Lixin Acupuncture Clinics
155 S Madison St Suite 209, Denver, CO 80209, United States

Review №1

I first visited Lixin Acupuncture Clinic in September, 2020, for severe leg pain. I initially thought it was the sciatic nerve but it was muscular. Adam has treated me for that and other issues that surfaced during the initial treatments. He is very knowledgeable on Traditional Chinese Medicine and provided great treatments, including acupuncture, cupping, and Tui-Na Massage, along with herbal therapies. Using tongue and pulse diagnosis, Adam identified other underlying issues affecting my pain and my overall wellness. We modified the treatment plan and I have seen improvement in my liver function (from lab tests and pulse readings). My energy is better and I just feel better. TCM is the best approach to wellness. Results are not immediate, nor should they be. This is not like western medicine where you take a pill to treat symptoms. TCM treats the root cause. I highly recommend Lixin Acupuncture Clinic and Adam Drajam for treatment of numerous health matters. It is amazing what they can do!

Review №2

I began seeing Lixin in late February of 2019 for four issues: high cholesterol; chronic cough; ocular pressure and micro colitis. With a combination of needling and herbals, I lost 20 lbs. and my cholesterol numbers improved sufficiently so that I felt confident no longer taking the statin which had been prescribed to me two year prior. The chronic cough was virtually eradicated. After a few months more the ophthalmologist found that several dark spots on the right optic nerve had shrunk in size. Symptoms of the micro colitis have disappeared, although a colonoscopy will only tell how that has improved. Earlier this year, the ocular pressure in one of my eyes had gone down two points, lowering the chance that glaucoma could develop. In the interim I had my annual wellness exam where I was found to have developed a fatty liver. Lixin immediately began treating me for this and within a couple of months my liver enzymes were reading normal again. Furthermore, several months later an ultrasound of my liver showed a marked improvement in appearance. As you might well imagine, I am very pleased with the progress in all these areas and I would like to say that Lixin, in addition to being the quintessential acupuncturist and herbologist, is compassionate, empathetic, caring, and kind. I highly recommend him to anyone having health issues, or those who want to use acupuncture as a prophylactic.I would like to add that Adam Drajam, the acupuncturist/office manager, is very professional, friendly and helpful, which makes the office visit that much more pleasant.

Review №3

Adam is amazing. Great personal skills. Really cares about his clients. He has been helping me with a serious leg problem. I have been searching a long time for someone as skilled and caring as him!!!

Review №4

I started seeing Dr. Zhang a year and a half ago after injuring my left foot.Traditional medicine just offered me surgery, and a long recovery without any guarantee of decreasing my pain.After the first visit my pain had dropped 50%. Each visit continued to bring improvement and healing. Within 4 months I was well enough to ballroom dance again.I have continued to see Dr. Zhang and believe in his ability to to bring healing to any health issues I bring to him. I recommend Dr Zhang without any hesitation. You will be in good hands.Karen Talcott

Review №5

Dr. Lixin is truly a blessing, and we are all so lucky to have him in Denver! I tell everyone I know to go see him, and he is the one person I know I can count on when Western medicine has failed me. He took away all of my incurable RA symptoms within about 8 treatments, when in Western medicine I would be on thousands of dollars worth of medication for the rest of my life with a very low quality of life. Two years later, I am still symptom free.He has also recently helped me get rid of a horrible virus that I had for over four weeks, that I was unable to get rid of with two rounds of strong antibiotics for the subsequent infections which resulted from the virus. I only wish I would have seen him sooner. He has also helped me overcome severe bouts of anxiety and stress over the years. I am hoping to get pregnant in the next couple of years, and if I have any trouble conceiving, Dr. Lixin will be my first call before I ever even think about seeing a fertility specialist! I live in Fort Collins, and it is so worth the drive to see him!If you have any doubts about acupuncture you should definitely give it a chance (make sure to go for the recommended number of treatments, and dont decide after one or two treatments that it isnt working. Depending on the severity of what you are dealing with, it may take a bit of time, but it is truly worth the investment! Dr. Lixin is a treasure for all of us who live within driving distance of his practice!

Review №6

Dr Zhang has been treating my asthma with great results. He is a very skilled practitioner and I am grateful for the opportunity to receive treatment. Highly recommended!

