Palo Verde Behavioral Health
2695 N Craycroft Rd, Tucson, AZ 85712, United States

Review №1

I was in there during the month of June for less then a week. I gain so much from having the time to focus on my personal trauma and depression. The staff wasn’t the best at every moment but, what stood out to me most were all the compassionate therapists and two very specific people one being a tech and a nurse. Jośe was so nice and didn’t just treat you as if you were some one beneath him. He joked and helped a lot of us not feel so terrible for being there. Helpful and so very accommodating. Then the nurse Nicole who was the over night nurse she was outstanding. When I was admitted here she did my intake and she made me feel safe and not alone, she always was in a great mood even dealing with not the greatest circumstances. I’m glad I was there. I’m glad I know where to go when I feel like I can’t go anymore. Not everyone is perfect but, these two staff members went out of there way to make you feel safe and as comfortable as they could. Thank you for being a staff member there.

Review №2

Former PatientI would describe Palo Verde as the lesser of two evils between Sonora etc. The bathrooms were appalling, the food was subpar and the majority of staff were incompetent and inept. The staff including but not limited to, Techs & Nurses were remarkably passive aggressive, insensitive and abrasive towards the patients and even each other. A few being far worse than others would enact their personal vendettas on certain patients they did not favor. They had let two of the patients fraternize, exchange social media ie personal information and share sexual remarks. It was very uncomfortable for me and the other patients whom had spoke out. The treatments were very ineffectual and some being completely inappropriate for the setting. I wouldn’t spend even another second more there than I’d had to. This facility, both treatment and staff, felt like high school with the staff making snide comments, whispering, giggling and encouraging cliques amongst the patients. For the high price, I’d expect much better care but maybe this review will be the reason you won’t attempt.

Review №3

Hello,I did not enjoy my stay here. The staff was cold and uncaring to the patients. They had no interest in the well being and mental health of their patients. All of their treatments were ineffective and a waste of time for everyone involved. This facility’s primary strategy was to blame their patients for their mental health issues and expected you to just get better. The food was okay. The pricey treatment was in itself a significant problem as well, especially for such little help it provided. Please, spare yourself the anguish; do NOT come here. Also, do not tell me to comment on your website, I already did.Best regards,Concerned Patient~Edit:Palo Verde Behavioral Health has not responded to my complaint on their website.Another disappointment.

Review №4

Awful. Ive been two times and the place is filthy, staff is rude, and it took me 5-6 hours in the waiting room both visits just to get into the actual hospital. Do not recommend.

Review №5

Christi or however u spell it (night shift) has no reason to be so rude. shes grown. she should learn to act like it.

Review №6

My stay here was awesome ! Every staff member and nurse was great and nice. They really care about you as a patient! Highly recommend!

Review №7

My child came here and since going. He has not received his clothes. Been wearing the same clothes he came in with. The staff all seem very rude. I wish I would have looked it up before I agreed to let my child be sent here!!!

Review №8

Food was the only silver lining to this place but majority of the staff were nurse ratchet carbon copies lacking any human empathy some would even try to provoke for their own amusement and they could totally get away with it .

Review №9

If you value your life or the life of a loved one, do not utilize this hospital for any services!!

Review №10

I used to consider this the best hospital in town. No more. Their doctors are shaming and abusive. I have always been given proper medication for withdrawals, and it has worked. I have horrible chronic pain. When I kept mentioning this to my doctor and the nurses, I was only offered tylenol and given a shaming look from their eyes as a drug seeker. I will never go here again by choice.

Review №11

Called seeking help with anxiety,depression and other symptoms of mental health issues only to be told that they cannot assist me on an individual basis.. that they do not provide help with case management or medication. This is the 3rd mental health provider that Ive called in Tucson. They ask what I need help with and then deny me by telling me about a bunch of services they do not offer rather than telling me what they do help with. This is a 24/7 facility that does very little to help its clients.

Review №12

I was there for 8 days it was a good experience, but one of the staff caused many problems with people. Made people have many PTSD panic attacks. And was very rude, please remember theres some people who are suicidal and that could send them over the edge.

