Back & Joint Rehab Center
127 E 113th Ave, Crown Point, IN 46307, United States

Review №1

Thank you for helping me and taking the time to teach me how to listen to my body. I came to you for physical therapy after neck surgery and not only have you helped with great progress with my range of motion (that is even better than it was before surgery) and continue building my strength, that I have not felt in a long time but you have helped with my life long issues with headaches and migraines. Today I felt a horrible migraine coming on and I did my exercises and stretches and listened to how my body was responding to know what I needed to do to get rid of it. I wish I would have been referred to you many years ago. I cannot thank you enough.

Review №2

I had a pinched nerve in my neck. Dr. Del Real really helped me get to the cause of the problem, and understand what was going on. Within about 6 weeks, I was back to myself! I’ve officially “graduated” and most importantly, he taught me stretches and exercises to help with any future issues dealing with the problem area in my neck/upper back. I would recommend this place 100%!

Review №3

Before i came here, i went to a doctor that did not assess my problems and did not spend enough time with me to understand my pains. when i met dr. del real he explained the back pains ive been trying to explain for months. i thought i would never not have back pain and when i went to dr. del real i saw results within a few weeks. i also went to him for a concussion and for acl recovery. i would and do recommend him to anyone i know. amazing person, definitely my best friend, and a great physical therapist. i trust him with any injury i have.

Review №4

Dr. Del Real has completely helped my quality of life. He focuses on the mechanics of your joints in order to produce superior results. He is extremely personable and easy to get along with. Every time he works with me, Im extremely comfortable. He explains everything he is doing so you can get the best results possible! Im so happy I found him!

Review №5

My neck and shoulder pain was really messing with my daily life. In about 30 days, I was back to normal and feeling good. A lot of chiropractors want you to continue going for months for maintenance and Dr. Del Real sent me off and said I was good to go. He told me to remember all my exercises whenever I had any mild discomfort. It has been about two months and I still feel good.

Review №6

Dr Del Real is one of a kind. He focuses on rehab through strength and conditioning. Not pills and snake oils. I truly enjoy my time here and learning about the mechanics of the body. He helps create good habits that you can practice at home and help create a better life for your body.

Review №7

I went to Dr. Del Real for some pretty severe back pains after having my second child. I was having a difficult time holding her and I didnt want to take medicine to relieve the pain because I was breastfeeding. He gave me exercises that took away the pain and then spent time teaching me ways to prevent the injury so it wouldnt happen again. Highly recommend!!!

Review №8

My experience with Dr. Del Real was fantastic! I had lower back pain for approximately 10yrs. I spent about 6 weeks with him and he taught me so much. We worked on specific exercises focusing on the correct form and posture for each movement. I am happy to say that for the past week plus I have not had any back pain. I havent felt this good...well, in 10 years. Now, I know how to maintain the feeling with all the information and exercises that he worked with me on. He truly cared about my well being. I would recommend anyone with back or neck or any sort of joint pain to see Dr. Del Real and see first hand how he can change your life!

Review №9

I’ve spent two years in tremendous pain, trying everything imaginable to find relief from my lower back pain. Dr. Artie has me pain free in less than 6 weeks! I’d argue it’s a miracle but I know it isn’t because he explains how the body moves, takes time to understand your symptoms, and provides a flawless action plan that not only improves your symptoms, but improves the problem. I drive over an hour each way from Chicago for my appointments because he’s the absolute best! Thanks for everything doc!!

