Raman Center for Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment
8612 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64155, United States

Review №1

Im hopeful for the first time in years. This is all because of Dr. Raman, Amy and Melissa. They are friendly, experienced, and very thorough. You will leave the first appointment with an understanding of the jaws relationship to the body. Its mind boggling how TMD is not covered by insurance (medical and dental) when it affects so much of your life! They will all ask you frequently if you have any questions to make sure you completely understand everything. The amount of data they collect is insane and so interesting! It all leads to a complete understanding of how your jaw is working. I love how Dr. Raman is a very data driven Doctor. He will explain all the data and what it all means. But the best thing, hes not guessing!! Hes not saying he thinks this is whats going on. Hes letting you know that this IS whats going on and can back it up. When you move forward on treatment, you can see how the data assists in making your treatment just that. Your treatment. The commitment that Dr. Raman, Amy and Melissa have to making your life better is inspiring and Im so glad I made the decision to move forward with treatment. The cost can be overwhelming, due to insurance not covering treatment, but after years of medications, surgeries, pain, constant doctor visits and loss of time dealing with all of it, Its worth it. Im worth it. And guess what? After just a week in the orthotic, I was significantly feeling better. Thank you, Dr. Raman, Amy and Melissa!

Review №2

I was not aware that they would not work with insurance. Amy wouldnt give me a rough estimate on the cost of treatment at our meeting before the consultation. I wasted $270 to be told treatment is about 11k and possibly more. I wasnt aware they wouldnt work with insurance until after everything was said and done. Do your research. There are other companies that give free consultations and work with insurance. Kicking myself for being so desperate.

Review №3

Such thorough testing and diagnosis. Dr. Raman knows what he’s doing. I’ve had long term neck and back pain that started to affect everyday life at all times and I had been everywhere (chiropractors, kinesiologists, physical therapists) to no avail. This was the missing piece to getting my body back!

Review №4

Dr. Raman, Im trying to work through an issue Ive had with Amy. She told me I was unable to speak with a supervisor as she didnt have one. I hope I can discuss this with you directly.

Review №5

I found Dr. Raman after doing a google search for neuromuscular dentists, thankfully he was in my area! Id been dealing with jaw, neck, and low back pain for decades and was never able to connect it to my misaligned bite or jaw. Although I knew I had TMJ and airway issues (sleep apnea) I didnt understand the pain could migrate to my low back.I spend tons of money with rheumatologists, functional medicine and was even treated for Lyme disease that I now know I never had. Ive been in my fixed orthotic over a week and have seen an overall improvement of 65% already. I still have neck and low back pain but is reduced by 50% and my jaw pain is 90% improved and Im no longer biting my tongue 24/7. Ive seen additional improvement in other areas I didnt expect such as IBS, blurry vision, better sleep and the best is my energy level is up.For anyone concerned about the out of pocket cost, I can tell you its the best money Ive spend with a dr. thus far and it all made sense once Dr. Raman reviewed his assessment with me. He answered all my questions and then some, he and his staff are the best when it come to customer service and attitude. You will not be disappointed. At least schedule a phone consultation to see if he could help.I know I will continue to improve and looking forward to the next phase.

Review №6

Before I met Dr. Raman, my jaw would lock closed, I was in bed with a headache every day, and my anxiety was through the roof. Of course, at the time, I didnt know any of this was related. When we were directed to Dr. Raman, he was very up front with us about whether or not he could help us, and how much it would cost. He didnt say, pay me and hope it helps. He said, let me show you why I think this can help. And it did. Its been about three years and I feel amazing. On top of this, we were never treated like just another case. They care about us as people, and they care about the way their work has changed lives.Lilly and Rachell

Review №7

This is the best ran office of any doctor I have been to. They are very quick to respond to any questions or concerns I have had. I was having a lot of trouble finding a doctor for my TMD. I am so happy I was finally referred to Dr. Raman.

Review №8

Prior to seeing Dr. Raman I was in severe pain 24/7 without even realizing due to my tmj and scoliosis. I have only been a patient of his for a couple of months and I feel 90% better and this is only the beginning.

