7655 Five Mile Rd SUITE 117, Cincinnati, OH 45230, United States

Review №1

I have been dealing with the debilitating pain in my lumbar spine for 16 years. I have two previous procedures, hours of pt and numerous chiropractor visits but it only provided temporary relief or none at all. Prior to having stem cell procedure with Dr. Atluri I was taking 120mg of morphine daily and 20mg of Flexeril. This only masked the pain, and as time went on I built up a immunity to the opioids, in other words they no longer worked. I researched what else I could do and kept going back to Dr. Atluris homepage and was very intrigued and hopefull. I had my procedure barely 3 weeks ago and can honestly say the pain is already 60-70% better and I have already cut my opioids in half. Im beyond satisfied with the results so far and would highly recommend anyone suffering from pain to consider Dr. Atluri and his staff. He is beyond professional and courteous and has complete knowledge and experience in this field. There is no better way to heal your body then with your own body..

Review №2

After 2 spinal fusions, I could not walk more than 100 yards at a time without pain. The pain went to my SI joints after the fusions. After the stem cell injection of my own stem cells, I have improved tremendously. I used to be at a pain level of 8, and after about a month or so, it went down to a 4. I am now able to walk, stand and have a conversation without having to sit down. I am happy that I decided to have my stem cells cultivated and used in my back. After 18-19 months, still going well.

Review №3

Dr. Atluri provided excellent care through the entire process from the initial consultation through the procedure and follow-ups. I was facing a reality of not being able to horseback ride anymore because of the immense pain from a herniated L5/S1 disk. The bone marrow stem cell procedure from Dr. Atluris office has allowed me to continue my passion. Im easily riding without any pain 90% of the time, the other 10% theres a dull very minimal pain that I could easily ride through. I feel like this has given me my life back.

Review №4

I had stem cell injections for pain in my spine from damaged nerves from Muscular Dystrophy ( Charcot-Marie-Tooth). After recuperating my pain was greatly reduced and I do not suffer from the agonizing pain and discomfort. I recommend this treatment for anyone whose doctor says it could benefit.

Review №5

It is infrequent that a product or service works as well as advertised. Stemcures works exactly as advertised, perhaps even more so. I did intensive research on this place before contacting them. It is surprising to see all of the 5 star reviews and not think that these arent paid for. No one has paid me. I have not been coerced in any way, and still Ill tell you that this was the best decision of my life and it is what I consider to be a real life miracle.Im only 28 but I have degenerative disc disease, SI joint dysfunction, nerve damage of l5/s1, and spinal arthritis. Needless to say most of my time was spent on a walker for the past 3 years since I herniated the disc that gave me nerve damage. 2 months before I found stemcures a neurosurgeon told me I would never get better. The nerve damage was permanent. I couldnt exist without pain. When your nerve is hurt there isnt a single position you can get yourself into under God that will enable relief. It is enough to drive a person to insanity.Sounds like a mess. Im 6 weeks out and 85% better. I havent been on the walker for the past 3 weeks. Something to keep in mind is that healing isnt linear. I had bad days where I thought it didnt work. If youre having one of those days, follow the doctors instructions to the letter, and Im sure youll think differently in a month.My SI joint pain is 100% resolved. My arthritis and disc pain are 90% resolved. My nerve damage is about 80% resolved, but given how this is generally known to have no cure at all, that in and of itself is a miracle.The actual procedure was very painful for me and I came in and out of consciousness. Dont let this deter you from this procedure. Intense pain for a short time is worth going through than pain every day for the rest of your life. Ill also say that I would do this procedure again for double the pain and double the price, that is how much I believe in this.Im 28 and I was told I wouldnt get better. Im not married and I dont have kids and I resigned myself to believe that because of this disability I never would. Id never walk down an aisle without a walker. Id never be able to bend to pick up a child of my own off the ground. This procedure has given me possibilities again. Its given me my life back. Dont let fear and uncertainty prevent you from changing your life. Were different people when we live in pain. Do this for you.

