Regency Florence
Second and Third Floors South Tower, 805 Pamplico Hwy, Florence, SC 29505, United States

Review №1

The best hospital Ive ever worked at. We have a great team on board and these nurses and techs are super heros. I high recommend this hospital to anyone. We all love what we do and we treat our patients like family. If your looking for somewhere to put your family member to get stronger, you should definitely bring them here. You wont be disappointed.

Review №2

Everybody was so sweet to me. All the staff were courteous and very polite. The staff was awesome.

Review №3

My grandmother was transferred to Regency from McLeod for long term care due to still being on antibiotics through IV & a bipap machine. They didn’t have her medicine dosages correct. She called us at home from the center for us to call the nurses station and tell them she had to use the restroom (she requires help standing & walking) because she hit the call button and no one ever came. The nurse that answered the phone said “I’ve put in an order for someone to help her so they will be in with her shortly”. This place is a disaster. Find another place for your loved ones to go!

Review №4

Regency is a death trap! If you want to see your loved ones alive again and in great condition DO not allow he or she to stay at regency for even a minute!!!! They killed my granddaughter!

Review №5

If I could rate this hospital a 0, I would. Please please dont ever let your love one come to this dirty place. My son had a very serious condition, and ALL the Doctors, case managers and staff didnt care. I plan on writing to everyone I can to wcomplain about the condition of of sons care and case management at this hospital. Run fast from this place and see a future review from me right here explaining everything we experienced.

Review №6

If you care about your loved ones, under no circumstances allow them to be admitted to Regency. There should be a way to rank them 0 stars. They have used the covid virus to prevent access to families, so they can hide the extreme lack of care they provide. It is my belief that my father died as a result of their lack of care. There is no need for anyone from Regency to contact me. I saw the results of the care provided and am not interested in hearing why you think your not responsible.

Review №7

Recency is a great hospital I would recommend anyone there

Review №8

Excellent Hospital, I highly recommend to anyone with excellent care!

Review №9

I witnessed leaving out of the hospital when my sister passed that before we got out of the door. Someone that was a staff on that floor already post the passing of my sister on Facebook or Snapchat. Because my kids was calling me before I could leave the hospital parking lot. Thats very unprofessional and inconsiderate of peoples privacy.

Review №10

All the nurses, respiratory staff, nursing assistants, and rehab staff took wonderful care of me. I had an excellent experience. The doctors I had are brilliant. From the day I was admitted, I had a nurse that made it smooth and helped me know I was in the right place to heal. Safety was a focus here. Im glad I am well enough to go home, but I have met some wonderful people here that I will miss. Ill be back to visit. Thank you for my wonderful experience.

Review №11

Thank u for all of the care & compassion.

Review №12

Everybody treated me great. The nursing techs and rehab staff worked well together to make sure I got up in a chair daily. The rehab staff worked with me to help me get my strength back, so I could get back on my feet. Although I still need to get a little stronger before I can go home, this hospital worked hard to help me get as far as I could in my recovery while I was there. I will never forget the compassionate care I received from the staff there.

Review №13

Our father is a patient there and this past Thursday we had a situation there with a staff member that had us a little concerned, as far as communication was concerned and follow up about our father . KEITH the head of quality control immediately reached out to us and before the day was over he had the problem solved and assured us that our dad was on track as far as his care . I couldnt ask for more , he was very professional caring and concerned .Keith called us about 4 times yesterday to make sure all of our concerns were addressed and to give us the course of action I would recommend this facility to anyone because every place may have an issue that could possibly arise thats expected, but how those issues are handled is what is critically important and in my book they were exceptional. Thank you Mr. Keith

Review №14

My wife was very sick and staff was compassionate and took great care of her feeding her when she couldn’t feed herself. The staff was courteous and would always communicate with me about how my wife was doing. When my wife couldn’t communicate how she was doing before she was admitted, the staff contacted me to clarify. I really appreciate all the kind people I met there and I am thankful for the kindness and compassion they showed my wife. I will never forget.

Review №15

Please dont go here or have your loved one taken there. My Daughter Rachel lost her life here and before it happened I emailed Heather Morris the case worker twice and she didnt even care enough to reply. We sent her here because reviews looked ok BUT TRUST ME AND DONT DO IT !! My guess is they rolled her face on the lead box laying on the bed... I asked about that to nurses and the nurse practitioner and was told well I cant say it didnt happen....... that caused and infection .. . ..

Review №16

My stay here was good. I felt safe. I had 2 nursing techs that were great to me—Nedra and Elaine. The staff took good care of me. The environment was quiet and conducive to healing. Housekeeping kept my room clean. I couldn’t have asked for a better stay.