Review №9

So this is about a year later after my visit with Dr. Raman and at the time of my visit I wasnt really there mentally partially due to my inability to cope with the pain during a really stressful time of my life with my parents getting a divorce and the start of developing this condition realizing the possible severity of it while also performing in musical productions near the end of High School I started to snap from all of the pressure and needing to sing and perform putting a smile on all of the time when it hurt to smile and act was extremely frustrating when I used to do just smile to make other people happy without even thinking about it.. A year or two later the conditions have ramped up to the extent that I feared they would and Im not even that upset about it not as much as I thought I would be anyways. The physical pain is no where near as painful as the emotional pain of losing almost everyone I had grown to love throughout High School because of how depressed I let myself become. Its extremely painful and debilitating to live with but now that I know it cant get any worse than it is I guess it just doesnt matter. After reading a lot of these reviews I believe I know that Dr. Raman is not a quack like my mother thought he was he picks and chooses who to save based off of whether or not he thinks theyre good people and at that time of my visit I was not a good person by any means living life just felt like another role I had to play. I got angry at my mom for not understanding my pain when theres no way she or anyone not experiencing this first hand can understand. I dont know this condition is a nightmare I wish it could go away but at this point Im not really sure if it ever will but whatever happens, happens. Anyways thank you for helping other people get their lives back Im sure it means a lot to the people that deserve it

Review №10

I am fortunate enough to have been Dr. Raman’s dental patient for 25 years now. Early in my patient history, I had to have him provide me with multiple crowns and a root canal after I had cracked FOUR molars due to grinding my teeth. He provided me with a mouth guard to wear at night and the quote “lips together, teeth apart”. He also provided me with a very detailed description of why I grind my teeth due to misalignment of my jaw, how this affects so many aspects of physical health, and that he could re-align my teeth to help resolve these numerous health issues. I was a ballet dancer and my theory is it created a high tolerance for pain because I finally had had enough 25 years later! He has always had the utmost respect for his patients to make their own decisions on their own timeline about treating TMJ. I had successful SHORT-TERM relief from headaches, neck pain and even adjustments to my jaw and ear canal from my chiropractor over the years, but the pain would return over time, and I would have to see the chiropractor more and more as I aged. My jaw itself has started to deteriorate, and my sleep has been fitful for decades, which in and of itself creates a whole anxiety spiral. Health is never robust when sleep is lost, and I lost much sleep over the years with pain in my head, jaw, neck and all the way down my shoulders into my back. I had to go to an Ear, nose and throat doctor and be prescribed steroids as my ear canal would often become painfully congested. Now that Dr. Raman has re-aligned my teeth to a proper position, my headaches, jaw aches, ear aches, and neck and shoulder soreness that I lived with for so long are no longer issues I have to suffer with. Sleep has been restorative and I wake up feeling like I’m actually rested. My jaw used to feel like it was grinding and clicking and it was tender and sore all of the time, and now find myself being freed up to think about so many other aspects of life other than what is hurting! I really am so relieved I FINALLY decided to do something about being so miserable, it was so worth it.

Review №11

I have been a patient of Dr. Ramans for the last 15 years. My first visit to the Raman Center was in 2005. I suffered from jaw pain, migraine headaches, neck pain, tinnitus, ear stuffiness, and fatigue. After testing, Dr. Raman felt that he could help me. A plan for treatment was presented to me and I trusted Dr. Ramans knowledge and expertise to complete this journey. Ive never looked back because I couldnt image what my life would have looked like if I hadnt received treatment. I could smile again ! His staff is amazing and the atmosphere is always inviting. They are like family to me and I continue to travel to the center to have my teeth cleaned to this day. Thanks for all you do to transform lives !

