OConnor Health Center
1190 S Bascom Ave Suite 111, San Jose, CA 95128, United States

Review №1

I was looking for a practitioner who specialized in full body transformation.Dr Jennings was a lucky find. I had searched and met with a few dieticians and decided I’d return to Jenny. I worked there for years and felt like I had a solid understanding of health and diet. But, by chance and a work referral, I found Dr. Jennings. I had several issues when I walked through his door: Adrenal fatigue, high blood pressure and loads of hormone-fueled weight. Within 4 weeks I lost 22 lbs and lost almost 12 inches. My blood pressure is fantastic, and I look like I lost 40 lbs due to the inches.The results of his program are truly inspirational and have propelled me to stick with it and keep working hard – the rewards are immense. I am never hungry, and the program is so easy to follow it doesn’t feel like hard work, but the results usually ONLY come with hard work. If you listen to the doctor and your body, you will find yourself feeling and looking a whole new person.

Review №2

It’s such a great program if you want to lose weight fast and effectively. All you have to do is follow the program and be committed. Dr. Jennings and Shannon are really helpful and they answer all of your questions and concerns. I highly recommend it for people who want to lose a lot of weight. It’s a great program!

Review №3

I have been very happy with my weight loss program under the guidance of Dr. Jennings. I have no had food cravings. I feel better. That says it all. After my initial success, I realized that I actually could obtain the goal weight I dared not mention at the start for fear of being ridiculed. I am on my way.

Review №4

If you’re experiencing back pain and are considering getting surgery PLEASE READ THIS FIRST!I have had back pain from a sports related injury for more than a decade and it got to the point a few weeks ago where I literally couldn’t fall asleep at night because of the pain and shortness of breath I was experiencing while laying down. It’s been 2 weeks since my first meeting with Dr. Jennings and I’ve gone from a 10 on the pain level to a 2-3 on the pain level. My back feels infinitely better than it has since I can even remember and the best part is, I’m sleeping full nights again. I feel so blessed to have found a doctor who not only obviously cares about his patients health, but also is super knowledgeable and has helped educate me about my body and my current situation. Don’t make a permanent decision and get a back surgery. Please take my advice and go see Dr Jennings first. It was the best thing I have ever done for my health and it feels awesome having a true professionals support in getting back to the right side of healthy. Not only a great doctor but a great person, Thank you Dr. Jennings for all of your help!

Review №5

This program really sets you up for success. I became more aware that I needed to change how I thought about food. I LOVE food, but now I realize I could still enjoy food I just need to have healthier versions of food and definitely eat less. Ive lost almost 25 pounds in 4 weeks. I couldnt be happier with my results so far. Thank you Dr. Jennings for all of your knowledge and support. Also thank you Shannon for being a friendly face to see each morning.

Review №6

I was gaining so much weight due to the COVID shutdown in the community and had to work from home. I became even more sedentary. Even before COVID, I gained so much due to my hectic schedule at work. I started this program with Dr. Jennings in March 2021. The first month, I lost 30 lbs. This is the fastest weight loss I have ever done. It’s also the easiest. I have tried Atkins. I have tried becoming vegetarian. These diets would only help me lose a few pounds and flatline and then gain it back. It was very frustrating to spend so much time and energy. Dr Jennings’ weight loss program is definitely a game changer. It’s now fun to step on the scale just to see how much I weight I have lost. I continue to lose weight and looking forward to losing more before going back to work.

Review №7

The program at the OConnor Health Center is a well balanced program that focuses on improving your health through a sound set of procedures. It is the only program that I know of that focuses on improving you health and metabolism.I believe in this program because it works.I lost 25 pounds in a month and have kept the weight off since 2017.

