Egoscue of San Diego
2440 Hotel Cir N #210, San Diego, CA 92108, United States

Review №1

I have enlisted the services of Egoscue San Diego for the last 4 years and have worked primarily with Carrie and Tim. I am 70 years old now. Around age 60 my body felt like it was not my own anymore and the symptoms of sciatica were crippling. Chiropractic care did not help and yoga became more challenging. Then I discovered Egoscue where I learned about my body and the bad habits I had established. With this new awareness, exercise and stretching they taught me how to correct my posture and reinforce healthy habits. Over time I could manage the pain and eventually eliminated it. Tim and Carrie have kept me agile and mobile by improving my muscle strength and focus on balance. I particularly like the way Carrie has personalized sessions by not only providing me with what I need but asking me what I want. She is sensitive to my mood swings and knows when to adjust therapy to a more rigorous workout or a subdued yoga routine. Egoscue has enabled me to enjoy and participate in life as a a senior citizen. Thank youDeb

Review №2

I really have learned quite a bit of how to continually take care of my back and therefore nervous system, in a holistic and thorough way. I have been doing yoga for over 10 years, and I can see how the Egoscue Method has targeted specific parts of the body to help the body heal itself and promote well being all around, in a similar way as yoga. So, I continue to steadily perform my daily workouts, and have become more and more mindful of all the subtle and not so subtle benefits and results from sticking to this program. I would recommend it to anyone that has been dealing with all kinds of back issues. I have my fair share of back problems, but by being consistent and resilient in implementing this type of physical therapy, I continue to enjoy lots of outdoor sporting activities. I say, give yourself a chance by giving this a chance as well.

Review №3

Egoscue San Diego has helped me improve my posture and function so much over the past several months! I worked with Nicole and it was a pleasure.My sessions were sometimes in person and sometimes in zoom, which actually was very effective and convenient! I was skeptical at first, but Nicole was still able to provide excellent feedback over Zoom. It was also helpful to help me find places at home to perform exercises.I highly recommend Egoscue to everyone.

Review №4

Since working with Nicole my golf game has improved dramatically. I am playing better now in my 60s than I did in my 20s on the college golf team. I’m not saying that Nicole has been giving me perfect golf tips, but she certainly has gotten my body aligned and feeling great.

Review №5

I am out of pain. The exercises provided by Tim George have given me back a quality of life that even surprises me. I have found nothing that compares to the healing and re-establishing of functionality like the Egoscue e-cises, and though I am a long distance client of the San Diego Clinic, and Tim, I will return to them again and again for even more lessons in how to maintain the best functioning body possible. I am 80 years old and so happy I found an answer to years of back pain (and a history of two slipped disks.)

Review №6

I came to Egoscue with bad pain throughout my body but mainly on my arm. It was difficult to sleep through the night. After just one week of working with Nicole, my arm pain was minimal to non existent. When asked, I had even forgotten about it, and I realized I’d been able to sleep through the night again without waking up in pain. After a few weeks with the program I’ve realized an increase in my mobility and ease with daily activities that used to be painful. I was even able to dance with my husband again! Highly recommend to anyone looking to improve their daily lives if currently pushing through pain.

Review №7

I have done egoscue both in person and virtual and they are both equally great although the advantage of the virtual is not having to get out in the traffic to get there. I find at home is great because its in the comfort of my own home, and I feel like the instruction is as if Nicole is right there with me. I would highly recommend both ways but if you are on the fence about virtual, I wouldnt be!

Review №8

I am so thankful for everything Nicole has taught me. After 3 sessions neck pain Ive had for most of my life is drastically reduced and I feel great!

Review №9

Nicole R is wonderful because she understands where I am in my healing but also helps me to get to the next step & feelstronger. I can tell that my Egoscue exercises will help me make lifelong posture change to support my body in being pain free & activewithout limitation. With Nicole’s help I am now able to do challenging workouts again & I am not in pain. I was able to sit on a plane for 6 hours & feel just fine. This is huge given where I was a year ago, in constant pain, not sleeping, afraid to sit or lie down. Egoscue for life! ;)

Review №10

Over a period of 3 months I noticed a great amount of improvement in my condition. Definitely recommend giving this place a try. The method works and they really understand the human body and how to get it back into its best form.

Review №11

I am so grateful for my experience here at Egoscue. I have nothing but gratitude for how much they have helped me and for all the knowledge I now have as well.