Review №12

When I first came to see Dr. Raman in March of this year, I was in bad shape. A year prior to this I had begun experiencing migraines for the first time in my life. At first it was about once a month, then a couple times a month, then about once a week. Starting in December 2019, things became very severe. For 4 whole months I was experiencing migraines all day, every day, and I was so dizzy that even riding in the car, or fast forwarding a tv show was intolerable!After seeing many doctors, and no one being able to really figure out what was causing these horrible migraines, I was desperate to find answers. I started looking on the internet for cures for migraines, and doctors who might treat these. I came across ‘‘The Raman Center for Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment”, and to my surprise, it was located right here in Kansas City! I thought to myself, “just try one more time to give yet another doctor a chance”.I first saw Dr. Raman and his team in the beginning of March for a consultation. I was so pleased with the time he took to carefully listen to my medical history, and then his incredible knowledge about migraines, and what could be causing them. After his very thorough testing protocol, it was discovered that I had pretty severe problems with TMJ/TMD, and that this was most likely the cause for the migraines.I am a singer and had been having troubles with my voice for a couple years leading up to this with my range getting lower, and tightness in my throat, neck and shoulders. It was extremely frustrating and discouraging as it was affecting my performances. Then, when the migraines began on top of this, I was basically incapacitated! I was barely able to sing at all due to the fact that even the sound of my own soprano voice made my head ring, and made me incredibly dizzy. I was extremely sensitive to any loud sounds, bright lights, and strong smells. I had no idea that all of these symptoms, as well as the migraines, were all connected!!I actually had a huge concert coming up at the Kauffman Performing Arts Center the same week I first saw Dr. Raman. Before I saw him I was so upset because I was totally unable to perform at this point. While at my first appointment with Dr. Raman, he made some adjustments to my jaw while doing the testing. Immediately following that appointment, the migraines began to lessen in intensity. I improved so much in a few days that I miraculously was able to perform in that huge concert at the end of the week! I was so incredibly happy! The very next week, everything was shut down due to COVID-19. It means the world to me that I was able to sing that day, not realizing at the time it would be the very last concert I would sing at for a long time until it is safe to sing again.When doctor’s offices had permission to open up again, I began with the next follow-up appointment with Dr. Raman, then started physical therapy. A few weeks after Dr. Raman put in the temporary orthosis, I then also went to see my vocal coach for the first time since all this happened. To my shock, and my teacher’s shock as well, I was able to sing higher and much easier than before! We both were in tears at the amazing improvements in such a short time. As a singer, who also is a soprano, this has meant so very much to me!Currently, I am still undergoing physical therapy, and testing out the temporary orthosis. So far, I am incredibly happy with the results!! My migraines now are about 80% improved!! The horrible dizziness I was experiencing along with this has improved about 70%. I’m able to do a lot of daily tasks that I was unable to do at all prior to seeing Dr. Raman. I even have a little more energy than I had before!I am incredibly grateful to Dr. Raman, Melissa, and Amy, as well as my physical therapist, Bob, that they also have me working with, for their care, knowledge, and compassion for me as a patient. I highly recommend them to anyone struggling with migraines, and/or jaw issues such as TMJ/TMD. Bless ALL of you!!

Review №13

Dr. Raman and his clinic have been a literal life changer. 7 years ago, I started having jaw discomfort, some slight clicks and pops along the way. As the years passed, the pain incrementally got worse. In the last 4 years I was experiencing intense headaches at least three times a week, and jaw pain every day. Every time I would open my mouth my jaw clicked and popped, and it had stopped me from eating certain foods. My treatment prior to seeing Dr. Raman was a splint I received from my dentist and extra strength ibuprofen from my PCP. I was always told TMJ pain was something that you cant fix, this is something youll have to live with and I was pushed towards pain management rather than solutions. My chronic pain was something I was resigned to live with.Start of 2020, I was introduced to Dr. Ramans clinic. After a couple visits (consultation and testing), Dr. Raman had set up a treatment plan for me. I was blown away by the results and depth of information presented to me. I had also been experiencing neck and back pain and Dr. Raman showed how my posture had contributed to the issue. The reason for my posture? The position of my jaw! So after being presented with all the information, I went ahead with the fixed orthotic treatment plan, admittedly a tiny bit skeptical but more than excited to see if this would truly aid in limiting all the pain I had felt for so long.The first week after the orthotic was placed, I was floored. There was no jaw pain! There were no headaches! I sought physical therapy to aid in fixing the posture I had held for so long. I am continuing my treatment, but I can most assuredly say my life has changed for the better. I have nothing but good things to say about Dr. Ramans clinic. Amy and Melissa were fantastic, super thoughtful, kind, knowledgable, helpful, and overall just awesome. Dr. Raman really does aim to help regardless of where you are in your TMJ journey.

Review №14

Dr Raman gave me my life back! Dr Raman is the most amazing doctor ever! God bless you and your staff is just amazing. Thank you so much. You have blessed my life and my family’s life forever!!!

Review №15

Excellent care received from Dr. Raman, Amy and Melissa. Every question or concern Ive had, both prior to and since the application of the fixed orthotic 6 weeks ago, have been addressed promptly and thoroughly.To date, both the rapidity and quality of results have exceeded my hopes when initially embarking on this treatment plan. I am very grateful that my dentist suggested Dr. Raman and highly recommend exploration of this treatment option to others who are seeking relief from TMD.