Review №8

Patti W. - This program is truly amazing! Although you have to give up many of the things you would normally eat, there is still plenty of good, nutritious foods you CAN enjoy. Results accumulate quickly - in just two weeks I lost a total of 8 3/4 inches and almost 11 pounds! My husband initially started the program and I decided to join him. Together we both feel better and look much better. I hear different diet programs advertised that promise X amount of weight loss over a couple of months - this program makes that occur in just a few weeks! We also learned some interesting facts - such as too much exercise can actually hinder weight loss. During this program you are encouraged to do mild forms of exercise, or none at all. I believe I will continue to lose weight and inches and be able to keep the weight off. I sincerely believe that, if you follow the rules of this program, you will see remarkable results!Terry W. - I would recommend this program to anyone. The diet is pretty easy to follow, (I did have to give up bacon and mushrooms) and all regular food. Protein, vegetables and fruit. Really easy to fix great meals that really taste great. My wife joined me on this program and it has been great. After the first four weeks I have lost over 25 lbs. and over 12 inches off my waist, chest and thighs. Dr Oconnors program really works. If you follow the program you will lose the weight. Give it a try and live with the results for the rest of your life. Thanks Dr. and Thanks to Denise in Walnut Creek.

Review №9

I highly recommend that you to to the workshop that they offer. You will learn a lot.This program was incredible. I lost more than I thought I could. In 4 months I lost 30 pounds. And it was pretty easy to do. Just follow the plan. You can do it too.I have told several of my friends and coworkers about this program.

Review №10

I have some many other programs. This is the first one that has really taught me how to lose weight and keep it off. I was able to lose 12 pounds in the first three weeks on the program. I have been following Dr. Jennings recommendations and have lost another 8 pounds in the weeks after I finished the program. It was easy. Just do why they recommend and you will lose what you want to lose. You probably wont be hungry either. I wasnt hungry and t people I talked to said that they werent hungry either.I highly recommend this program if you are serious about losing weight and feeling better.

Review №11

Im a dentist. I could see that one of my patients had lost a lot of weight and told me about this program. The next time I saw the patient she had lost even more weight (about 45 pounds total). I tried this program and without a doubt this is the best program out there.Thank you sooo much. I not only lost weight but I also got a lot healthier. I am grateful for having this program available.

Review №12

This program was easy. I was able to lose all the weight I wanted to lose. I lost 35 pounds and 6 inches from my waist in 9 weeks. I have done a lot of other programs but none has been as easy and fast as this one.I recommend that you go to the workshop. That is where you really learn a lot about how your body and metabolism really works.

Review №13

This program was very easy to follow. Ive done Weight Watcher and Jenny Craig before. What I like about OConnor Health Centers program is July never have buy packaged foods and their program works a neck of a lot faster.I feel a lot better about my physique as welwelll. The OConnor Health Centers program help you to lose weight faster than those other programs but it also helps you to gain a lot more muscle time without exercising. So I feel I look a lot better as well.I lost 18 pounds in the first 3 weeks with OConnor Health Centers program. It took me a year and a half to lose 18 pounds with Weight Watchers. When I did Jenny Craig I lost 16 pounds in a year.The OConnor Health Centers weight loss program is really a good program.

Review №14

I look and feel a lot younger. My skin is really soft and smooth. I lost all the weight I wanted in about 4 weeks. I feel so much better.I am glad that this program exists. I recommend it highly.

Review №15

This is my kind of place. The staff is friendly and very supportive. Whenever I call to ask a question they have always have been able to answer it quickly.The weight loss program is very effective. I went through Weight Watchers and lost only 10 pounds in 1-1/2 years. I with this program at the OConnor Health Center I have been able to lose 19.6 pounds in 6 weeks. And it was totally easy. I havent been hungry or had any cravings.I am 20 pounds from my goal. Im sure I will make it. When I do it will me the lightest Ive weighed in over 35 years.Thank you so much OConnor Health Center for giving me my life back.

Review №16

The program here was easy, faster and I was never hungry. I lost 24 pounds in 2 months.I was surprised how quickly I started to feel better and how much I was able to improve my energy. This program help me with me back and neck pain as well. I think it was more than just losing weight that helped. The whole program is designed to improve your health and vitality.I recommend this program to anyone who is considering a weight lose programs.

Review №17

I have done a lot of different programs in the past. None of them were as easy and fast as this program. I lost 54 pounds in the first three months of the program (92 days). The weight loss was consistent the whole time. Compared to other programs this program is head and shoulders above the rest.IOne thing that I noticed is my lower back felt better right away. Eben before I started losing weight.All my joints feel really good now. My coworkers and friends have commented on how I look. They say I look 20 years younger. I definitely feel at least 20 years younger. My energy and mood are 100% improved.If you want to lose weight then you owe it to yourself to dont his program.

