine shot?No, we dont have all or even most of your medical records.You must Ask for it. Digital medical records are a Must, right after a Right to Privacy law!The bottom line: Never accept any Dr. No. That is Not what progressive Preventative Medicine means.Update:2018, Mom has a new Kaiser Gerontology, and she also prescribed an appetite stimulant that does not work at all. To be fair, the new MD says it is the best appetite stimulant.But it does not work, at all, on my dear Mother. And they will not try marijuana! Watching your Mother slowly starve to death this way is so painful to all of us, family and friends.Kaiser will not adapt and seems to devalue old people as too old. All those expensive premiums for such poor medical care, truly an American Tragedy.Why is it that 2 Kaiser MD Gerontology Specialist Doctors refused to prescribe Marijuana to a cancer patient as a Proven appetite stimulant!? Some corporate doctors seem to have forgotten their Hippocratic Oath, for cash?

Review №22

I had a real bad problem in Largo MD at the largo Health Center. In the beginning of 2015 kaiser did not want me to have an referrals because I was on Medicaid. This caused a serious delay in my health progress as I had applied for disability. It was only in December 2015 that I met the best PCP at Largo -who is Dr. Jodi Baptiste, and the two GYN Doctors Dr.Diana G. Soffer and Dr. Sybil G. Dessie both were excellent. The Physical Therapy Group with Jason S. Logan and Nicole Garner both need further training and were not very good.

Review №23

Kaiser Permanente is absolutely the worst, ridiculous wait time for triage then they have you wait an additional 3 hours before a doctor see you.

Review №24

They dont respond to help getting medical assistance / care

Review №25

This is an amazing company!!

Review №26

The security guard front desk have Bad attitude

Review №27

I love Kaiser, but Im biased.

Review №28

Convenient location

Review №29

Kaiser DOES NOT Pay their bills

31 Photos
2.3 Rating
  • Address:1 Kaiser Plaza, Oakland, CA 94612, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 510-271-5910
  • Hospital department
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:9am–5pm
  • Wednesday:9am–5pm
  • Thursday:9am–5pm
  • Friday:9am–5pm
  • Saturday:9am–5pm
  • Sunday:Closed
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