Review №12

I have had chronic back pain for over 10 years and tried many therapies to fix my problem, including chiropractor, dry needling, osteopath, physiotherapy. I will have some improvement for 1-2 days, but then the pain would return, because every therapist would focus on my lower back where the pain is. The egoscue method views your whole body and attempts to identify imbalances, which could be the root of your problem. After my first egoscue session, we found my left shoulder is not moving correctly, and my lower back is struggling to compensate for that imbalance, which causes the pain. The egoscue therapist will design a personalized workout program to tackle your specific imbalance. I am doing the exercises in the morning and evening, and have observed significant improvement in my lower back pain. The exercises have become a routine in my life (takes usually 10-15 min) and I feel like I have my lower back under control for the first time in 10 years. Your egoscue therapist will switch/adjust the exercises every 2 weeks depending on your progress. I have been working with Nicole Restelli for three months now, and she is marvelous! Nicole takes her time to analyze your body and develop the correct egoscue exercise plan that tackles your problem. She is always available if you have any questions about the exercises, and I highly recommend her.

Review №13

So far I feel like I have made progress with each and every menu. I think Nicole is terrific and I think she is very caring and really interested in getting me back to whole. The decisions she makes about my menus seems to be spot on and I am excited about the progress I am making and the idea that I can once again be sort of back to normal.

Review №14

Nicole R has my highest recommendation as an Egoscue Physical Therapist! Professional, Great Communication, with Excellent Results!

Review №15

Oh my gosh, Egoscue has saved my life! I’ve been working with Nicole for years now and she’s helped me through a lot of pain and bad postures! Just today she helped me after I got bent out of shape cleaning my church this past weekend and after one session I’m already feeling so much better!

Review №16

I just finished another session with Egoscue Trainer Nicole, and my legs feel amazing! I’m once again amazed at how quickly she helps me find strength and relief in my body. 5 stars!

Review №17

Working with Nicole Im so much more in my body and have awareness of what causes me pain. When I dont do the exercises, there is a noticeable difference. I feel so much better when I do them.

Review №18

No sciatica! WHAT? Its crazy how effective these exercises are, I am totally geeked out on Egoscue! As a personal trainer and gym owner, living with chronic pain had me bordering on depression. My husband has been there for me every step of the way and for him to notice how well I am doing now means a lot. I move so much better and Ive dropped 5 lbs without changing much. I cannot believe how much happier and optimistic I feel. I am in a better place now that I have been in so long. Nicole has been such a great support system for me physically and also someone that I can be truly open and honest with, I cannot thank her enough.

Review №19

A friend told me about Egoscue, knowing I had been suffering for years with hand, arm and extreme back pain caused mainly by my profession. It was difficult to do the activities that I enjoy, keeping up with my work as an architect on a computer all day long was uncomfortable, and sleep was impossible with the pain in my back keeping me awake. I was very skeptical that Egoscue could help, as I had already tried massage and chiropractic therapy without much result. That same friend sent me an email with a chance to join a free zoom call to learn more about the program. I decided there was nothing to lose, so I joined in. During the call, we did a few exercises that immediately made me feel better, so I agreed to a complimentary one on one consultation. This was done by zoom (due to COVID). Long story short, I signed up for 8 sessions at the end of that call. Within 4 weeks time, my pain was about gone, I was sleeping at night in comfort and was able to do my job again without issues. I cannot say enough great things about what Egoscue has done for the quality of my life! I love that it is without surgery and medication and that it promotes continuing to do what you love and gives you to tools to be able to do just that. My advisor with whom I met each week, was very knowledgeable and made me feel very comfortable. I HIGHLY recommend Egoscue of San Diego and I am forever grateful to my friend for giving me the nudge I needed to check it out!

Review №20

I was really hopeful that the egoscue method would help my posture but instead I have suffered significant injuries since I started my treatment. The trainer really cared but also made me feel guilty that I got hurt. The virtual coaching set up wasn’t ideal and I rather someone see my back in person. I ended my subscription but the trainer still felt it like she needed to lecture me one last time. I really didn’t appreciate that as I didn’t even request my full money back.

Review №21

Egoscue has helped me recover from injuries when nothing else has worked. Their therapists are experts at evaluating posture and providing clearly explained menus to correct problems. I do my Egoscue exercises every day.