Review №13

I am here once again to say This place is good make me no longer dead inside because inside there it’s so dead it make me live you can’t control me baby stomp. I’m a pretty little boy with a large... heart

Review №14

I was at Palo verde for about 8 days and I had an awesome experience! The techs and nurses were great and very sweet, kind, and caring. Special shout-out to Vanessa (day shift), Joe, Josh, Ally, Seth and Kimberly! They were very understanding and funny. They definitely helped me out a lot and made me feel safe and happy again. I almost didn’t want to leave lmao. I recommend going there or taking a loved one to Palo Verde. I just really hope Machete guys doesn’t get admitted 😅

Review №15

I called to ask for help regarding anxiety and depression. The front desk was RUDE. she was not sincere in her voice, she did not want to help me. LET IT BE KN0WN, THAT COULD BE SOMEONES BREAKING POINT! i am mind blown at her attitude and behavior. If I had the wrong contact, advise me to call someone else. mental health is crucial. she should not be in this field if she cant or wont HELP SOMEONE!! just wow.....

Review №16

All the staff is great especially Vanessa S Josh is OKYou can’t control meI am a little boyNo longer want death

Review №17

I want to share a recent disturbing, humiliating, and dehumanizing experience at Palo Verde Behavioral Health.I was looking for outpatient therapy and I chose Palo Verde from a list on my insurance company’s website. I called and asked to make an appointment for outpatient therapy and they told me I had to come in for an intake appointment.I went to a walk-in intake appointment at the location on Craycroft Road. I was taken back to speak with the intake person. Very quickly it was obvious that they did not offer what I was looking for – outpatient talk therapy for depression and anxiety issues meeting once every two weeks or so. I got up to leave and the door to the outside was locked. The intake person said she had to talk to her boss and disappeared inside another locked door.I knocked on the door and demanded to be allowed to leave. I felt like I had just been arrested. I used angry language and the boss told me he could have me admitted to the hospital for speaking to him like that.I have had depression and anxiety since my early teens. I have been in and out of therapy over a 35 year period and I have never before been treated like a prisoner. In any other situation, the provider would have said, “Please have a seat in the waiting room for five minutes while we finish with your paperwork,” and I would have said yes since it’s a reasonable request. The staff at Palo Verde treated me like a prisoner for the sake of paperwork. If they are this threatening, abusive, and heavy handed at an intake appointment for outpatient therapy, I fear for the patients that they legitimately have in their custody.

Review №18

Give vanessa a promotion when?

Review №19

Palo Verde was a good experience I guess you can say. Idk what to say about a mental hospital. But I was there for 25 days. The staff were very good to me. Chelsea and Vanessa S. I would say we’re very helpful and respectful techs. Nurse Jo and Nurse Kim. Larry and Dylan. So many good working staff members. Came to work as if they wanted to be there. Joked around and made everyone feel like it was okay to be there. It’s hard to explain. I wouldn’t say they “fixed” me there. But they help.

Review №20

I was there for 45 days. pretty sick. the staff are pretty good except for mike. the fries are bomb. i received really good treatment there. they were really nice and supportive there. Vanessa (day shift), Tenae, Jose, Seth (mR MANNNN), Larry, Trent, Stephanie (art therapist), Caitlyn (therapist or something), Nathan (social worker dude), Michael, Vanessa (night shift), Noel, cHELSEA, Christina, and Kim were all really awesome! Especially Stephanie, Larry, Caitlyn, Jose, Seth, Tenae, and day shift Vanessa. Love them ^^ also i just wanted to mention that I was having a really bad night one time and Jose handled it really well and helped me out and it really meant a lot. Stephanie, Caitlyn and both Vanessas went above and beyond. I really appreciate everyones care over me. I still use some techniques from there. Caitlyn leads the best meditations. Stephanie was so encouraging and supportive. Vanessa told me how thing were, and it helped give me a different point of view and i have mad respect for her. I would definitely recommend this place for a friend struggling or something.

Review №21


Review №22

Terrible experience. I chose to go to Palo Verde for mental health help and received the opposite. I now have to get counseling for trauma. They put high functioning people with low functioning people. multiple times i woke up to someone that was not my room mate or staff in my room as well as male patients in the female hallway which is supposed to not be allowed while i was changing. I would never ever recommend this place to anyone unless you want to make your mental health worse. they also sent me to the CRC when i first went in where i was treated like a criminal. overall 0/10. also terrible food for anyone who has dietary issues even being lactose intolerant, they call a single piece of lunch meant between two pieces of bread of meal. i could write a review on each staff member on how terrible they treated everyone other than larry, vanessa(day staff) and ally.