Review №16

My husband and I can tell Dr. Raman and his team are on a mission to help get people out of pain and get the word out that there might be a solution for your pain other than conventional treatments. A little background on me. I lived in the UK for 12 years and was fortunate enough to consult with top private care specialists there and when I came to the US did the same. I can’t even count the number of specialists, physical and massage therapy, medical traction equipment for neck and back, drugs and the list goes on………for over 20 years. With all that professional experience the outcome was to learn to manage my pain with drugs and physical therapy. My jaw is realigned and I am out of pain now most days. Everyday I can’t believe I’ve been so fortunate. However, it took me being part of the treatment plan I felt best for me with Dr. Raman and his team to get the best result possible. I was very outspoken throughout the process, and when I questioned something I was experiencing to requesting a slight change of protocol for my sensitivities which was openly received and respected with the utmost empathy and professionalism. My husband and I travel a lot and somehow Dr. Raman and his team were able to accommodate all the schedule changes we burdened them with. There were no hidden charges and I was able to contact them whenever I needed to with a quick response from them. Bottom line is - be 100% open and honest with your needs and concerns - don’t deviate from the treatment plan and you will get the best outcome. I am happy to discuss my experience if you would like to contact Dr. Raman’s office for my email address.

Review №17

The Raman Center team is not only expert in their field but they are also very compassionate about their patients and go extra extra miles to comfort them which you wont find any where else. If you want to achieve better quality of life, put an end to headaches and make your experience worth each visit, just work with The Raman Center team. I consider myself very fortunate to work with Dr Raman, Amy and Malissa. I would rate this practice 10 stars instead of 5.

Review №18

Super exciting to see how much pride and passion Dr. Ramen has. He is a perfectionist and it makes me feel safe and well taken care of. He referred me to physical therapy and also has me working on therapy for my tongue thrust. Both of these other offices for this therapy have told me that they have never had doctors who want so much information from them! These other offices are impressed that he truly wants to follow and be kept up to date on every aspect of his patients care.

Review №19

Blessed to have found these folks! Dr. Raman, Amy, and Melissa are amazing people to work with. After suffering from chronic migraines, chronic fatigue, and several dental issues for longer than I care to admit, I finally visited The Raman Center. It was life changing! Relief from symptoms was immediate! That was 6 years ago. I remain headache free, my sleep has improved tremendously, and my dental issues are ancient history. Happy to report that I am 100% healthy and happy.

Review №20

If you know anything about TMJ or jaw disorders you know theyre widely misunderstood conditions. I visited other dentists, and even a few chiropractors; these specialists guess in the dark with arbitrary adjustments where Dr. Raman works a systematic and proven approach. I came to the Raman center with jaw, neck, and shoulder pain. All of them are almost completely gone in a very short time.Other folks will correct your bite or pop random things into place. The treatment here makes concrete strides to measure, relax and heal exactly what the trouble is. The staff can tell you how each step advances that goal and they can show you progress with logically grounded and unique tests as well as conventional scans.For jaw and headache pain, I dont think its an exaggeration to say that Dr. Raman is one of your few non-surgical hopes in the country.

Review №21

I cannot express how much I appreciate what Dr. Raman has done for my life. Every day I dreaded getting up and wondered how I could possibly make it through each day. I began my day with a debilitating headache, severe back pain, jaw, ear, shoulder and neck pain. Immediately upon raising I had to take pain medication just to begin my day. Today I can get out of bed with absolutely no pain. I would have never believed it was possible.Dr. Ramans staff are wonderful, friendly, and very knowledgeable. They treat me like family each and every time I am in the office. I would recommend him highly for anyone experience these type of problems. Go see him and see if he can help.Thank you over and over again to Dr. Raman and staff. Thank you for helping me to enjoy feeling good again. I didnt think it was possible.