Review №6

My Mother was treated well at Stem Cures. Before she had stem cell injections in her lumbar she was seeing a pain Dr. She was given nerve blocks because she was bone on bone. My mother couldnt walk ten feet with her walker without severe pain. She had three pain block injections but they had little effect. Thats when I found Stem Cures located in Cincinnati Ohio. Dr. Atluri preformed the procedure. Five days after the injections my mothers pain levels had dropped dramatically. Within four weeks the pain in her lumbar was gone. She no longer scooted her feet when she walked with the walker. She was now picking her feet up and walking. It was amazing. In just four short weeks my mother went from excruciating pain to no pain at all. I am impressed with stem cell procedures. It works!. It worked for my mother. I hope that someday soon insurance companies across the globe will recognize the importance of regenerative medicine to help those in need.SincerelyBob AlexanderNew Carlisle, Oh

Review №7

These people are amazing they care about you they will go the extra mile to understand your condition and they will do what they say they’re gonna do .I had a rotator cuff torn and a labrum torn and a little tendinitis in my joint in my shoulder and within four weeks I was swinging a golf club again thank you so much tri State pain management.

Review №8

At about age 32, I started suffering from lower back pain. It was typically a lingering soreness after doing projects around the house or physical activity with my kids. Over the next few years it progressed to the point where I had tried different pain medications and muscle relaxers. The next step was steroid injections. After 3 steroid injections, the condition kept worsening. Physical therapy was also a dead end. At age 35, it got so bad, I would occasionally stand up from a chair and fall to the ground from a sharp pain, unable to get up until I composed myself and rested for awhile. Three of my toes were numb all the time. Dr. Atluri had started doing stem cell injections around this time, and it sounded like a great solution for me, but I had hesitations due to the cost. Eventually, I came around and decided to take my life back. I scheduled the procedure for March 2018. I actually remember some of the procedure, and it was relatively comfortable except for a couple of the stem cell injection sites. The procedure was quick, but my recovery was not quite as fast as most. I was in quite a bit of pain the first week, then the second week I started to feel better. My progress was slow the first couple months. It was better than it was and I didnt have sharp debilitating pain anymore, but I was still sore. From about 3-5 months, I was 50% better, then Dr. Atluri told me to try physical therapy again. It was the same stuff I had done before, but this time, I felt immediate relief after going on the traction machine. After 3 sessions on the traction machine, I was 100% better. I give the stem cells 99% of the credit and the traction machine the last 1%. I have been 100% better for over 2 years now. I work hard on home improvement projects and I have 4 kids to keep up with. I went from barely being able to do anything to 0 limitations. I would do it again, and I recommend it to everyone I know who has back pain. I honestly feel like Ive been given a new life. To think back to where I was, I cant help but think of it as a miracle. In reality, Dr. Atluri is the best and he healed me! I cannot imagine a doctor having drastically changed more lives for the better.

Review №9

My mother (who is 85) had suffered from lower back pain for years with no successful relief from other treatments. I learned about stem cell therapy from my neighbor who had a stem cell injection in his back which virtually eliminated his pain. Based on his experience she decided to investigate the treatment with Dr. Alturi, who was extremely helpful in educating us on the procedure and benefits. After examination confirmed she was a candidate for the treatment. 6 weeks after the procedure her lower back pain has been significantly reduced, allowing her improved mobility and quality of life, and most importantly allowing her to enjoy her time more with her grandchildren. Stem cell therapy really works! I highly recommend anyone with back or joint pain to consult with Dr. Alturi to see if stem cell therapy can help you!

Review №10

I had my stem cell therapy and in less than a month, my pain level has diminished by 85% and my mobility is getting better everyday. I would do this therapy again in a heartbeat. My quality of life has greatly improved and I could not be happier with the service I received from Dr. Atluri and his marvelous staff. Just DO IT!!!

Review №11

I met with Dr. Atluri about stem cell injection for my spinal disc. I am a very active person and I had been dealing with degenerative disc disease which made it difficult to continue to be as active as I wished. I had explored epidural injections in the past and they only helped about 20% with the pain and after about 3 months the pain returned to normal. I had heard about Stem cell injections and the amount of success people were benefiting from this treatment. Dr. Atluri was one of the few Drs in town if not the only one that I could find that was currently practicing with Stem Cell injections into the disc.I met with Dr. Atluri and after the first consultation felt very confident in his practice. I scheduled to have the Stem cell injections back in November 2017. I was very pleased with his practice and felt confident with my choice in moving forward with the procedure. It is now over 90 days since my injection and I am happy to say that my body has responded to the injection tremendously. I have zero pain radiating down my legs, no numbing, and I have started back into an exercise program and training for cycling races once again, something i had to stop doing because of the pain prior to the injection. Stem Cell is the cutting edge for pain management and I am happy to say I am 90% pain free and still seem to be improving over time. I am very happy I made my decision move forward with Dr. Atluri as my Dr. I would recommend him and I have recommended him to others since my procedure.