Review №10

Dr. Arty has changed my life, without a doubt.I can safely say that he is the best Doctor I have ever been to, chiropractic or otherwise.His passion for treating and creating a higher quality of life shows through in every moment of his care. His high level of education and knowledge of movement is vast and shows in quick assessments, and simple but incredibly effective treatments.As a professional ballroom dancer and a active person also does crossfit, my body, and my ability to move well, are important on a daily basis.So when I hurt my knee a week before a 3 day long dance competition, I was very worried.Dr Arty had me dancing and competing all weekend without pain or reduced ability with only a few repeatable exercises. Since then I have been a loyal patient and have sent more than half a dozen students that I teach to either fix problems, rehab injuries or just learn how to move better.His understanding of how the body works makes improving in any area in the body simple. Just by following some movements and repeating them until youre ready to progress, displays a mastery of his profession. He knows how to tailor his treatment for 20 somethings to people well into their nineties!His bedside manner is exceptional as well. Warm, kind, and funny, Dr. Arty makes you feel like just by walking in the office youre well on your way to recovery. He also breaks everything down in a way that anyone can understand without feeling dumb.If youve made it this far you can bet I would recommend him to anyone for just about anything. Truly one of a kind.

Review №11

Ive visited Dr. Del Real over the past few years for my back/neck and recommend him highly. More than any other sports medicine physician Ive visited, he really takes the time to understand your situation, the underlying causes of your discomfort and how its impacting your quality of life. He then guides you through a clear process that gets you back on your feet and pain free. His approach is thoughtful, hes an exceptional communicator (so important), and in every case, Ive been back in action and free from pain with his help.See Dr. Del Real first and youll save yourself a lot of time and frustration trying to find a solution.

Review №12

Just give Dr Art a try. He will know within a few weeks if he can help you. I had instant relief. I broke my back years ago and because of his treatment I will never need surgery. He also helped with my migraines.

Review №13

Dr. Arty Del Real is without question my go-to resource for all of my clients who could benefit from the highest quality of care in the industry. His knowledge and expertise is only surpassed by the quality of character this man possess. For these reasons and many others, Dr. Arty is always my first reference for anyone in need, including myself, regardless the distance.

Review №14

First time when Dr. Del Real helped me was 5 years ago. I had lower back pain for about a month( 2 different chiropractors practiced on me - no results). I still remember the first visit , He evaluated my case just with movements and said - it is going to be easy Fix. To be honest I doubt it a little bit.But for 2 days with the prescribed exercises pain decreased 90% and after a week it was gone.Now I live in Bulgaria. This time it was neck pain , radiating to the right hand and the head. Again i tried different therapies, there was some relief, but the pain was coming back. I contacted Dr. Del Real and he was kind enough to help me over Skype. For less than a month, trying a few different exercises he fixed me again .The best thing is - I learned how to maintain and strengthen the muscles and not to have the same problem again.Thank You Dr. Del Real. You Are the Best !!!

Review №15

A very angry person.I came in with neck problems and he gave me some exercises which were pretty aggressive. They involved me doing them once every hour eight times a day. I thought that was crazy but figured I would self moderate. After one day I felt the back of my neck was really sore so I stopped doing them. Then I went to do situps (without my hands touching my head) and it popped out of place which it had never done before.So I stopped doing his exercises because I just threw out my neck and came in 2 weeks later when it felt better. I told him that it felt like those exercises threw out my neck. When I told him that he questioned whether I wanted to feel better at all. He told me to do the same exercise and it showed in his office that my mobility definitely decreased. At which point he made me do it over and over and finally I told him I dont want to do it anymore. He then of course told me that I didnt want to get better. He also accused me of lying to him about my injury history which I didnt.I have since looked up different exercises on the internet and am feeling much better.