Review №22

Dr. Raman and his staff helped me to become a better version of myself by eliminating my daily headaches and pain brought on by TMD. Due to TMD, my jaw constantly popped/clicked, I had terrible headaches, lots of pain, and had a lack of energy. TMD also contributed to my poor posture, which caused neck pain, shoulder pain and knee pain. My body was in a constant state of discomfort/pain.Before my first visit to the Raman Center, I was talking with an orthopedic surgeon about knee surgery. I was very skeptical when Dr. Raman said to hold off on having the surgery. He said that by fixing my TMD, it could also help eliminate my knee pain. I thought to myself, “How does my knee pain have anything to do with my jaw?” To my amazement, after starting the treatment process, my knee pain went away and I no longer needed surgery. I was able to go back to the gym, without knee pain!Before starting my treatment, Dr. Raman and I discussed the top things that I would like to fix. My list: #1 headaches, #2 lack of energy/fatigue, #3 knee pain, #4 neck pain. I didn’t see how this list related to my TMD. I came to see Dr. Raman for my jaw popping/clicking and jaw pain, not for the list above. By the end of my treatment, Dr. Raman was able to help eliminate my headaches, lack of energy, knee pain, and help minimize my neck pain.After Dr. Raman realigned my bite, it helped me to have better posture and not have the daily neck, shoulder, and knee pains. At the beginning of the process, I had limited range of motion on both sides of my neck. By the end of treatment, I could move both sides of my neck a perfect 90 degrees.My jaw is no longer popping/clicking and I no longer have jaw joint pain. Since I was a child, I have had bad headaches. By Dr. Raman realigning my bite, I no longer have daily headaches. The headaches would cause me to stop in my tracks and have to lie down. As a result of no longer having headaches and body pains, I have more energy to get through my day and keep up with my small children.If you are having issues like me, don’t hesitate to call Dr. Raman. Dr. Raman is a caring, patient, and trustworthy doctor that has helped change my life for the better.

Review №23

I highly recommend Dr. Raman. I came to him when I had pain in a tooth that had a root canal. He has been able to treat my TMD and allow me to not have as many headaches, jaw pain, and other mouth issues. I trust him with the care of my teeth and you only get one set of teeth. My children see him as well. His assistant is amazing and helps in every way. It is a great place with great people.

Review №24

Updated review. Would not recommend. I felt better within a few months of treatment, however my $5800 removable orthotic began deteriorating within a few months and when I ordered a replacement I was sent multiple defective ones so I asked for a refund and left treatment here.

Review №25

Truly a life changing experience. Dr. Raman, Amy, and Melissa put their hearts into everything they do. You will not find a more knowledgeable, caring, or dedicated team.I have been suffering with TMJ, and other conditions, for over a decade, and when my symptoms came to a head I was in pain 24/7. Dr. Ramans methods have helped me tremendously, and I can say with confidence that I am as close to 100% symptom free as Ive been in a very long time; now able to move on with my life.Best of all, I never felt pressured into any treatment plan that I didnt feel ready to commit to. The plan we chose was tailored to my circumstances and is very non-invasive, especially compared to other methods proposed to me before meeting the Raman team (such as surgery).Dr. Raman does a fantastic job educating you on the step by step processes that he takes before, as well as, during the treatment. This provided a sense of ease, and confidence, that has made this process that much easier!

Review №26

I see friends of mine on FB complaining of headaches and migraines almost daily. I wish with all of my heart that I could convince them to go see Dr. Raman. The treatment I have received from Dr. Raman for my tension headaches/migraines and neck/shoulder pain has SAVED my life. I was so skeptical about going through the treatment because of the cost, but I would gladly pay for it 10 times over. I was skeptical even after my own mother had already been through the treatment and cured of chronic migraines she had for probably 15-20 years. My headaches were months long with no relief, and getting worse as time went by. I had been suffering really bad for over 3 years by this time. My life was over as I knew it. I was just getting by every day until I could medicate myself into sleep. My three kids were paying the high expense for my illness. I was on anti-anxiety medication, pain medication, and muscle relaxers. None of these would take the pain away, only mask it. Nothing over the counter could touch it. I couldnt handle any stress, including normal stress, any hunger, most exercise, sitting at the computer for too long, etc. After Dr. Raman did the testing, and I made the decision to move forward with Phase 1, I was 75% better and 100% prescription free within the first week. At this point, over the counter Ibprophen would take care of the remaining symptoms. I am a few months in now, and I dont have headaches or muscle pain at all. I dont have to take any medication whatsoever. I have lost weight, I cook meals for my kids again, I have energy, my relationships are better with everyone, and I am happy again. Like I said before, this treatment saved my LIFE. Feel free to message me and Ill give you my phone number, or you can call Dr. Ramans office and ask Amy for it. Ill explain everything I can for you from my perspective.

Review №27

Excellent staff. Great environment. Recommend highly. - Jonathan

Review №28

I have had one headache that pretty much lasted for almost 10 months and awful ear pain in one ear and ear pain that comes and goes in another ear, along with tinnitus. I began seeing Raman two months ago (after a great deal of misinformation from my ENT) and I am now about 75% pain free. I look forward to continued treatment and betterment of my symptoms. I really feel for those who have lived with this kind of pain for 10 or more years. I cant imagine. Raman is a beacon of hope in a dark tunnel of pain!