Review №23

I believe Palo Verde really helps people that are going through crisis. People that complaint are doing so maybe because they were not allowed to isolate in their rooms. Staff is really kind and knowledgeable. The therapeutic groups are very useful. I highly recommend this hospital.

Review №24

This hospital is good for caring for patients their way but they dont respond messages to the next of kin they have you call continuous until you become irritated. If your patient is switched to medication they dont even inform you so read all paperwork. As well for tops if the patient has diabetes their diet is horrible. My sugars were at the 300s to 400s. The patients are allowed to eat everything thats bad for their health. The staff needs more communication among each other. Recently I was there again due to change and not monitored enough days. So of course I was going to end up back in. As well for tops the front desk receptionist needs back up. She is rude to people coming in for any reason they have. I reccomend two receptionists so the elder receptionist gets a break and doesnt respond so rude. ThanksOn response to this. I cannot post my phone number publicly but you do have it in my records. My lawyer as well told me I have the right to post the truth. This place screwed up my meds the first time and I had to go a second time. I was only there for 3 days the first time and the doctor believed I felt better in 3 days so I was free to go but at home I started hearing things because a medication I took for many years was removed and mostly sedated with trazadone. Its a joke there. Trazadone is for depression and it helps insomnia so they mostly kept me sleepy but I was not getting better. I was discharged because they dont want to deal with patients and of course the patient is going to say yes he feels better. The doctors are always in such a hurry they overlook things. There is no more concern over patients. Its mostly a position for every person that they dont even like, so it gets ALL staff there moody and they take it up on the patients family when they call to try to find out about you. The receptionist, nurses, and social workers answer with the nastiest tone in their voice even to people that are new in the area to this hospital. Just a reminder we are not all Tucsonens! Please use respect on how you talk with public that recently started living in Tucson to better the life of their loved one! Another recent hospitalization discharge was screwed up as well. They discharge me at 1:30pm. and the driver took me to all the different old Apartment addresses they had on the paperwork! Anything could have happened to me if I was left at any of those places.WTH! They dont even update their paperwork. Finally he could not find my home so even if I gave them the address with trouble due to my illnesses. The driver not the hospital ever called my wife. They end up taking me to my program. My program then calls my wife. Of course she was very upset! So she picks me up from my program. She called my advocate and Jenny who supposedly is like a director at the hospital but will see how this person will respect on this! They are so unprofessional and irrisposable about patients! These people are adults without being able to handle all they do. Especially the acutely disabled. On top all my meds are not working to sleep again because at the hospital we sleep because they heavily sedate us. At home the meds are less effective as prescribed. Now I am in need of asking my sych on what to do.Thanks again! Palo Verde for this bad expierience!

Review №25

There are a lot of groups to go to if you stay here. They can be repetitive and some are more engaging than others. You get out what you put into your treatment so if you go and try to get the help you need I am sure you wont be completely disappointed. Reflecting on the time I spent here, I could have put in more effort. I enjoyed the food.

Review №26

I voluntarily admitted myself here in 2017, and had an awful experience. I have severe anxiety which makes it impossible to eat or sleep if I am anxious and I expressed this but instead of listening to me they put me on medication without even telling me what it was, and were suspicious that I had an eating disorder because I was having a hard time eating due to my anxiety.My first night there I was extremely upset and continuously asked to talk to someone, and every time I got “I’ll ask.” and no follow up. Finally after staying up all night, a nurse brought me a notebook, but I was never able to talk to anyone. My entire time there I was never allowed to speak to anyone one on one.I saw the doctor maybe only twice, and both times he spoke over me and refused to listen to me when I explained my symptoms.There were two extremely violent girls there, and random fights broke out every single day. One very young girl in particular was targeted and on more than one occasion was beat because they thought it was funny. I had rocks thrown at me by one of the girls. The staff refused to separate them, and my entire time there I was more focused on keeping myself safe than recovery.My IOP experience was also not great. I was essentially kicked out of the group with no warning because I “out grew” it, in their words. During this meeting I was told that I was a “bad influence” to the younger members, and they made me feel as if they didn’t care about me and were just wasting their time. I was given no further explanation on their reasoning and was told to look elsewhere for help.Overall, this facility and most of it’s staff don’t see the patients as anything more than nuisances and objects.