Review №18

I had been walking, biking and working out 5 days a week and nothing was happening regarding the weight loss for 3 years. Then I tried the weight loss program at the OConnor Health Center.Since I am a short small framed woman who is 4 10 losing 24 pounds is significant. I went from 145 lbs to 121 lbs.I am really happy with the program. The doctor put together a truly state of the art program.

Review №19

My friend from work decided she wanted to do this program here at the OConnor Health Center. She wanted me to do it with her but I decided not to until I saw her lose weight. So far shes lost 18 pounds in 21 days. Ive lost 5.2 pounds in 6 days.The funny thing is this is the easiest weight loss program I have ever done. I was skeptical in the beginning but after talking to the other clients that are here and seeing the results that my friend and I have received I cant get over it.I have talked to a lot of people who come here. Everyone who follows the program get amazing results.I am very excited about the results.If you want to lose weight quickly and easily I would recommend this program. It works really well.

Review №20

I wanted to lose 40 pounds but ended up losing 56. I was really easy.I tell practically everyone I meet about this program. Its natural, theres no medications, no exercise and no packaged foods. Its fantastic.

Review №21

My doctor told me about the OConnor Health Centers weight loss program. She went through the program and has lost 25 pounds in a month. She told me it was the only program she trusted to be safe and effective. Its FDA approved.I lost 38 pounds in 2 months. My blood pressure went to normal. My cholesterol dropped as well. My doctor told me they would. So now I dont need the station and high blood pressure medications.I never knew I could feel as good as I do. My energy is high and my mood is excellent.I recommend this program to everyone of my friends. It works without shakes, packages foods, appetite supresents, and all that other stuff.

Review №22

I have had a weight problem for years. I tried different diets but they didnt work. I tried a personal trainer for 3 month and lost 9 pounds. It was expensive and a lot of hard work. Then after I was done with the personal trailer I gained the weight back.I decided to try the OConnor Health Center and did really well on their weight loss program. I lost about 27 pounds in 6 weeks. It was pretty easy. I didnt have hunger or cravings. I really felt a lot better too.I would recommend the OConnor Health Center to lose weight.

Review №23

My belly is flatter, my joints feel really good and my sleep is the best its been in years. I lost 32 lbs but I also got my life back. I am able to do things that I havent done in years.I was referred by my doctor. She told me she tried it too and lost 32 pounds.

Review №24

I have tried a lot of weight loss programs in the past. This one really works for me. I lost 30 pounds in about 9 weeks and was really easy. This program is a lot more than just losing weight. It shapes your body. I lost more inches Nathan I did pounds. It also helped me to get off my type II diabetes and blood pressure meds.I have referred a lot of people to this program because I believe in it and because it has worked extremely well for everyone I have referred.If you are serious about losing weight this is the program for you.

Review №25

I was able to go off all my diabetes meds within just a few days!. I lost 32 in about 6 weeks. I was on them for about 30 years! Thank you Dr. Jennings.If you really want to getting healthier and lose weight I recommend this program.

Review №26

This program is easy to follow and the results exceeded my expectations.I lost 14 pounds in the first 3 weeks. Thats better than any other program I have ever tried.I have lost 29 pounds in 9 weeks.If you want lose weight I would recommend this program.

Review №27

This program was a life saver for both my husband and myself. It was easy a d we were not hungry at all.My husband lost 28 pounds as I lost 20 pounds in the first month of doing this program. I was able to go off .I high blood pressure medications with a few days after starting g the program.I recommend this program highly.

Review №28

My accountant had lost 50 pounds on this program and told my husband and me about it a year ago. I wished we had followed his advice earlier because we both look and feel so much better.I was told I was old and that I couldnt lose weight. After I tried this program I found out that I really could lose weight.

Review №29

Ive tried walking, biking, diet pills, Nutristems, dieting on my own, and other weight loss programs. Nothing seemed to work. then I heard about t program at OConnor Health Center.There as always someone monitoring me and keeping me on track. I wanted lose 40 pounds but instead I lost 53. It was a pretty easy process. I wasnt hungry and there werent any cravings.Oi recommend this program at t OConnor Health Center.

Review №30

I lost 6 inches from my abdomen & 4 inches from my hips in 6 weeks. I was shocked. I never would have imagines this would have happened.I have recommended this program to everyone. It is the best program out there!