Review №29

Went in with constant headaches and jaw pain and Dr. Raman was able to minimize both of those in just a few months.

Review №30

Words cannot describe how tremendous and unique this place is! If you have jaw problems or any other problem that could be related to your jaw (please check out their website) then this place could be your lifesaver..Not only has Dr. Raman been able to successfully treat my TMD symptoms that I’ve been experiencing since 2008, but he has been able to offer me a passport into a new life full of all of the things that I once thought I would never experience again..and more. I am nearing the end of my time with the Raman Center and I feel great, I have a new passion for living, and I feel obligated to share this in hopes that others can experience what I have.Before I met Dr. Raman and his team I had been suffering from TMD for seven years following a car accident with many failed jaw treatments including a failed surgery. I was in pain every day and had plenty of so-called jaw specialists tell me that they could help me but only made my problems worse. The neuromuscular dentist I was seeing prior to finding Dr. Raman even told me that there was nothing else that could be done and that I would forever live in the dysfunctional level of pain that I had reached. In fact, I believe my exact statement during my consultation with Dr Raman was “my life is pretty much miserable.”Not only was neuromuscular dentistry the best route that makes the most sense to me being an occupational therapist but I also was blessed to find the best doctor to do the job I even moved halfway across the country to pursue this treatment. (Not mandatory, it just happened to work out for me!) :) It is impossible to compare Dr. Raman‘s expertise to any other specialist practicing in this field. Believe me...he is the best!Regardless of whether or not you decide to pursue treatment with Dr. Raman, I highly recommend that you at least pursue a consultation with him and his team in order to learn more about your condition and what can be done. I am so thankful that I did not settle for a life of pain and instead was able to find my new freedom! You cannot put a price on that. My health and my life has been beyond worth the investment.And real quick before I end, I have to admit that Dr. Raman is not only the best doctor in this field but he and his team provide the absolute best care I’ve ever been offered by any medical or healthcare team. Melissa, his Treatment Coordinator, is extremely knowledgeable, beyond helpful, and works with Dr Raman unlike any team I have ever experienced. There is no other way to describe her except by saying that she is just absolutely the best! Finally, the Dental Concierge, Amy, will always be there to make you feel welcome, comfortable, and cared for. She has truly made me feel like a part of the family. I’m going to miss these people, but I believe that I’ve made lifelong friends.If anyone has questions about any thing I’ve said or anything regarding my experience please feel free to reach out to me.

Review №31

Our family is very appreciative of the work that Dr. Raman performed on our son Zach. For years Zach has suffered with pain in his neck, and jaw. We live by a small town near Omaha and we were referred to 2 different doctors that “specialized” in treating TMJ, after spending 10’s of thousands of dollars with these 2 doctors, Zach’s symptoms did not improve. Finally we were referred to Doctor Raman’s office and after the first visit we could finally see a path forward to allow Zach to live pain free from his TMZ.We want to thank Amy, and Melissa for all of their support during the many trips to Kansas City. Zach no longer needs the frequent trips to our Chiropractor, and the medicine he use to take to feel better. He is off to school preparing for the next phase of his life pain free and happy.

Review №32

Dr Raman and his team are the highest of quality in care for TMD and myofacial pain. I have been in dentistry 20 years as a Dental Hygienist and have always been interested in function of the bite but never before have I learned so much about this area as I am going thru treatment for my TMD problems. Another hygienist referred me to Dr Raman and I am so pleased she did. My treatment in ongoing and I am pleased with the progress of my case under the care of Dr Raman.

Review №33

Their office facility and the staff are nice. Dr Raman tested me very thoroughly before he made the fixed orthotic. He spent almost the entire day testing. All the pictures, graphs and numbers are very impressive. I was very looking forward to seeing a positive outcome.Unfortunately, the fixed orthotic didnt work that much for me. Some of my symptoms got better than before, some stayed at the same, and some got worse. Even though the observational data showed improvement, the pain I felt was still there. I understand that every patient is different and the same treatment can’t work for everyone and unfortunately it did not work for me.The worst part was when it was time to take off the orthotic, I had to open my mouth very big for a long time. Since one of my major symptoms is limited opening, that hurt my jaw a lot. It was very very painful, I cried with pain. Also, I am so sad to say that some of my teeth got chipped from removing the fixed orthotic. My bottom teeth don’t look the same as before.I had really wished this treatment would solve my tmj problems like other reviewers said, but unfortunately that didnt happen in my case.