Review №7

Edie was extremely professional and fun to talk to. I floated out of the office after receiving a Chi massage focusing on stress centers. Definitely will be returning and putting the word out. Thank you

Review №8

After 2 months of severe unexplained abdominal pain and invasive procedures deemed necessary by western medicine I found myself with no answers, depressed and hopeless looking for a miracle. I came across Dr. Zhang from an online search and couldnt be happier. Ive had just three sessions and my energy is up, I feel happier, my pain is diminishing substantially and I now have hope and faith that I will fully recover and return to hiking, exercise and living my life again. I am very grateful for this doctor and I highly recommend him to anyone who desires true health, healing and well-being.

Review №9

I have been going to Acupuncture clinics in several cities in the U.S. to try and find someone who can help me with deep healing. It was not until I came into contact with Dr. Lixin that I knew I was in the hands of an expert. Dr.Lixin has helped me with both heart and lung issues, and I have made dramatic progress with his help. I have the highest regard for his abilities and I would recommend him highly to anyone with serious health issues who wanted to deal with them.

Review №10

My mother, Audrey Kenny, who is now 85 has been going to Lixin Acupuncture Clinics for regular appointments since December 2007. Her reason for starting was herniated discs in her lower back that in turn caused the sciatic nerve to send pain down her leg and in to her ankle. Her conventional Doctor suggested surgery which has many drawbacks, intense pain and downtime from your life, or spinal injections which are very dangerous. She did go through the injections which did nothing for her. That started the search for alternative medicine. And were we lucky....... we found Lixin right off the bat. He has kept her out of surgery and mobile. She drives her Subaru and is able to keep an active and independent life. But the story doesnt end there...she sprained her ankle really bad January 2013 and once we got her back on schedule to Lixin it was almost instant relief from the pain. This man is truly and expert in his field. I cannot find enough words to describe how professional and talented he is. I would highly recommend him as I am positive he can help you. As a side benefit his clinic offers much more than just acupuncture for a multitude of symptoms. Plus you will get a heavy dose of peace of mind knowing you did the right thing. It has been amazing!!!

Review №11

Dr Z,Thanks for all your help, I am so happy I will not need to take prescription medications. You showed me another way, a natural way to take care of and heal my body.Warmest RegardsMike

Review №12

A few months ago I got hit in the head with an electronic tail gate from a large SUV. When the ringing in my left ear drove me crazy I went to my Doctor who said there wasnt really much that could help. Possibly acupuncture...My friend Vi recommended Lixin Acupuncture Clinic. Lixin is the best thing that could possibly happen! After visit number 8, I could barely hear the ringing. After the tenth visit; I had to concentrate (when it was silent) to hear the slightest ringing sound.Lixin cured the ringing in my ear. He is incredible! There is hope for people who have that constant ringing in their ears. Make an appointment with Lixin now!

Review №13

Dr. Lixin treated me briefly during a two week visit to Denver with astounding results. He is the real deal. I wish I could move to Denver so he could be my doctor.

Review №14

I want to start by saying going to Lixin Acupuncture Clinic is one of the best experiences that I have ever had since being diagnosed with multiple sclerosis approximately fifteen years ago.I’ve been on numerous steroid and medical injection treatments for flare-ups of my neurological disorder, MS. They gave me short-term relief with negative drawbacks on my health but the acupuncture treatments really relieve my aches and pains.Recently, I had surgery and as a result it made my pulse weak in my right wrist. After my first acupuncture treatment I was once again able to feel a strong pulse. I’m also gradually beginning to have feeling in my lower extremities and soles of my feet. My balance is better and I’m able to walk on the treadmill without holding on to the handlebars. It feels as though my legs are thawing out and coming to life.I don’t know how this treatment works but thanks to Dr. Li Xin Zhang it is changing my life and I’m beginning to feel “normal” again. I even seem to be sleeping better and have a more positive outlook overall. I am unsure why my results are happening so quickly but I’m grateful and want the world to know.