Review №12

I was constantly looking for a seat. I couldn’t stand for long periods of time and I then couldn’t sit for long periods either. Regular house chores were difficult, I had to lean against the sink to do the dishes. Since the stem cell procedure everyday is better. I can do the dishes standing up and even vacuum with out a problem. My husband has noticed an improvement as well. My only wish is that I had done this sooner.

Review №13

I wish all doctors were like Dr. Atluri. He is passionate about what he does and he does it well. He listens and takes the time to understand his patients. I am so happy with the results and look forward to doing all the things I love to do. My back feels amazing after the stem cell procedure, and I know it will continue to get even better.

Review №14

I had lived for over 30 years in pain. It was consuming my life. I had tried epidurals and they didn’t work. I was constantly in pain. I was home bound and at my end. I was hopeful that stem cells would work as it was my last option. While setting up the procedure everyone was so kind, during the procedure I did not feel any pain, directly following the procedure I was in pain but Dr. Atluri made sure I was well medicated. I am now up to 80% better and I am back to my normal life.

Review №15

I had low back pain for 12 years, the pain level was constantly at a 10. Ive had epidurals, nerve blocks, radio frequencys, Ive tried pain medication, 3 attempts at the spinal cord simulator, 2 lumbar fusions, physical therapy, Ive seen 4 pain management doctors and have had chiropractic treatment I received little to no relief. I came to see Dr. Atluri in June to discuss the stem cell procedure, I had the procedure in August now I am basically medication free. If anything I take maybe 1 low dose of pain meds a week. Three days post procedure the severe groin pain was completely gone and hasnt returned since. I can sleep again with out getting up several times a night, my social life has improved, and I actually am enjoying being able to get on the floor with the grandchildren. I would 100% recommend this procedure to other patients and I have. I have even strongly considered getting another stem cell procedure on my knee as well. I was told by my Chiropractor that he believed I was a perfect candidate for stem cell, for that I will be forever grateful.

Review №16

Dr Atluri has worked with me for about three years regarding prior hip surgeries of both hips, two prior lower back surgeries, one left total knee reconstruction, and one left shoulder reconstruction.When Dr Atluri got more involved with my back due to the prior surgeries he suggested that I have the stem cell procedure done which it has been a blessing. After 9 weeks I have gone from a wheelchair to walking on my own, he is the best!!!!

Review №17

I feel 100% better since I had the stem cell procedure at T9. Dr. Atluri has always taken excellent care of me and this has been no exception. I’ve had pain at T9 for at least 5 years. I was at a pain level 9/10 all the time and now my pain is at a 2. It’s been a miracle for me. I highly recommend this procedure to anyone who’s able to get it done.

Review №18

My 87-year-old mother has suffered with severe back pain for over 20 years from arthritis and severe disc degeneration in her lower spine. We tried radio frequency ablation but it did nothing but cause more pain. She did not want to spend the rest of her life hooked on painkillers. I can only call it the miraculous answer to a prayer that I found out about Dr. Atluri on an internet search. His experience and medical background gave us confidence to have a consultation. Meeting him exceeded ALL expectations. Not only is he supremely knowledgeable about all things stem cells, but his kindness and attentiveness to my mother was extraordinary. She had her stem cell injections two weeks ago and the results are beyond amazing. She already feels 80% pain free and gets better every day. I know Ive already used the word miracle but we truly never expected she would be without pain after all these years. An amazing experience from start to finish; I highly recommend that you get a consultation to see for yourself. This works!

Review №19

Had severe sciatic pain down leg in 2018. Had surgery in 2018, which only worked temporarily. Met Dr Atluri in who explained the benefits of using my own Stem Cells to treat my pain. Did the Stem Cell Therapy in Nov 2019. Within 2 weeks, I was totally pain free with ZERO pain. This is the first time in 2 years that I have been pain free. Needless to say - I am blown away by the results. I went from not being able to stand for more than 15 minutes, to having zero pain and being able to be active again. I would HIGHLY recommend meeting with Dr Atluri if you are in any pain at all.

Review №20

I wish this procedure had been around 20 years ago when my low back problems began, maybe they wouldnt be so bad now. But the procedure still provided some pain relief for me! The constant ache is still constant but much lower level, the down-the-leg pain and weakness is much better also, overall Id say Im about 70% better!

Review №21

As someone who has dealt with lower back pain for the past 3-4 years, I have gone through multiple different treatment and therapy plans, but none has been as effective as the Stem Cure therapy. In just a month I have seen my loan go from constant to nearly gone. This has made everyday life and athletic activities, including lifting and running, manageable. I would most definitely recommend the procedure to anybody dealing with lower back pain.