Review №16

I started seeing Art back in June-ish of 2019 at my dads request. All my life Ive been a victim of 3 day long, ocular migraines as well as just normal headaches and a LOT of sinus issues. Over the past few years, I found myself going through spurts where I would have 3-5 of these 3 day long bouts of unbelievable pain a month for several months at a time. Now my dad was seeing Art for his own neck, head, and back issues and had overhead him talking to another patient about her constant migraines and that whatever Art was having her do was doing WONDERS. My dad and him got to to talking about me, Art insisting I come in and give it a try and, after a few weeks of pushing from my dad, I finally did. Turns out, the problem is my neck. While I am no where near either of my parents level, the tightness of my neck and always looking down (school, phone computer, art, etc) was the cause. I swear to you, I have never been happier in my LIFE. Ive had two different sinus surgeries, I see an allergist, I always make sure to have a whole box of Imatrex on hand (as well as pain medications in my purse at all times) and while all of that was helpful, nothing has worked better than the stretches he got me doing. Sure my sinuses can cause some painful pressure, but let me promise you this, I am more confident that I can stop the ocular aura from turning into a full blown migraine by just laying down and stretching my neck than I EVER felt taking an Imatrex. I dont even carry them in my purse anymore. Ive had less migraines and headaches (not caused by sinuses) in the past 6 months that I did during a single summer month back in 2018. We love this man SO much that after my mom had an ankle fusion back in May, she started seeing him as soon as she could and within a month she was walking normally. Like this man is a miracle maker. I have made sure to tell him to all my co-workers and now Im telling you. If you have a problem, go see Art and see what he can do for you!!! You wont regret it!

Review №17

I’ve had back pain for many years due to bulging discs, stenosis, arthritis, etc. It ended up getting so bad I was having migraines from my back and neck. I’ve done everything from medications to steroid injections and nerve blocks to multiple sessions with different physical therapists without any lasting results.I started seeing Dr. Del Real about 6 weeks ago and now my headaches are gone and my back is feeling so much better. He gives you personalized exercises and really listens to you. He also genuinely cares about his patients too. I never thought a chiropractor would be the answer but it works.I’m very grateful for everything he’s done for me and recommend him to anyone dealing with back pain, joint pain, and even migraines.

Review №18

I have been an athlete all my life and about 10 years ago began suffering from lower back pain during my high school athletic career. It inhibited me not just as an athlete but also as a student and doing everyday activities. It would become so painful and uncomfortable to the point where I could barely sit still in class or even tie my own shoes. I was referred to countless doctors, chiropractors, back specialists, physical therapists, athletic trainers, etc. Over and over again I was given vague unspecific answers and limited options. I was told everything from I needed surgery to I just needed to stretch more. No-one was willing to take the time and effort to get to the root of the problem and how to fix it. I got so used to dealing with the pain and discomfort that I had given up hope and just accepted it as part of my life. It got so bad that I was actually bed ridden and forced to stop playing the sport I love and stop teaching Physical Education as a teacher. Thats when I began working with Dr. Del Real or Arty as we call him. He is the first person, out of the countless professionals Ive dealt with over the years to actually explain to me what was going on with my back and how I can fix it. None of the other people took the time or the effort to do that for me. They simple suggested quick fixes or referred me to have surgery (which I now know is completely unnecessary). After meeting with Arty for just a few sessions, I began to not only physically feel better but to regain the hope of living once again without the pain and discomfort I had become so used to dealing with. He taught me so much about not just my back but my entire body. He made me understand the importance of preventative exercises, correct movements, and how to take care of myself and its changed me for good. Because of everything he taught me and helped me with I was able to resume my athletic career and pursue my dream of being a professional hockey player. He not only is a great, professional, and knowledgeable doctor but hes an even better person because he actually does care about helping you succeed and take care of yourself. You do not have to live in pain and there is someone who can help you even if you dont believe that, I had given up hope long ago but was blessed enough to have Dr. Artemio Del Real show me how to regain control of not just my back and body but of my life!

Review №19

I had suffered with nerve pinch and numbness in both of my arms for more than a year. Working with Dr. Del Real I learned several exercises that not only released the numbness but in the process strengthened my shoulders and neck. And all in a very short time. I also learned that I had to put in the work at home in order to continue to improve. Now, no numbness and much improved strength.Thanks Dr. Del Real, you have made me a believer.