Review №15

Very knowledgable and passionate, so much good information and insight to take away. Highly recommended

Review №16

I brought my mom to see Dr. Lixin for a sore that had developed on her lower leg fro scratching a rash she had. This was of concern as she has diabetes and it was slow in healing. We are from Kansas so we were very happy to see such quick results after just a few treatments. After an initial treatment we went home and then came back out and actually got a hotel room for a week and had treatments every day. After that we came out two more times in the weeks ahead and the sore had completely healed without any visible sign of it having been there. No one can say for sure but we feel his treatments significantly contributed to helping her healing energies come into play and repair the damaged tissue. Potentially it averted an amputation if the sore had gotten infected and wouldnt heal up on its own. Its clear a doctor could never have done what Dr. Lixin did in assisting her body in healing. We were very pleased with his treatments. Incidentally, the rash was also addressed by his treatments and it has almost completely went away too.

Review №17

I was referred to Lixin from someone that told me he is Tenth Generation Chinese Medicine from China. He is a master and his work speaks for itself. I saw him initially for a terrible Eczema problem I got for the first time at 50 yrs. old. I am certain it was Immunotherapy treatments that caused it, and they did nothing for my severe seasonal allergies! I went to a Dermatologist, Allergist, Internist, Herbalists, Functional Doctor, and all sorts of Alternative Practitioners. I did many types of cleanses and still no results. When I saw him I thought it would be a one time appointment since I live over 200 miles away. He told me he would cure me but it could take 3-5 months. I didnt think that was possible since I live so far away. He told me I could try someone where I live but my gut told me, and my husband, that he was the one. I made it work and Im here to say that Im Eczema free as well as Allergy free! NO more seasonal allergies as I watch people that have never had allergies suffering. Lixin absolutely knows his stuff and he is driven by his passion to help people, not money.

Review №18

January, 2018I was diagnosed in 2016 with Autoimmune Inner Ear Disease, developing into Meniere’s Syndrome; severe Tinnitus and TMJ developed around the same time. I experienced episodes of devasting vertigo with severe hearing loss in my left ear, over a period of several months. (Previously, in 2013, I went through the same crisis with my right ear). For the past 2 years my hearing slowly decreased from mild to severe loss and was accompanied by roaring tinnitus along with perpetual dizziness, for which I saw a Vestibular Therapist for 3 months. My Otologist did a series of three steroid shots to reduce the inflammation in my inner left ear. It did help alot, and some of my hearing returned, albeit with alot of echoing and tonal sounds with the tinnitus. I was put on immunosuppressants in the hope that my immune system would calm down. I felt like a train wreck! The side affects of the drugs were nearly as bad as the disease. The exerpience was debilitating, to say the least. I could no longer drive, barely able to walk a few blocks at times (I’m an avid hiker), and I experienced profound fatigue. I couldn’t work at a computer, it made me dizzy, as did reading a book. I was desperate until I found Dr. Li Xin. Over a period of 4 months, with twice weekly acupuncture, he helped me get off the drugs and my “bobble headed” feeling is gone! I feel like “me” again! I’m driving again and walking and hiking with friends, averaging about 3-4 miles. My TMJ is nearly gone (and Dr. Li wasn’t focusing on that), and my tinnitus has been reduced to very mild. My recent audiology report showed an improvement in my hearing. I could tell immediately when they put the headset on my head and spoke to me that it was better because her voice was CLEAR! I scored in the 80% range for word recognition; before I was in the 50% range (for my hearing threshold). I feel like I’ve rejoined life! There is no known cure for this disease, but should a flare up happen again in my future, I feel Dr. Li will restore me to “Me”! He is unbelievably knowledgeable and I consider him my doctor for life! Thank you, Dr. Li!Dixie

Review №19

I first visited Lixin several years ago after a diagnosis of plantar fasciitis. I could barely walk into his office and after the first treatment, walked normally and returned to regular walking, running and hiking. After two more visits I had no heel pain whatsoever. At Lixin’s suggestion I began having tune-ups every six months to keep my body in balance, increase strength and aid in combating stress. My overall sense of well-being prevails.Recently I experienced severe pain in my right hip that radiated down the outside of my leg to my ankle. I saw Lixin immediately and began treatment. I also saw my primary care doctor at Kaiser Permanente. After a complete exam she prescribed acupuncture, yoga and provided exercises I could begin to do when the intense pain subsided. I am grateful that acupuncture provides drug-free non-invasive treatment in a calm environment where the body is able to begin to heal itself. I am even more grateful that I have become a patient of Lixin.Karen Morin