Review №17

My sister received great care at this facility. The building is nice and clean. All the staff communicated with me and everyone I talked to was great and professional. The staff kept me informed. I have no complaints and would definitely recommend this facility to my family and friends.

Review №18

If there was a way to give a negative rating I would!

Review №19

The reason I rate this hospital as a 5 is because I mean to put a 10 due to the care given. The courtesy of the staff during the care of my mother-in-law was superb. The nurturing care that was given made us feel that the staff really care and showed that they were a family themselves. That is hard to find in medical care. Thank you for all that you all have done. From the Whitfield Family with love.

Review №20

My mom was at a good place—she had a good 2-month experience. She was safe. The hospital was clean. I got several new friends. The nurses, charge nurses, nursing techs, and the respiratory therapists especially at night were awesome people. Respiratory communicated very well with me. I couldn’t have asked for any better respiratory therapists.

Review №21

I couldn’t talk or walk when I got to this hospital and they helped me do both before I left. All the staff was good. The service was excellent. I celebrated my birthday here and I couldn’t have asked for a better day. The rehab staff got me a piece of my favorite cake to eat. The staff sang to me and gave me a birthday card. I really appreciate all the staff making my day so special.

Review №22

Everybody did a good job. Everything was good. The speech therapist got me back to eating—the food was good. I felt safe and would definitely recommend this hospital to anyone needing to get off a breathing machine. I am happy because I fully recovered.

Review №23

A lot of the nursing staff were great to my husband. He would smile when they would come in. Staff treated him good and took good care of him. Staff came right away when called. The staff was attentive to my husbands care and needs. I just wish we had been able to get him closer to home at discharge.

Review №24

Everybody did a good job. The doctors and nursing staff were caring and courteous. The wound care staff was great. I had a good stay and would definitely recommend this facility.

Review №25

All staff needs to be in the same page and work as a team and not as loners. The time between the patient bell and the actual response time for a critically acute patient was lengthy and not conducive to a patient who is choking or soaked in their own urine. This could be a good unit if there was teamwork, response time, and empathy for the patient. It could also work if they have a 3 or 2 to one nurse ratio so that the staff could take care of each patient better and be more thorough. It is an acute care facility, not regular care.

Review №26

Everybody did a good job. Staff took great care of me. Housekeeping was excellent and cleaned my room 2 times a day. I appreciate all the staff for being kind to me and my family. I can’t think of anything you could do to improve the care here.

Review №27

Everybody took good care of me. All my nurses, techs, and doctors were courteous. The staff listened to me and explained things in a way I could understand. Housekeeping did a great job keeping my room clean. Thanks for helping me get back home!

Review №28

My stay was a rocky one medically at first, but the staff was great and made it easy for me to adjust. I have had the pleasure of meeting some of the most awesome people. I will cherish the friendships I have made. Keep doing the great job that you are doing here.

Review №29

All the nurses, nursing aides, rehab staff, dietary staff, and kitchen staff were all courteous and kept encouraging me when I had bad days. All the staff from the top down made me feel comfortable. I felt like I was royalty. I appreciate the staff and I am thankful for all the improvements I made at this facility. I will always remember and keep in touch with people here.

Review №30

The care my mom received at Regency was never lacking. Everyone was eager to help. Staff was kind and they went above and beyond to explain the care she was receiving. This is an excellent facility. All the staff treated her problems and treated her with respect. Each time she left this facility, she was a better person. I wished she could have stayed longer.

Review №31

Staff was dedicated and serious about their jobs. They made sure I had assistance when I needed it. Some of the staff knew my needs before I even asked. I couldn’t have asked for better rehab staff, nursing staff, doctors, and nutrition staff. Thank you for the great care I received at your hospital.

Review №32

It is like my life has come back 20 or 30 years. I kept to myself before, but now the staff here has given me the confidence to get out and live life again. The lesson I learned here was to do what the staff encourages you to do and you will get better. I even motivated other patients here by what I was capable of doing.

Review №33

Staff was kind and courteous. They would listen to me. I have no complaints and would recommend this hospital to other patients needing to be weaned off the ventilator. Thank you for the great care I received.

Review №34

Everybody was good to me. They were always nice and kind. Everyone took good care of me. I couldn’t have asked for better care. I will always remember the staff here. Thank you.

Review №35

I am thankful for the staff and doctors here-everybody was good to me. They weaned me off the ventilator and got me to a facility closer to my home. I would definitely recommend this hospital to my friends and family.

Review №36

The doctors were great. I loved the rehab and respiratory staff. I couldn’t have asked for more courteous and compassionate staff to take care of me. I appreciate all the hospital did for me. Thank you!

Review №37

All staff was great. I loved all the staff. They took great care of my husband. The doctors were polite, kind, and courteous. Overall, it was a great hospital. Everyone did a wonderful job.