Review №27

I dont even know where to start. The dishonesty? The lack of compassion? The confusion over medications?If you were at your job and you saw someone curled up on the floor, sobbing and struggling to breathe, would your basic instinct be to help them, or would you sit behind your desk gossiping with two other nurses?If you were taking medication for acute mental illnesses, only to suddenly find your medication had been changed or discontinued in a way you had not been informed of, how would you feel?If your evening group therapy sessions consisted of documentary hour (the nurses hitting play on a DVD like teachers who dont want to deal with their students for a period) and a group-run substance abuse discussion (which has no relevance to half the group), would you feel as though you were being cared for and helped in any way? Hoop Dreams is a great documentary but I dont know how relevant it is to my panic disorder.Before you check yourself in, know two things: even if you are there voluntarily, you CANNOT check yourself out, no matter what intake says. Also, you MUST fill out an ROI for anyone who you want to speak to on the outside, otherwise they wont be able to call you.Im only giving this two stars because despite my stay being a traumatic experience, I did get my meds adjusted and get appointments set up for further therapy.The other patients are the ones who got me through this. The nurses by and large may not have seen us as people, but we saw each other as people. Hold tight to your humanity here because the staff will try and take it away. Dont express frustration, bottle everything up, put your head down, grin and bear it until they discharge you.And the food sucks ✌️

Review №28

Went in for a week maybe more, I dont remember it well because I was on some strong anxiety meds but pretty epic I liked watching the movies. I got in trouble for holding hands with someone but jokes on them now we have a kid 😎 overall nice place and epic pizza

Review №29

I only have good experiences at Palo Verde. The staffs were very friendly and kind. Im getting better thanks to them.

Review №30

I brought my son here for an intake. The lady at the front desk called and said they just got a intake. An hour goes by and nobody to see us yet. The receptionist played on her phone the whole time. I asked her if an appointment could be made because my sons situation was not an emergency. I was told over and over just a few more minutes. The receptionist left. I was tired of waiting and tried to leave and could not because Im locked inside. Finally got taken into another waiting room and waited another hour. They took my sons shoes and belt going into the waiting room. I was told only a few minutes to wait which was another hour. Finally I demanded to get my sons shoes and belt and to let us out. A girl finally came out asked a couple questions and said that my son needed a different type of behavioral health. Over 3 hours for 2 minutes and being locked in Like an animal after speaking to 3 people to let us out. No joke like a prison and dont have enough staff for intakes, so disorganized. Dont go there. I am sane and was going to flip out in there.

Review №31

Because my daughter Jacquee was there for almost a month and the team made her know it’s okay

Review №32

The billing office of this place is something I hope to never deal again with if God is willing. Its been a month exactly since I am trying to get the difference in payment reimbursed. They were really fast to collect the money as we were still on the way to the door out after the discharge. I would point out that it is fair to expect the money back with the same processing speed it was collected, or at the very least, receive updates (email address is provided). My recent voice messages were left unanswered.

Review №33

Night shift front desk on 5/20/20 were unprofessional and extremely rude. They would hang up my calls, yell at me instead of supporting me as a mother with my urgent concern. No one called me when they said they did to let me know my son chose to leave. My son disagreed with the doctors medication abs was told he had to leave. Social worker told me he would have transportation home to Phoenix. He was left stranded off a shuttle in Central Tucson with a dead phone. No regard whatsoever. No nurse supervisor, clinical director, or social worker in charge at the moment assisted our need.

Review №34

I was treated with respect and dignity. The staff were 100% professional. My stay was excellent considering my personal situation. I highly recommend Palo Verde !