Review №20

IF YOU HAVE TINNITUS/RINGING IN YOUR EARS, PLEASE READ THIS. I am so very happy that I found Dr. Zhang. About a year and half ago, I experienced sudden hearing loss in one ear, with no explanation or apparent cause. While I was happy that I didnt have a brain tumor, and I could deal with the hearing loss, I was not doing well with the terrible tinnitus that was a side effect - it was like the old-school emergency broadcast system warning sound constantly going off in one ear. My western ENT doctor was great, but he was not able to offer any help with the tinnitus. Dr. Zhang started treatment without hesitation, and after about three months, I am extremely happy to say that I am free of the terrible, ongoing noise in my ear. I plan on continuing to see Dr. Zhang on a less frequent basis to maintain the healthy, balanced, and strong state that he has returned me to. Dr. Zhang is incredibly skilled and knowledgeable, and is a true asset to the medical community.

Review №21

I spent almost 2 years in Denver helping my son and mother with a garage, which is shut down now! During the 2 years of electro acupuncture I was also monitored by Duke City Vascular on the blood circulation in my right leg every 3 months. The doctor performing this study said I do not need to see you anymore because my circulation was back to 100 percent. Dr. Zhang was worried about the loss of my leg. Currently, I get massage twice weekly in the ABQ area and walk without a cane. I have been told that 8 years of time maybe needed for my nerves to recover and that seems to be on target, 1 more year to go. My muscle in my lower leg is stronger than my upper quad which seems to be responding quite well.

Review №22

SHINGLES / POSTHERPETIC NEURALGIA: A few years ago I suffered from an extremely painful case of shingles. The blisters, rash, and pain extended from my neck all the way down my left arm and into my thumb. I was prescribed the conventional anti viral medication by my Doctor, however once the rash and blisters cleared up about 95% of the pain remained. When pain persists after the shingles rash clears it is a condition known as postherpetic neuralgia. I told my Doctor that I was still in severe pain, and he advised me that there was no cure for postherpetic neuralgia and I would have to learn to handle the pain. Discouragingly even the Mayo Clinic’s website agrees that there is no cure for postherpetic neuralgia.The pain was unbearable and I needed to find relief so I sought help from an alternative medicine Doctor (not Dr. Zhang). This Doctor gave me several acupuncture treatments that were ineffective.Next I consulted with Dr. Zhang and he advised me that he had successfully treated postherpetic neuralgia in the past and would be able to help me. After only one acupuncture treatment from Dr. Zhang the pain level amazingly dropped down to about 40%. I scheduled acupuncture appointments for three times a week, and after another week of treatments from Dr. Zhang the pain had dropped down to 10%. After five weeks of treatments I was completely pain free.I owe a most sincere debt of gratitude to Dr. Zhang for healing this ailment and I highly recommend him to anyone who is suffering from chronic pain.

Review №23

Ive had Crohns disease for over 25 years, but over the past several years my symptoms increased. The disease had spread from my descending to my ascending colon. I was put on Remicade infusions for nearly two years (not fun) and then progressed to Humira. This is all in addition to the normal dosages of Imuran and Asacol.My wife had been seeing Lixin for back pain and finally persuaded me to go for a visit. On the first visit, Lixin stated he could actually cure my Crohns disease. I was skeptical, as western medicine insists Crohns has no cure.After a few months of treatment, my symptoms began to recede. After a few more months, Lixin encouraged me to gradually begin reducing my dosage amounts. I had a few ups and downs over this period, but generally had encouraging results.Ive now been off of the drugs for several months and Ive been symptom free. I have two acupuncture sessions weekly which will also be tailored down over time.All I can say at this point: Lixin turned a skeptic in to a believer. Theres no way I could go this long without supporting drugs if acupuncture didnt work. As other reviewers have stated, Lixin is a genuine person who cares about his patients.Highly recommended.

Review №24

Professional, warm, healing.

1 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:155 S Madison St Suite 209, Denver, CO 80209, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 303-832-7070
  • Acupuncture clinic
  • Acupuncturist
  • Alternative medicine practitioner
Working hours
  • Monday:9am–12pm
  • Tuesday:9am–12pm
  • Wednesday:9am–12pm
  • Thursday:9am–12pm
  • Friday:9am–12pm
  • Saturday:Closed
  • Sunday:Closed
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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