Review №22

I have been seeing Dr. Atluri for a while getting Steroid injections for temporary relief. I then decided to get the stem cell procedure which was the best decision I could have made. I felt everything was explained very well, the procedure went very well and I am now pain fee in my back and was able to resume a normal lifestyle.

Review №23

When I came to Dr. Atluri I had been having low back pain for over 15 yrs that affected my everyday life. There was nothing I tried that really helped and believe me if it was out there I tried it, it all just helped temporarily. I decide after seeing Dr. Atluri to go with the stem cells in my low back and I have not regretted my decision at all. Honestly its the best money I have ever spent, it gave me my life back. I am able to workout and do so many things I was unable to do before. My pain is at least 90% better than before the procedure. I would highly recommend the procedure to anyone who has been missing out on life due to back pain.

Review №24

I started seeing Dr Atluri in 2001 for low back pain, over the course of the years he has used every treatment available to relief. I had the stem cell procedure for the pain in my low back and legs. Prior to the procedure my pain level was at a 10 everyday, since the procedure I am at least 85% better. I was given a 50/50 chance that the stem cell procedure would work due the damage in my spine but it did work. that’s why I call it a miracle. I can now sleep through the night, I am more outgoing and I’m happier. I have and will continue to recommend Dr. Atluri to others.

Review №25

Dr Atluri saved me from overload of knee surgery!As a scientist I tend to make my decision very analytically. After talking to my doctors, trainers, and Dr Atluri, it was clear to me what path I needed to choose when I tore my knee meniscus and injured my second knee - learnt from my past experience. When my first knee had the same issue, I got the recommendation to go through surgery which I did but it did not repair the knee, it simply cleaned it out. And it took more than a year to heal with a new normal of loosing sensation in parts of my knees and still having pain with certain movements. After my second injury, it was clear from my trainers experience with Stem cell treatment that it was the path I wanted to take. Stem cell treatment takes similar or less time than knee surgeries to relieve pain. However, it is a more natural and less invasive way to solve the issue using your own bone marrow and injecting it in the bones in addition to the cartilage. It took me just a couple of days to recover from this treatment over surgery which took 3 months to recover for basic functions. I am almost 100% back in flexibility and 90% better on pain. A much better outcome than a knee surgery which always needs to be repeated in the future. I wish I was back to normal doing my running, hiking, golfing. But going to work, riding my bike, and cooking for the family are no longer an issue (after 3-6 months of treatment). I am hoping to be back to golfing next spring and some hiking next year! I wonder why the insurance companies do not support stem cell treatment, as it is cheaper and easier on the patient. The orthopedic surgeries and hospitals need to be disrupted with stem cell treatment where all patients can access this less invasive treatment with faster recovery and better results.

Review №26

After many years of back pain, an MRI and X-Ray ordered by my neurosurgeon showed scoliosis and deteriorating discs and arthritis. My lifestyle was compromised and I couldn’t sleep at night due to intense pain when turning positions. Wanting to avoid major surgery, I thoroughly researched different stem cell procedures and determined that Dr. Atluri’s credentials were above and beyond in this pioneering field. I had Dr. Atluri perform the stem cell procedure at the end of July and I am back to living an active lifestyle free from the excruciating pain I was accustomed to. Dr. Atluri is a kind and professional physician who listens to his patients and is compassionate about the stem cell procedure which he is so excellently qualified and skilled at.

Review №27

I had been seeing Dr. Atluri for back pain for years One day I was in the office for another back pain visit and he mentioned about a new procedure called Stem Cell Replacement Therapy. After listening to what all was involved and not wanting to go through surgery I decided to give it a try. After the procedure as time progressed I started feeling better day by day. Its now been a year and I feel this procedure has helped me more than I could of anticipated.

Review №28

I have had 3 lower spine surgeries over 8 years. Id always rejected any hardware installed in my back. The recent one did not significantly relieve the pain. I learned that Dr. Atluri was doing stem cell injections directly into the bone (vs joints) of the affected spinal area. It only took about a month to achieve almost 100% pain elimination. Ive always exercised regularly and now I can do anything without thinking about pain. Especially bicycling.

Review №29

I was told by the Doctor who specializes in hand and wrist issues that I would need a wrist fusion. Dr. Arluri spent considerable time to review and assess my situation before suggesting a stem cell injection. The results have been absolutely amazing. I am to resume my active lifestyle without significant pain. Dr. Arluris attention to my situation has allowed me to be virtually pain free and to avoid major surgery.