Review №38

All the staff treated me good. The staff was compassionate and caring. I felt safe. I got therapy while I was there and they helped me get stronger.

Review №39

I give this hospital 5 stars. I don’t want to leave. The staff is compassionate and are always checking on me. I want to stay longer to get my wound healed more.

Review №40

This is a very nice hospital and I’ve been in a lot. All around everyone was nice to me. I have no complaints about anyone. All my needs were taken care of most of the time without me having to ask.

Review №41

I appreciate all the rehab staff for helping me relearn things I needed to be able to do to go home. I appreciate several of the respiratory therapists for taking extra time with me to help me be less anxious. I appreciate the good care I received at this hospital, which has helped me get one step closer to getting home. Thank you!

Review №42

When I came to visit my mom, everything was in order and clean. I have no complaints. Everything was done in a professional manner. My mom got all the treatments she needed. I felt like my mom was safe and in good hands.

Review №43

All staff including the doctors were courteous, listened carefully to me, and explained things to me. I couldn’t have asked for better staff to care for me. I would definitely recommend this hospital to my friends and family. Thank you!

Review №44

Everybody took good care of me. They saved my life several times. I’m alive because of the wonderful staff God placed in my path to take care of me here. Thank you!

Review №45

Everybody was good to us. Staff kept my son comfortable. The building was nice and was kept clean. Safety was a priority at this facility. Dr. Jona was great to my son and always had a way of making him smile.

Review №46

All the nurses, nursing assistants, rehab staff, and respiratory staff were all good to me. My stay was great. I felt safe here. Thank you!

Review №47

I was very satisfied with my care. When I asked for something, I got it. The staff was pleasant. The therapy department helped me walk for the first time in eight months. I never thought I would see the day I could walk again. I owe it to Regency Hospital for helping me accomplish this.

Review №48

All the staff took good care of me. I can’t remember everyone’s name because there were so many kind people. My doctor here, Dr. J., was great; he took good care of me. Thank you!

Review №49

Everybody was A+. All the staff was fantastic; they all went above and beyond. The staff was nice and caring. I am thankful for all the staff and for this wonderful facility.

Review №50

All the staff was courteous, kind, and listened carefully to me. Housekeeping kept my room clean. I would definitely recommend this facility. Thank you!

Review №51

Everybody took good care of me. All the staff was kind and courteous and listened carefully to me. My room was kept clean. I would recommend this hospital.

Review №52

All the staff were kind and took good care of my dad. The staff were always checking on him and us when we visited. The environment was clean and quiet.

Review №53

The nurses and rehab staff were great. The food was good. I appreciate everything the staff did to help me get better and get back home.

Review №54

My stay was good. All the staff were good; they were kind and courteous. I appreciate all the staff did for me to help me get better.

Review №55

Overall the staff was good. The room was clean and quiet. I would recommend this hospital to my friends and family.

Review №56

Everyone has been good to my dad. They took good care of him. The staff was courteous and listened to my dad and I. My dad was safe and we appreciate all the staff who took great care of him during his stay.

Review №57

I appreciate the staff taking good care of me. The staff was courteous and kind to me. I improved and was able to eat before leaving here. Thank you!

Review №58

All the staff was great. The staff was kind and caring. Staff came and checked on me all the time even when I didn’t call them.

Review №59

I had a good experience. I met alot of people that have helped me and were nice to me. I was scared at first, but several people got me through that here. I appreciate all the staff has done for me. I enjoyed my stay so much that I didn’t want to leave.

Review №60

The staff was always nice to me. They took good care of me. I appreciate everyone being kind and working with me to help me get better and stronger.

Review №61

The staff was wonderful. The hospital was kept clean. The staff did a good job and took good care of me.

Review №62

Everyone was good to me. Deborah and Keri were some of the rehab folks I worked with and they were very motivated to get me moving. The speech therapist, Candace, got me off the puréed diet I was on, so that was great. The respiratory staff was attentive and took good care of me. My nurse Carla and my tech Dajasha were both great. Even Ms. Bessie from dietary services was nice to me when she came to get my food order each day. My case manager Jeannie was good and made my discharge smooth. I can’t leave out my advocate, Ayanna, who looked out for me my whole stay. I had a good stay here and my end result was good. The staff always kept me safe and was very careful me when getting me up. I appreciate all the staff for making my stay great.

Review №63

My dad speaks highly of all the staff here. Everyone took great care of him. Therapy was great with him and had him walking down the halls. He was talking. Respiratory was great because they had helped him get his trach out. He reported that the nurses and CNAs were some of the nicest people he had ever met. We appreciate the great care he received there.

Review №64

Everybody took good care of my wife. The staff was hardworking and kind. I appreciate the end of life care my wife received here.