Review №35

I did have a good rating before but unfortunately I myself had to come here. At first, things were fine. Food wasnt bad. Nurses not bad either. However i am a complicated case and i do realize this. My medications i had been on one dose, reduced for just ONE month and was to be increased next month due to a siezure and figuring out the cause.Having the medicine window open only at certain times undermines patients that need medications around the clock because there are times you wait longer and thus puts you back. Ok thats fine I understand timing schedules, shift changes and so on. HoweverWhen you have a patient who is in extreme pain. Not to mention has had surgery where their stomach is forever changed meaning they cannot eat meals. Its imperative that they be allowed to carry food with them or snack as needed. I weighed 120 before going in. To my absolute horror in the one single week I was in, I begged and talked and talked. It took half the week to get the message across. And by the time it finally came across the messed up schedule of medications unable to get things under control I could not eat as I needed. In one week I went from 120 to 103.2. To the point my extra skin on my stomach when standing is so heavy and pulls down so much just standing is painful now. And laying on my back gravity pushes all that skin inward for there is no padding anymore. Every bone in my chest can be seen and my legs cannot come together all the way as the gap is that wide now.I urge you in the future to listen to your patients. It has caused severe anxiety, fear, and quite frankly feels like I was ignored most of the time. There were some workers and nurses that tried all they could to help yes. But ultimately, the damage to my mental health over this weight loss the PTSD I already have over my weight has severely worsened. I cannot look in the mirror and not cry anymore because for me to even gain 1 pound takes so much as my body cannot hold much of anything at a time. It took 1 week to lose that much weight, it will take more than a few weeks if not a few months to gain it back. I realize my case is unique but I am not the only patient that suffered. Your patient is non violent, not a liar, and simply asking and trying to explain in a calm manner... please listen.

Review №36

I was treated like a criminal. When I was discharged they left me on the side of the road with a brown paper bag and called 911 on me. Worst mistake of my life.

Review №37

As a visitor I first found the facility to be warm and inviting. However that observation quickly diminished once inside and the prison like reality set in.Additionally the facility is poorly managed and disorganized. The staff needs education in customer service and compassion, although compassion probably cannot be taught. The sheer volume of dishonesty is what I judged to be most appalling. What ever happened to mutual respect? Do patients have no value just because they are burdened with emotional problems? All this being said, there is a Dr. Khan who treats his patients kindly and for that I am grateful. As hard as this situation has been for my family member, at least her Dr. treated her well.

Review №38

Please avoid going here. I worked at a treatment center prior after being sent here “voluntarily”, so I already knew my rights and basic knowledge. What annoyed me the most was the fact that they do not inform the patients about basic necessities you need to know. My other roommates did not even know what an ROI (release of information) was and that they needed that in order for the staff there can disclose information about you/you being there or allowed to ask about you to who ever you wanted to add. I really believe you NEED to know about an ROI or else your family will be cut out completely and you’re basically dead because staff will not disclose anything due to HIPPA. They do not inform you that you are allowed to go AMA (against medical advise) if you want to fight your case. But I do warn AMAing can be a double edge sword because if the doctor decides you are not stable enough and you have to stay longer. My parents were very upset on how cold the front office were to them. They were not given any information on what they can or cannot bring me, so their trip there were useless. I thought the social workers were useless because after two days of being there I still didn’t have an assigned social worker. Billing was okay. Staff members I would say only a hand full were excellent with their customer service. There rest well, kinda ignored you. I stood in the front desk where a nurse and doctor were at to be assisted, waited until they finished they’re conversation and they still managed to ignore me. That was extremely unprofessional and believe you have to cut your personal talk and assist the patient that is obviously standing in front. Kitchen staff were wonderful in my opinion, food although was a hit or miss. They had better customer service.

Review №39

I really struggled with what number of stars I should give. If I could base it off of separate people the stars may have changed. The only reason I am giving two stars instead of one, is because of Dr. Helms and some of the staff. Dr. Helms was very friendly and knowledgeable. However, the social worker Tiffani was horrendous to deal with. We had to leave messages every half hour in order to get a response. She would not give us updates because we didnt ask her the proper questions. When we finally got feed up and asked about filling out a AMA to get our child removed and taken to another facility, she threatened that CPS would then get involved. I would not take my child to this facility again.

Review №40

Terrible. Staff will make fun of you if you ask about discharge, and will NOT let you be alone at any time or else longer stay. This place DID NOT help my pchycois.My doctor cancelled my meds, causing anger issues and 4 school anger episodes.Palo verde can suck a big lemon.

Review №41

Its wasnt good for my mental health. This girl was attacking other patients and the staff couldnt control her. Another girl kiss me and my friend and then flash one of my other friends and nothing happened. They didnt give us the safety we shouldve had. Would not recommend.The adult unit also threatens to kill us all. Not fun.0/10

Review №42

Palo Verde is the only place my child would go to for help.They did such a great job of helping her deal with the issues she was having.Staff was very friendly and helpfull. Constantly keeping us informed about the progress my child was making or their setbacks.