Review №22

The Egoscue Method has given me my life back! At the age of 72, and after 3 months of suffering from painful spasms and pain down my legs, I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis and told that I would need epidurals to relieve the pain and eventually surgery. The thought of either was not something I wanted. I had an active life before this diagnosis and wanted my life back! The pain was debilitating! Things as simple as cooking, laundry, or simply getting from my bed to the bathroom sent my legs and back into painful spasms! Several years ago I was introduced to the book “Pain Free” by Pete Egoscue, when my husband purchased it to help with his back spasms. As a last resort, before submitting to the epidurals my doctor was scheduling for me, I read the book for myself and noticed on the back cover there was an Egoscue clinic in the San Diego area where I live. I made the appointment and after just 2 appointments and repeating the exercises at home each morning I am pain free! No medications, no epidurals, and the best part – I am pain free!Alice C

Review №23

My 14 year-old competitive gymnast was struggling with intense shin pain and struggled to vault and compete on floor. Knowing we needed to do something to help him, we scheduled a consultation with Carrie. After an evaluation, she was able to explain to him why he was in pain and gave him a daily menu of exercises to complete. Within a few weeks of consistently completing his exercises the decrease in pain was remarkable not only to him but also to his gymnastics coach. 6 months later, he is still doing his Egoscue exercises and tumbles and vaults pain free! I cannot recommend Egoscue of San Diego enough and am grateful to Carrie for helping my son continue to do the sport he loves.

Review №24

I am an ICU RN and I carry a lot of strain in my neck and back from having to lift and move patients. The therapist Carrie has given me exercises and stretches that I do everyday and they have kept me from having debilitating muscular spasms for the past two years that I have been doing them. She analyzed my posture and really listened to my needs to find a program that I could stick with daily. I have a bout a 20 minute routine that I do each morning. She also helped me download an app from the business with a timer on it and instructions on how to do certain exercises if I forget. Coming to Egoscue really changed my life and give me back a lot of my mobility. Plus I’m able to sleep so much better now!

Review №25

I did my workout early this morning and Ive been going nonstop all day; bending over, cleaning, lifting etc, and my back, leg, and hip do not hurt. I havent felt this good in a loooooong time. Nicole is the best!

Review №26

I am always up to try new forms of exercise, so when Nicole asked me to come try out Patch, I said YES, not really knowing what I was getting into. I thought I was in pretty good shape as I come from a CrossFit background. Not only is Patch fun it was very challenging and I absolutely enjoyed the workout.Nicole is extremely knowledgeable and constantly watching and correcting form. She is a perfectionist when it comes to form! She explains E-cises in a really educational way and I have learned so much about how my body works as a unit. I am completely hooked on Egoscue and Patch Fitness!

Review №27

An amazing place. Not in my wildest dreams did I imagine such a thorough, illuminating examination, nor such helpful, personalised exercise recommendations. Both my family and I feel much more positive, and can see a future that no longer involves debilitating pain. The Egoscue Method is one of the worlds best kept secrets - the only real shame is that, if more people knew about what wonderful work they do, fewer would need to turn to invasive surgery. Give it a go, it could change your life.

Review №28

I had a major, serious problem on my back. I spoke to several doctors and I didn’t like anything they had to say, not one of their solutions sounded healthy nor did they promise acceptable results. A friend mentioned how Egoscue had ended her pain where years of medical treatments had failed. I decided to try it. I couldn’t carry my purse, I couldn’t twist around and grab something from the back seat of the car. Heck, I could barely get up from the floor on my first day at Egoscue. Two weeks later pain down 70%. Two months later ZERO pain so long as I kept doing my 1/2 hours per day exercise routine, a few months later and the results started to last. It’s been a year and a half since I started, in December I took 4 weeks off my routine and no pain. I tell everyone about this healthy, wholesome, and permanent solution to muscle-skeletal issues.

Review №29

After a year that felt like the Bataan death march I am pain free and feeling good. I highly recommend this. Thank you Abby, Carrie and Tim.

Review №30

I was having terrible pain in my lower back and in my legs. I went to physical therapy and that didnt seem to help me much I went to a chiropractor same results. My son went to Egoscue and his back pain was gone. I was a little unsure at first but said I would try it. I went for 8 weeks the excises were hard at times but nothing I couldnt handle. Soon I was starting to get results. My posture improved was walking was better and the best thing was the pain in my back was gone. You have to keep the excises up at home when you finish the course but it is worth it. For me this was the treatment that gave me the best results. I recommend you give it a try.joanne

Review №31

I came to the Egoscue Method after suffering with Patellar Tendonitis for over 3 years. The alignment power of this method has finally caused my knees to heal. Tim George and Justin Archer are both excellent therapists who are passionate about helping others. If you have any sort of pain in your body, I am confident that they will be able to help.

7 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:2440 Hotel Cir N #210, San Diego, CA 92108, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 619-294-3259
  • Health consultant
  • Physical fitness program
Working hours
  • Monday:8am–6pm
  • Tuesday:8am–5pm
  • Wednesday:8am–6pm
  • Thursday:Closed
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:8am–6pm
  • Sunday:8am–6pm
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