Review №34

I am 24 years old and have suffered from migraines for 16 years. I have seen multiple doctors, neurologists, and dentists with little to no relief over the years. I was treated with medications, chiropractors, massage therapy, Botox, splints at night and basically anything else you can think of. My jaw pain also started on top of my migraines about 6 years ago. Popping of the jaw, swelling of the face, joint pain, fatigue of the jaw while eating, and pounding headaches consumed my days for the last 6 months to the point of barely able to function during the day. I searched for Jaw Pain options and found Dr Raman. I was hopeful after reading reviews, since most of them I could relate to. I gave them a call and Amy at the office was hopeful he could help me. I was welcomed and comfortable right away after meeting the staff. Dr Raman did more detailed testing as to why my problems were happening than anyone ever had before. He explained the results from testing and we began treatment with an orthotic. It has been ONE week since I received the orthotic and I am already having relief!!! I am not having pounding pressure on the sides of my head, my jaw pain for no reason and popping has stopped, I am starting to eat salads and normal food again, my brain fog has lifted, Im not as fatigued, and Im beginning physical therapy for my neck pain. I couldnt be happier after the first week and cant wait to see how I continue to feel. Instead of dreading everyday, I am looking forward to it. Dr Raman has truly saved my life!

Review №35

I have been a TMD patient of Dr. Raman since June of 2012 and so thankful with how great I now feel. After seeing multiple doctors, dentists, and oral surgeons I knew surgery wasn’t the route I wanted to take and didn’t want more medications to subdue my pain. I couldn’t believe how much Dr. Raman knew about my condition just from the consultation appointment. I was a little leery at first with braces and having had them already for 5 years if I really wanted to do that all over again. Everyday that goes by I’m so happy that I made the choice to move forward with what he thought was best and I’m now 90% pain free. It’s also nice to have 100% trust in who is working with your jaw. I would HIGHLY recommend giving Dr. Raman a chance to help you with your TMD problems; it’s not something you have to live with for the rest of your life.

Review №36

I have been a patient for over 15 years with Praabu and his wonderful team, and belive it or not, I do not fear going to the dentist!! The entire experience is what I expect, and the amount of pain I experience is normal for going to the dentist. The team wants to find out your problems and help you alleviate them.

Review №37

My wife had been suffering from severe jaw pain especially when trying to chew. For approximately 18 months we consulted with doctors and specialists to include, ENT, Dentist, Oral Surgeon, Rheumatologist, and Neurologists. She was diagnosed with arthritis, TMJ, Trigeminal Neuralgia, and Fiber Neuralgia and prescribed medications that were all ineffective and her pain continued to increase. She consulted a Pain Doctor for pain medication which gave only slight relief. She had lost 35lbs and was ready for a referral to Mayo Clinic when our Dentist suggested she first try Dr. Raman. She started seeing Dr. Raman last August and after completing his treatment has improved approximately 80-85%. All of the other diagnoses were obviously incorrect and she is working with her Primary Care Physician and specialists to reduce and stop all the unnecessary medications. She is taking less pain medications and has significantly improved her quality of life. She may never be 100% but continues to do her physical therapy to work towards that end. Dr. Raman understood her symptoms and communicated his diagnosis and treatment very well. He never promised any significant improvement only that he thought he understood her problems and could help. Dr. Raman and his staff were a pleasure to work and my wife has significantly improved her quality of life as a result.

Review №38

I was referred to Dr. Raman about a year and a half ago and the Raman Center has changed my life for the better. I have been battling jaw pain (TMJ) and migraines for over 10 years. I had been diagnosed with migraines and was told I would just have to deal with them as they come. My jaw popped every time I would open my mouth, chewing anything tough or sticky was painful and caused loud clicking noises as I chewed. I had been on meds that I had to take 2x a day for migraines for over 7 years and would even take ibuprofen daily, sometimes more than twice daily. I was basically killing my liver and body trying to get some relief from my pain. I had a constant lingering headache that would never go away along with a list full of other symptoms. Doctor after doctor told me this is just the way it would have to be for the rest of my life. I had been to multiple orthos and had multiple bite guards to try and suppress my TMJ. From the first appointment with Dr. Raman I knew things were different,. That my symptoms were actually treatable and I could live a normal, medication free life! My life has absolutely changed since becoming a patient with Dr. Raman, Melissa, and Amy at Midwest Headaches! They are so welcoming, caring and very knowledgable in everything they do. They honestly want the best for their patients and work with you to help you any way they can to help you achieve this!! I would recommend anyone who has any jaw pain, migraines or any symptoms to that extent to get a consultation with them! I honestly never thought my life would be headache free and i now have been for over a year! I am so thankful I was recommended to The Raman Center, they literally have saved my life!