Review №65

The staff was great. They trained me how to take care of my trach. I am grateful for the staff and the training they provided me, so I felt safe going home.

Review №66

The staff was good. They helped get me stable, so I could be transferred to a rehab facility. They explained things to me several times to ensure my understanding.

Review №67

Everyone was courteous and treated me with respect. Everyone did their job. I’m grateful they helped me get better, so I could go home.

Review №68

Everybody took good care of me. They helped me get stronger. The rooms are large and clean. Thank you!

Review №69

I enjoyed my stay here. I love all the staff. Everyone was great and treated me well.

Review №70

All the staff was good to me. They took good care of me. I felt safe and I would recommend this hospital to anyone needing to go somewhere for wound care.

Review №71

I had a great stay here. All the staff was nice, courteous, and listened to me. I would definitely recommend this place.

Review №72

All staff were attentive to my daughter’s needs. They answered my questions. I didn’t have issues with any of the staff. All the nurses were great.

Review №73

Everybody took good care of me. Staff was so kind I hated to leave. The staff was so wonderful. It felt like I was at home. Thank you!

Review №74

Very pleased with the staff and the new facility is really nice. Everyone took good care of me. Would definitely recommend this facility to other families for their loved ones.

Review №75

The staff was good to me and the stay wasnt bad. Ive gotten stronger while I was here. The hospital was nice and getting rehab while here was a benefit.

Review №76

Everybody treated me good. The staff was caring and kind. I appreciate all they did for me.

Review №77

Everybody was nice to me. They took good care of me. Thanks for helping me get back home!

Review №78

I have had a family member at this facility for almost a month now and I must say I am shocked at some of the reviews I have read...Though the facility is old, the staff there is kind, caring, and professional. Everyday I get a phone call from a staff member on updates, when we visit every one (4th floor) is Wonderful! All questions and concerns are answered promptly, the doctors seem to be attentive and caring as well. The staff deserves five stars but the facility is older than me but clean and maintained. My family and I feel we have chosen well...Keep up the good work Regency staff and Thank You!

Review №79

Everyone has been so great. This hospital is like my second home. I wish I could stay here instead of going to rehab.

Review №80

Very impressed with the spacious rooms. The nurses were very calm with my mom. Overall great experience with the staff.

Review №81

All the staff was good. My wounds have gotten better. This is the second time that I have been a patient here. I am thankful to be going home.

Review №82

I have gotten stronger while I have been here. All the staff was good to me. I am thankful I got to come to get better.

Review №83

I liked all the staff. They were all great. They were caring and compassionate. I had no problems.

Review №84

Everybody at the hospital was nice and took good care of me. I couldn’t have asked for better care here. Thank you.

Review №85

Everything was good. Everyone was conscientious about my husband’s condition. They took good care of him.

Review №86

You have some fabulous employees here that go above and beyond to provide excellent care to the patients. The statement I always like to end with is I love you more!

Review №87

All of the staff were wonderful and kind and did all they could to help me. I would definitely recommend this hospital to my friends and family.

Review №88

Staff took good care of my wife. The hospital was clean. The questions I had for the doctors and nurses were answered. I would recommend this hospital.

Review №89

Staff took good care of me. I enjoyed my stay. My needs were met. Thank you.

Review №90

Any time I needed help, the help I got was outstanding. The facility was nice and clean. Keep doing what you are doing.

Review №91

I had a wonderful experience at this hospital. The staff was very kind and caring. They took care of every need I had.

Review №92

Staff was kind and courteous. Pain was an issue for me, but I felt the staff and doctors worked with me to get my pain under control. I appreciate all the staff did for me here. I hated to leave.

Review №93

Everyone was good to my wife. Everyone was willing to explain things to her and I. My wife felt very safe and was well taken of.

Review №94

The stay was good. There were some outstanding people here. Thank you!

Review №95

Everybody treated me good. I have improved tremendously in the last few weeks.

Review №96

I was comfortable. The stay was good. The staff were nice to me.

Review №97

Everything was good for me at this hospital. I’ve gotten stronger while I was there. I wish I could stay longer.

Review №98

My father was in Regency 6 years ago. Recently he had to go back. That was the best decision we had to make. Although other rehabilitation centers tried to help, we preferred Recency. The staff is very welcoming, and we feel comfortable with him being there. Thanks Regency staff for all you do!

Review №99

All of the nurses were nice and professional. Everyone helps each other here. Even nurses that were not mine checked on me. Administrators talked to me and checked on me as well.

Review №100

As far as I am concerned, all the staff went above and beyond. The care was great. All staff came in with a smile on their face and left with a smile on their face.

6 Photos
4.4 Rating
  • Address:Second and Third Floors South Tower, 805 Pamplico Hwy, Florence, SC 29505, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 843-661-3471
  • Hospital
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
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