Review №30

I went to Dr. Atluri after being in severe hip pain for the past eight months. I was scheduled for hip replacement surgery in August. I had the stem cell procedure less than three weeks ago and my pain level is down 80 percent and have since cancelled the surgery. I started working out again and walking normal. I can not say enough good things about this process. No one knows how long it will last but the decrease in pain has been amazing.

Review №31

I had suffered from back pain for years, every day my pain level was close to a 9-10. I had seen other Doctors and Dr Atluri was over the most positive and hopeful. Six weeks from the stem cell procedure my pain level is maybe a 2-3 and I am hopeful it will continue to get better over time. I have had a very positive experience and I would recommend Dr. Atluri.

Review №32

I was skeptical at first but after reviewing my options, this was the least invasive. I had the procedure and have had amazing results. I would recommend this procedure to anyone in pain. I suffered from constant nagging lower back pain and now the pain is intermittent at its worst. I am pleasantly surprised and spend most days not thinking about my lower back. Dr. Atluri seems to be a leading innovator in his field, and I would recommend him above others for his obvious knowledge/expertise.

Review №33

I have been seeing Dr. Atluri for just over a year for chronic thoracic pain and I cannot say enough great things about him. Before seeing Dr. Atluri, I had tried every conventional treatment, including physical therapy, chiropractic, sports med doctors and even laser spine surgery-even radio frequency ablation did not work. Then Dr. Atluri performed the stem cell procedure and the results have been life-changing. Three months after the procedure I am back to full activity-working out, playing piano, training my dogs-pain free! If you have back pain, you owe it to yourself to see Dr. Atluri-I drove all the way from Dayton and Im glad I did. His staff is amazing, as well.

Review №34

I had sever back pain and then had stem cell injection done on my back by Dr. Atluri. It has help SO much that I would tell everyone to consider having it done. I can do so much more now.

Review №35

I had stem cell therapy done on my right knee. Prior to that I was looking at knee replacement surgery. Following Dr Atluri‘s treatment I have experienced over 80% relief of pain in my right knee and if things go well I may be able to avoid knee replacement altogether. I would highly recommend Dr Atluri and his service and staff are extremely professional. This is a great alternative to traditional knee replacement surgery. I didn’t have nearly the downtime that would’ve been involved with knee replacement surgery. Thank you Dr Atluri you provided me great relief and I highly recommend your services.

Review №36

I have had severe pain for 20 years and I had the stem cell injections, Dr. Atluri said that I had the worst spin hed ever seen, it took about 6 months to get to 80% relief. After the stem cells I can continue working and go places like the zoo and walk for several hours which i couldnt do before, I would have had to use a wheel chair. I would recommend this procedure and i would do it again.

Review №37

I have suffered through chronic pain in my lower back for decades. The stem cell procedure was completed just six weeks ago and now I have experienced numerous days where I am free of pain. The results from this procedure are amazing and I will recommend it to anyone that is experiencing pain.

Review №38

I suffered from low back pain for years, I got to the point that I was unable to hike which is my favorite past time. After the stem cell procedure I was able to resume traveling and do all of the things I love to do. I would definitely recommend.

Review №39

I have had back pain from an injury I had in 1900 while lifting a table. I have had three back procedures, the last of which was a fusion. This worked for about a year then I was back to daily pain. It affected me taking care of my kids, working, doing housework, and traveling. I was on opioids and had numerous injections from Dr. Atluri. I hated the pills and the injections were painful and only lasted a month or so. Then Dr. Atluri talked to me about the stem cell procedure. I looked at his website, talked to my husband who is a physician and finally decided to go forward. Today, eight months later I am 90% better! I can walk five miles at time, play with my grandkids and work. I am basically “cured” I would recommend this procedure to anyone who is experiencing this sort of chronic pain because it will change your life dramatically.

Review №40

I had stem cell injection done on my back 3 months ago by Dr. ATLURI and it has made a world of difference in my life. I would recommend it to anyone who has pain anywhere. Dr.. Atluri is the best. Go see him!

Review №41

I was in a lot of pain before the procedure. Dr. Atluri explained what was going to happen so I was not so nervious.Now I have very little pain in my legs and my back is much better also. Would highly recommend having the stem cell procedure done.Well worth it !

Review №42

I have been coming to Dr. Atluri for years for pain management for my back. Painful herniated discs.When I learned this year, Dr. Atluri was offering the stem cell treatment, I was very interested in trying this healthy alternative.Before the treatment, I was unable to walk at the end of the day. Was not able to exercise the way I used to. Not able to travel without pain.Then I decided to have the stem cell treatment.I am so much better!Thank you, Dr. Atluri!