Review №43

I personally was never admitted, but I brought my psychotic, drug addicted tenant in to get help because he was delusional and smoking pot and meth. He knew he needed help, and he asked me to help him. They were very nice during the intake, but once I left him there, there was no further communication with a clinician. After 8 days, they discharged him. He returned to the room I was renting to him and continued with his odd behavior. I think they need to be more careful about the condition of the patients they discharge. He was not ready to be discharged. This caused me a lot of problems.

Review №44

I had just been informed prior to entering that I had lost my insurance. I was not petitioned to enter but told I would be if I did not go willingly and I needed help for my condition which was undiagnosed bi-polar disorder.With all of my credit cards and money in this plastic sack, There were two people who took me into a room and said my fees would be $1800 day since I was cash pay. They got the debit card pin and said they would be billing my cards for what was four days of stay. This same thing happened after the four days as they wanted the balance paid. Yet, I was not free to leave even though technically without being petitioned, one is free to leave.ii knew they would petition you if you protest at all as unfit, etc. it is somewhat about care, but when one is paying that amount in cash, it causes additional stress that anyone can understand.I accepted the situation and was released after 11 days, of course then incurring a large bill which I thought would be the balance of approximately $8,000+ which I had written on paper from the second meeting when they tried to charge my cards. I began payment and reorganizing of funds to pay the bill in the subsequent two months, informing them that I couldn’t pay the full balance right away as I was first paying A Tucson Medicsl and their Dr.’s bills.In two months they sent a bill, now showing $22,000+ to Grant and Weber, an area collection agency.i. A Mr. Vasquez from this agency made a very threatening call to me, speaking of my townhouse which I own outright, my car (same), and snarled that I had this money, as if his debt collection gave him the right to determine an amount more than double what I owned. I subsequently received a letter informing me of this stated amount which Palo Verde even told me was a cost that they file for insurance. I’m assuming they use this on their books for a cash pay, or this is what was relayed to me.I made payments for the next five months of approximately $450 until I could get the balance together. There was always a problem with mailing the check, they were returned to me. But I am now trying to pay $5,000+ balance and cannot make payment through the collection agency by bank transfer, debit or credit card as I believe, they can’t accept this amount. I called Mr Vasquez and left several messages, did confirm the address, and after two weeks it has not been processed, but I received a notice for the now $20,000 bill for there was $2,000 in interest so my payments had essentially been towards only interest.Dr Helms had given respectable care, yet I was told that he and another Dr Arredondo ( who saw me the day I cane in and then resigned) had somewhat of a ‘ring’ for bringing in patients. I believe I probably fit that stereotype. Cash pay pAtients make up for what so many others in places like this (where mAny many don’t have insurance or are on public assistance) cannot or do not pay.But, I wAs paying my bill, literally was forced to pay the initial $3500 in a hospital gown with no clothes on, subsequently contacted them and said I needed a few months while making payments, and they sent this to collections with a bill over twice their quoted amount.I was a compliant patient, respected their quoted fees and trusted them. I’m now trying to pay in full and cannot even do this because of the somewhat shady practices of Grant and Weber as their goal is to let the interest grow.Shame on Palo Verde Behavioral Health billing and accounting office. Shame.

Review №45

I was there last year at first i stayed in my room crying bc i was scared!😨it was my first time there. I only stayed there for 8 days just hated there bc the staff were rude food was bad i didnt eat for straight 5 days! And then i was force to go to classes which they should never force someone that needs help!?. The roommate was annoying i wish there was a room for a solo person tbh it feels like prison they also dont give u time to visit the visitors. Its so boring wish they could let us borrow our phones . at least.

Review №46

My experience with this place was terrible. I would not reccomend it to my worst enemy.

Review №47

This place is horrible ! they do not communicate after admitted they throw patience around like dogs so they dont deal with you so each section has something different to say about the patient the intake line persons are so disrespectful (specially one name BRI) no one knows anything not even the management doesnt even contact you back when u have a complaint My parent came out worse i would never recommend or send any one there! PALO VERDE is useless!