Review №39

I have to admit I was skeptical at first. Ive had headaches and pain on the right side of my body for the last decade mixed with some anxiousness and irritability. And Ive been to a lot of doctors with no permanent solutions.However, when I did some background research, one dentist who has been in the practice for over 30 years said, I dont know the specifics of Dr. Raman does now with TMD, but I know that hes an extremely smart man.I also saw that Dr. Raman had a successful traditional dentistry prior to specializing in TMD. I also saw the held many esteemed positions throughout his years as a dentist, such as being the president of the KC dentist association.So I concluded that he was well-respected by his peers as well.And being in the sports coaching profession and having a little background in athletic development, his presentation on how jaw alignment can affect the rest of the body really hit home for me.Throughout the entire process, Amy, Melissa, and Dr. Raman all have been awesome. They truly care about you. Theyre quick to respond. They will talk to you out of office hours. They will get you in ASAP to fix any little issue that you may have. I cant say enough about how great the team is.It may sound kind of funny, but I forgot what pure joy felt like. After I had my orthotics put in, it was crazy. I just felt an overwhelming feeling of calmness. I dont think I can describe it. If somebody could have had me experience this calmness and sense of peace prior to the procedure and said This is going to be how youre going to feel after the procedure. I would have looked at them and said... What the heck was that. Did you give me some drugs or something? It felt great.I had forgotten what it felt like to feel at such peace internally, because my muscles have been constantly overworked and my body has been in flight or fight mode for over the past decade.. possibly longer.I was less irritable and anxious. And this resulted in better interactions with my family.From a physical standpoint, I felt instant relief in my shoulders, neck, back, my hips, etc.I didnt even realize how restricted my neck movement was. After the procedure, it felt so easy to see my blindspot when driving in the car.Prior to the procedure, I developed an aching pain in my hip... now its gone!When playing with my kid, I couldnt throw a ball overhand. My shoulder would make all sorts of crunchy noises and it hurt. After the procedure, it felt great.Also, listen to Dr. Ramans advice... we moved and I overworked myself... this caused a slight regression. He told me not do this from the start. I didnt listen as well as I should have. However, even with that slight regression, they are there to work with you to get things right again.To say that Im pleased and impressed is quite the understatement. Anybody that I hear complain about headaches, jaw pain, TMJ... I instantly refer Dr. Raman and his team.

Review №40

My name is Veronica Kelly and I live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. I travelled from Dubai to Kansas 3 months ago to receive treatment from Dr Raman for my chronic, un-relenting vertigo/headaches/neck and shoulder spasms, which I had suffered from for the last 5 years. How am I feeling now ????........100% healed ! 100% symptom free ! 100% relaxed and soooo happy. I only wish I had found Dr Raman 5 years ago. I held on to hope that I would find a solution one day and he was certainly that. Dr Raman has gave back my quality of life and I will always be eternally grateful to him, THANK YOU Dr Raman from the bottom of my heart. If any one reads this and suffers from Vertigo and Drs tell you just live with it please dont stop looking for the solution. Dr Raman did what many other Drs/ TMJ Dentists could not do, which is to stop my daily/weekly vertigo/headaches/neck and shoulder spasms. Not all Drs/Dentists are the same, Dr Raman is a testament to that. Myself and my Husband, Sam, travelled for 18 hours on two flights from Dubai to get to Dr Raman, thats how serious we were on finding The cure for my symptoms. Thank goodness the world has Drs like Dr Raman ( and his amazing team, lets not forget, wonderful invaluable Melissa and Amy ), who not only have the expertise but also the empathy and longing to actually help people. Please dont ever retire Dr Raman, the world needs you.

Review №41

Always a great job !!

30 Photos
4.8 Rating
  • Address:8612 N Oak Trafficway, Kansas City, MO 64155, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 816-436-4422
  • Cosmetic dentist
  • Dental clinic
  • Dentist
  • Orthodontist
Working hours
  • Monday:8am–5pm
  • Tuesday:8am–6pm
  • Wednesday:8am–5pm
  • Thursday:Closed
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:8am–6pm
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible toilet:Yes
  • Toilets:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
  • LGBTQ-friendly:Yes
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