Review №43

I was in a lot of pain and experienced depression for the first time in my life due to my back pain. Dr. Atluri made my life so much better. Everyone at work says its amazing to see me back to being my old self and without pain. In less that one month after the procedure I went from having pain every time I moved to being able to resume my life and do every thing I want to do.

Review №44

Dr.atluri has been the most kind pain management dr. He alway makes sure Im healthy and pain free. My pain was in my lower back and right hip. the disc at L5 S1 was damaged and very painful as well as my right hip at my SI joint. this procedure has given me 90% and getting better of no pain.i am back to work and my life style has mad me feel young and pain free. After 17 years of pain this experience has been one of the best things I have ever done. I have and will continue to tell all the people I know that have pop pain to strongly think about getting this done with Dr. Atluri. it has truly been a miracle for me.

Review №45

I have had back pain for over 25 years. It has slowly been degrading. The past year the pain had gotten much worse to the point of any activity would cause we to be laid up in pain everyday after work with ice and therapy trying to calm it. I was losing hope and was guided to see Dr. Atluri. This along has given me my life back by using my very own body to heal myself. If I would have known the results that I feel today I would have had the surgery instantly.

Review №46

Dr. Atluri has been my Dr. for many years and I have struggled with low back pain from a unnecessary spine surgery. After many different treatments over the years. I found the greatest relief from the stem cell treatment. I would absolutely do this procedure again, given the results I have had.

Review №47

I struggled with severe hip pain for years before hearing about Dr. Atluri an the stem cell procedure from my brother. He was on morphine for 14 years with severe back pain, had the stem cell procedure performed by Dr. Atluri and was without pain and off the medication totally in 6 months. So I followed in his footsteps and had the procedure on my hip. I am now able to do all things I used to be able to do and have little to no pain after only 4 months. I will be off the pain meds Ive been on for 7 years by year end.

Review №48

Ive been suffering from back pain for almost 10 years. It has effected my home life as well as work life. I have seen numerous doctors with no results. I came to Dr. Atluri and he suggested this stem cell procedure. I decided to try it and wow, wish I had did this 10 years ago. The pain is completely gone. No pain pills to get through the day and no more painful shots.

Review №49

Most of my adult life Ive had back pain. After two back surgeries my spinal doctor said he could not help me anymore. I found Dr. Atluri and in the six weeks since my procedure Im 80% pain free. When I thought I was there was no hope, Dr Atluri gave me my life back. Do not give up hope.

Review №50

My son had chronic back pain which prevented him from participating in normal high school activities and often he had difficulty walking more than 30 yards at a time without pain. He had tried deep tissue massage, chiropractic, acupuncture, cortisone injections, stim therapy, inversion table, spinal decompression...every day he was in some office for some type of therapy. No one would consider surgery due to his age, he was 17. When he turned 18 he went to the Laser Spine Institute in hopes of getting something done. They said they couldnt help him and referred him to Dr. Atluri......what a BLESSING. At his first visit, Dr. Atluri told him he felt he would be a great candidate for stem cell and spent weeks answering Calebs questions to ease his concerns. Caleb had stem cell done in August 2017 and has been relatively pain free. He was even able to participate in his senior year of basketball.

Review №51

I was suffering from severe pain in both shoulders due to arthritis. Luckily I consulted Dr Atluri in April 2019. Dr Atluri’s stem treatment on my left shoulder on April 29th and right shoulder on July 1st, changed my life style. The stem procedures completely eliminated the pain in weeks and avoided an immediate need for shoulder replacement. I definitely recommend Dr Atluri to anyone suffering from similar issues in spine, shoulders, knees or hips. I give him 5 stars for his expertise as well as his office staff at Cincinnati, OH office, for their professionalism and service.

Review №52

I have had back pain for 10 years and had cortisone shots, nerve ablation and only got temporary relief. Dr. Atluri performed The Stem Cell procedure on my back March 4th and I am at 80% and moving forward. I can go up and down steps, mow grass and walk without limping. These are things I was not able to do anymore. I would do the stem cell again! It’s so worth having your life back!

Review №53

I came to Dr. Atluri after months of severe neck pain. I had tried physical therapy, steroids, and shots but the pain was not going away. He talked with me about the stem cell therapy, and I decided to try it. After 2-3 weeks, I was almost pain-free and finally getting my life back. I highly recommend this treatment!