Review №48

IF I COULD GIVE A -10/10 I WOULD!(For Dr Tara)Tara is the most disrespectful person ive ever met. Why should my doctor be rolling their eyes at me, talking negatively about me to her nurses, giving me attitude and walking out of the room on me? Unexceptable. Three different workers apologized to me for her behavior.Now, the staff is incredible. Chris, Elizabeth and Zach are great. Very helpful and all employees want to help you.

Review №49

This place makes you go crazy you do the same thing dosnt help anybody sending youre children here will only make it worst.most of the staff are great people.the rest are straight out jurks.dont take to much cloths becuase some how they always loose it.i was put in there for 8 days and all i wanted was someone to talk to but i was in wake up at 7 and everyone waited to eat then when you get back your (forced) to watch a document or sit in the hallway.if you get in trouble everyone has to sit in front of the door for at least 30 minutes and no one can talk at all or it restarts its sad watching the kids with adhd beat them selfs up just to stay calm.some one should look into that.

Review №50

I was a patient heAr I love the staff thay where nice the groups where also great.breakfast launch dinner where ok.

Review №51

The first night I was there I had a break down in my room I was scratching my arm and rocking back and forth the staff came to do checks several times and no one even asked if I was okay or stopped me, many of the staff used the wrong pronouns for me. I had a break down and i asked to call my mom they refused to let me but they had said the night before if my mom calms me down I can call her I’m I’m upset they were very rude here

Review №52

The staff are not qualified to work here the lack of information is extremely concerning especially with a pandemic they dont answer phones just let them ring dont use this facility for any reason even if they threaten you find professional help elsewhere

Review №53

I like this place... really has help my 2 children in speech. the front desk can be a lil rude. but the rest of staff are great to wrk with. recomand this place 💯

Review №54

My daughter recently i was told was being sent there and as of going on the 2nd day now i have not heard nothing

Review №55

The intake , Kristin Lindberg LCSW was very cold, and uncaring considering she works in a crisis center and we were in desperate need of help for my brother. She became confrontational with us and was not helpful...... I will let everyone I know, know that this was not a professional or helpful experience! The CRC at Banner hospital was compassionate, helpful and informative, go there!!!!

Review №56

I went to palo verde in a psychotic state the first time. Then released in four days. Came back than in for 12 days. Dr Diaz was my psychiatrist on the west unit. He was well aware I have a diagnosis of ultra - rapid cycling bipolar disorder and am also a recovering drug addict.polysubstance abuse is a psychiatric diagnosis. Dr. Diaz put me on Valium, a benzodiazepine which is highly addictive. I was left with a script from dr. Diaz to taper off the benzo on my own. I ate all ten pills. I than went back to palo verde after I got out to say I was withdrawing from them and was crying,agitated,and even burned my arm in theyre parking lot. I was reassessed and they told me they would not take me back in. I was than told to leave the premise and they were going to call the police. I had to walk at about 1:00 am on a sat to TMC hospital to get help and the palo verde annex there had a rude nurse and I was treated like a piece of crap. Oh sorry to bother you. Than had to take a taxi to CRC and they basically said see your cope dr mon. Welcome to Tucson behavioral health!!!! Unethical dr Diaz you should know better and get off your ego trip.cope has helped me more than any place in Tucson. Beware!! Dr.s are basically drug representatives,with ties and white coats .Advocate for yourself so u are not a victim. Ty

Review №57

They do a good job helping people.

Review №58

Couldnt stand Helmut Steinwender...russian doctorBut Dr. Diaz is awesome

Review №59

Great place to start over and make new friends!

Review №60

I wish I could give less stars because the food here sucks 😂🤷🏻‍♀️💯 they help somehow but they don’t let you sleep if your tired making you go to groups how is that gonna help they give you medication at the wrong times and they don’t even check up on you how they should the staff is rude and they don’t even realize how bad your getting until your on the floor crying bc of anxiety or something worst 😂

Review №61

More like an antiquated psych ward than anything therapeutic.

Review №62

I like this place it helped me alot!!!

Review №63

Fire amanda please for the love of god

Review №64

It was aight but not good

Review №65

Food was terrible, staff were all sick, I left w strep and they took me off so my medication and gave me a false diagnosis and their reasoning was “ because brothers have it”

Review №66

Nuts running the nut house.

Review №67


1 Photos
2.8 Rating
  • Address:2695 N Craycroft Rd, Tucson, AZ 85712, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 520-322-2888
  • Mental health clinic
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
Service options
  • Online care:Yes
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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