Review №20

I have been to many physical therapists and chiropractors but he is so very different!!!!He explains in laymans terms the reason for your pain and how to correct it. He takes his time to be sure your doing your exercises correctly and makes you feel like your a friend not a patient. I recommend going here first for all your pain needs.

Review №21

Dr. DelReal has been a blessing in my life. I was getting steroid injections twice a year but I felt I could possibly go three times a year. Through my sons recommendation of him I started coming. He said he could get me to the point where I would not need the steroid shots anymore and to be honest I found it hard to believe because the pain would shoot down my leg was so evident. I have been with him for possibly a year or a tad longer and have not needed any more steroid injections. I’m very grateful to him and recommend him highly!

Review №22

Dr. Del real was extremely friendly and helped me understand why I was having IT band issues, how to deal with it immediately, and how to deal with it long term. I eventually was able to run a marathon (4 months after) when, at the time, I couldnt even run 5 miles without pain.

Review №23

I cant say enough good things about Dr. Del Real. He has helped me when others have tried and failed. He really cares about helping people - not signing them up for months of appointments -- and he has training in a variety of treatment modalities so he is better equipped than many providers to solve problems. I feel better just knowing he is there if I need him.

Review №24

My back was a mess. Inflammation due to injury aggravated my stenosis and several ruptured lumbar discs. I was getting around slowly thanks only to pain meds. The back surgeon indicated surgery wasn’t required and recommended that I see Dr. Artemio Del Real at Back and Joint Rehab Center in Crown Point.Dr. Arte has me back in action. For me, his 1 on 1 approach has included ongoing assessment, customized stretching and gradual introduction of an exercise regimen to build upper and lower body strength.The results are great. Pain is gone. I am fully mobile and walking erect. I feel as if I am back in control and stronger than before. I would feel good about recommending Dr. Arte and his approach to those with similar problems.

Review №25

I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Del Real to anyone with back issues or joint pain. Hands down, the best our family has ever been to!!

Review №26

Dr. Del Real takes time to fully assess his patients and gives them the education and treatment to make lasting change.

Review №27

My name is Fiori Malko. I was introduced to Art by my personal trainer as I could not do a lot of exercises and I had pain most of the time on my right leg – from hip all way down. I have been living with this issue for the past 7-8 years and the chronic pain became part of my life. I had given up running, biking, and any other exercises that would affect it. I’ve been to multiple sports & medicine doctors and spent years in physical therapy and everyone would say that I need to strengthen my glutes muscles even though my hip and knee couldn’t not allow me to do these exercises properly.When I met Art I was skeptical of course and within the first couple of visits he was able to track the history of my injury, how it affected my leg, and what my current issues were. None of the doctors that I saw at the Northwestern University had done such thing (one of them even told me that it was in my head). He came up with a plan of attack for different injuries/issues in my leg. Within 3 months of seeing him twice a week, I was exercising 5 days a week with minimum pain. We continued working with my hip rotators and increased the intensity of my exercises as I was getting better. Besides the fact that I was able to exercise, I like that Art explains to you the methodology of each exercise and how they affect you so it makes sense before you complete them. He will take the time and work with you to do these exercises correctly.I truly appreciate it what Art did for me and I wish him the best of luck in his new endeavors.

Review №28

Dr. Arty did not only fix my pain but gave me the tools and knowledge to keep my back healthy and strong , everyday i just do what he taught me and i havent had a problem with my back , wish i would have gone seen him years ago

Review №29

Dr. Del Real listens and cares for his patients. He makes sure you know how to do the therapy correctly and teaches you why youre in the pain.

Review №30

Arty is the best!

84 Photos
4.9 Rating
  • Address:127 E 113th Ave, Crown Point, IN 46307, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 219-310-8822
  • Chiropractor
  • Rehabilitation center
  • Sports medicine clinic
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:7am–6pm
  • Wednesday:7am–7pm
  • Thursday:7am–6pm
  • Friday:7am–7pm
  • Saturday:7am–6pm
  • Sunday:7am–2pm
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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