Review №54

Before I came to see Dr. Atluri I was suffering from extreme pain and I had lost all hope. Since then, the fantastic stem cell procedures have given me a big part of my life back. I had stem cell procedures done on both my back and knee. After the knee procedure I was driving and getting around within 4 days. I was able to resume my activities a lot sooner than expected. I would highly recommend Dr. Atluri to help manage your pain as I am 90% better overall.

Review №55

I came in for neck and shoulder pain, before the stem cell procedure I was constantly in pain after I was in a car accident. After the procedure I am at least 80% better, I can enjoy activities and play with my grandson . I would definitely recommend the stem cell procedure especially before trying surgery.

Review №56

Dr. Atluri has helped givin my life back! My back pain is almost completely gone. Would recommend this procedure to anyone experiencing back pain

Review №57

I have had a wonderful experience with Dr. Atluri he has been very informative and he cares about all of your needs. Ive had knee pain for over 15 years.I thought it was due to a uni-spacer i had put in, but come to find out it was servere arthuritus on my knee and knee cap. Since the stem cell injections I have had no pain on this knee. Its unbelievable that such a procedure could have such great results. I highly recommend Dr. Atluris expertise.

Review №58

I recently had my 2nd procedure of stem cell injections by Dr. Atluri. We did 2 areas. Repair of a torn medius glutinous muscle and arthritis in my hip. They have made a major improvement in my day to day life. Procedure wasnt really painful and the day after I was back to my daily life. I highly recommend Dr. Atluri.

Review №59

Dr Atluri is great! This has been an absolute miracle for my wife and myself!

Review №60

The stem cell proceedure I received from Dr. Atluri has solved my knee problem to the tune of 75% and has removed the need for a knee replacement!

Review №61

After having gone through all of the usual treatments for my back issues, Dr. Atluri suggested stem cell therapy might be able to help. He was correct. The difference after just one month was astounding. I have two kids that are both heavily into sports, and for almost two years, I had been unable to play and practice with them. One month after my stem cell treatment I was out hitting grounders to my daughter and throwing the football around with my son. This therapy gave me my life back. I am so grateful to Dr. Atluri and his staff for everything they have done for me.

Review №62

Dr. Atluri did a stem cell injection on my lower back ( facet joints ) on July 9th. Since that time I probably have about 75% improvement in my back pain within about 6 weeks. Prior to the stem cell injection I had failed three steroid injections and multiple oral medications. This procedure has returned some of my daily functioning and improved my pain levels. I would recommend him as a provider if you are battling daily pain.

Review №63

Dr. Atluri is the best! After 30 years of pain I am pain free!

Review №64

I had a hip labral tear, a gluteus medius tear, and extreme pain just trying to walk. After several visits with an orthopedist, 2 MRIs, 3 rounds of physical therapy, and a cortisone shot, my pain was increasing and made worse by any kind of physical exertion. I felt like my life was slipping away. The next step was labral surgery, which did not look promising.Instead, I had Dr. Atluri perform stem cell and amniotic fluid injections. I waited three months to post this review because I wanted to make sure that the improvements were not temporary.Today, I can report that I am much better and continuing to improve. I have my life back. I can ride bikes and my horse! I can clean the basement and I enjoy cooking again. More exercise helps rather than hurts. I recently went two days without even thinking about my hip. I still have some days where I am sore-ish, but even on my worst day, I am 60-70% better than before the injections. On my best day, 99% better.Thank you, Dr. Atluri. I knew by the excitement in your voice that you knew this would work, even if you couldnt make any promises. You gave me my life back, and I promise to enjoy it to the fullest. Every day is a gift again.All My Best,Christy Cooper

Review №65

My Stem Cell procedure was like a God send to me after struggling to walk and sleep at night from a failed back fusion. After the Stem Cell injection I slept through the night and can walk distances with little or no discomfort.

Review №66

I had been suffering from chronic lower back pain for six years. After several months of Physical Therapy, six to seven months of Chiropractic care, four spinal blocks and finally a Rhizotomy (injection to kill the nerves around my degenerative discs) which was to last three to five years and that resulted in about six months of relief before the chronic pain returned. All the while I was taking six Vicodin (10-325) a day over this six year period. Due to tighter regulations on Doctors prescribing Opioids I was thankfully referred to a Pain Mgmt. Specialist by my Family Dr.With me working in southwestern Ohio I chose a Dr in the Cincinnati area. Dr Atluri. I had a consultation with him and he told me we wouldnt reinvent the wheel and he suggested that I get the Stem Cell replacement. I felt I had nothing to lose and was willing to try it for two reasons. 1-to be pain free and 2-to get off of the Opioids and have a much better quality of life. Here I am now, six weeks post procedure and I am at least 90% pain free and began the weaning process off the pain medication. Anyone with back pain may I recommend Dr Atluri. I must say one of the best things I liked about the Dr, was the time he spent with me before and after the procedure during the consultation and the follow up appointments. He answered all of our questions and my wife and I were treated as people and not just a number so he could get to the next patient. I wouldnt want to leave out his staff from the front desk to the nurses working by his side, they all are truly amazing and kind people.

Review №67

I have been a patient of Dr. Sairam Atluri since 2009.Over the course of those years I have had several different procedures for back pain. I started getting Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections, and was getting those a maximum of 6 times a year. Eventually the injections were not helping my pain. I had also received radiofrequency neurotomy for Facet Joint pain. In 2016 my husband and I discussed the possibility of the Stem Cell procedure (StemCures) which Dr. Atluri recommended and would possibly be available in the near future.In October or 2017 I had a follow-up appointment and was excited to learn that Dr. Atluri was screening patients for this procedure. I was thrilled to learn I would be a good candidate and after the MRI screening I scheduled the StemCell procedure for March of 2018. I have had such great success, its hard to believe that this 70 year-old body can do things that were not possible 10 years ago.Prior to the Stemcures I had difficulty standing for more than a few minutes, or walking more than a 1/4 mile. Since the therapy I am happy to say I have improved by a minimum of 80%. There is really nothing I cant do.I would highly recommend this procedure by Dr. Atluri, for anyone who is suffering from low back pain due to spinal stenosis, arthritis, sacroiliac joint pain and or degenerative disc disease.

Review №68

Nine years of low back pain eliminated with a 15 minute stem cell procedure.For years I tried different meds, injections, acupuncture, daily yoga, physical therapy, massage therapy and even a few unconventional approaches.When I met Dr.Atluri, I was relieved he never tried to dismiss me with an uncertain autoimmune disorder as other medical professionals had. Once a treatment did not produce the intended result, he tried another.Because he had made the greatest impact in my pain management, my husband and I were immediately open to the idea of a stem cell procedure.We did hours and hours of research and could not find any negative consequences tied to using my own stem cells to heal my spine. My husband is an engineer, so he had what seemed like 100 questions that were all answered. For me it was an easier decision, because I had experienced 1st-hand Dr. Atluris passion for making patients pain free. His enthusiasm for using a method that could bring permanent healing gave me hopeful excitement.I would sincerely pay 3 times the amount of the procedure to be where I am today. No more feeling like there is a hatchet in my back when I lie down to sleep. If your suffering, do yourself a favor and schedule an appointment with Dr. Atluri. I have no regrets - only 100% healing in the treatment area of my low back.

Review №69

Things went well but it is still a little early in the process.

Review №70

Dr Atluri describe everything in detail what he was doing, I didnt have much pain after first day.I feel 100% better and I find myself telling everyone to come get this done.well worth it

Review №71

Update: 3 years later and I feel like a whole new me. I can’t believe it worked after many years in pain for no reason. Thank you so much.After many chronic pain issues and procedures on my spine area my chiropractor referred me to this great Doctor, Dr.Atluri. The doctor suggested that i get a different procedure done this time to help me find some final relief. I was skeptical because I had been suffering for about 4-5 years. I was running out of choices and assumed i was meant to suffer since i had been to 3 doctors already. Dr. Atluri performed the Stem Cell procedure with a great bedside manner and to my surprise i am pain free. This is only one month later! I am so happy and amazed at what my body was capable of. My stem cells came from my bone marrow and were inserted in my lumbar area. I can now get out of bed without being worried if i will be in pain or limited on my activities. I was on a few different pain meds that i no longer depend on. Thank you so much Dr.Atluri for doing what you love and helping me. If you are unsure please see Dr.Atluri for a consultation, he is the best!

Review №72

Lots of pain the first week but totally worth it in the long run

Review №73

Good experience.

25 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:7655 Five Mile Rd SUITE 117, Cincinnati, OH 45230, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 513-624-7525
  • Doctor
  • Medical clinic
  • Medical Center
Working hours
  • Monday:8am–4pm
  • Tuesday:8am–4pm
  • Wednesday:8am–4pm
  • Thursday:8am–4pm
  • Friday:8am–4pm
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
Health and safety
  • Appointment required:Yes
  • Mask required:Yes
  • Temperature check required:Yes
  • Staff wear masks:Yes
  • Staff get temperature checks:Yes
  • Staff required to disinfect surfaces between visits:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible toilet:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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