Review №31

I am a vegetarian and have struggled with my weight for years. After doing this program I lost 23 pounds in 6 weeks. It was easy and I learned a lot about what I was doing wrong. You do not have to eat a high protein diet to succeed.My doctor told me that I have never seen or heard of anyone going off the medications you were on. Keep doing whatever you are doing.

Review №32

I was referred by my doctor. He said Just do what Dr. Jennings recommends and you will be successful. I did what they told me and it was extremely successful. I went off my high blood pressure medications and all my diabetes medications.I found this program works.

Review №33

I went to the workshop with a certain amount of skepticism. Learned a lot about how the system worked. Decided to try the introductory 10 sessions. I weighed 188 lbs when I began. After 28 sessions I finished at 159 lbs, just 10 lbs above my high school weight (1971). Just followed the eating rules and everything worked out. Occasional hunger pangs in the beginning but after a while you learn to increase your low calorie vegetable intake. I would recommend the system for anyone in my position, mid 60s and 30lbs over weight after years of trying exercise to lose weight. Also, I have eliminated my acid re-flux problem and my blood pressure/heart rate are the best ever.

Review №34

I went to the workshop and was very excited because I really thought that this program would work for me. I was hoping that I could lose 25 pounds. I had done Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, personal trainers and Keto. The results from those other programs was never as much as I expected. Usually I did not lose anything at all. Then I always gained the weight back plus a lot more.The program at the OConnor Health Center was a lot different. I knew right from the beginning that it was going to work. It was the very first program that I felt good about from the beginning.I lost 36 pounds in 3 months and I was never hungry. That was in July of 2018. I have kept the weight.I highly recommend this program of you are serious about losing weight.

Review №35

My friend and I are vegetarian and we wanted to lose weight.She started the program before me. She lost 42 pounds in about 9 weeks and Ive lost 34 pounds in 6 weeks. Im still on the program and want to lose about another 10 pounds. Which I am confident I will lose in the next few weeks. My belly is a lot smaller than its been in years. I lost 7 inches from my waist!If you really want to lose weight I would recommend this program. Even with being vegetarian it was fast and easy.

Review №36

This weight loss program works really well. I was able to lose 27 pounds in the first 6 weeks.It was easy and I wasnt hungry.

Review №37

I think this weight loss program works really well. I lost all the weight I wanted to lose without being hungry.I was referred by a friend. The program has helped me to get off all the medications I was taking for high blood pressure and type 2 diabetes.

Review №38

I went to the workshop and really like what the doctor had to say. I learned A LOT about how my body works. It was easy to understand and it seemed so clear. I signed up for the program. I thought it was going to be difficult but I found out that it was a lot easier than I imagined. I lost all the weight I wanted to without being hungry or having cravings.I would recommend to follow the program and you will lose what you want to lose.

Review №39

I used to work for a large weight loss program. I worked there for 10 years. I found that the OConnor Health Centers program was head and shoulders above the program I used to sell.Everyone that I have talked to about this program say its the easiest and fastest program they have ever done. And I agree.

Review №40

I hear good things about this program here at the OConnor Health Center. All the reviews I read were extremely positive. I watched the videos on the web site as well and it all seemed to check out. So I went to the free workshop.I learned a lot. I didnt know what I didnt know until I learned what Dr. Jennings taught us. I decided to do the program and was really surprised. I lost between 1/2 - 1 pound a day. I ended up losing 32 pounds in the first 6 weeks. I was totally amazedIt was really easy, fast and I wasnt hungry at all. Ive kept the weigh off since mid February.I recommend this program. Its worked better than anything else Ive done.

Review №41

I have done every diet or weight loss plan under the sun. Nothing was working for me. I believed I was doing everything right. I am a retired health care facility inspector for the State of California. I have studied a lot about health, nutrition, and health care.After going to the free workshop I found out that I wasnt doing hardly anything right. Dr. Jennings explained to everyone how our bodies are really able to lose weight and keep it off. It all made sense to me. I found out that what I was told from other weight lose programs was outdated and wrong. Dr. Jennings explained everything in an easy to understand format. He showed us how we really are able to lose weight quickly and in a healthy manner.My husband and I started the program and after 4 months I lost 64 pounds and my husband lost 73 pounds. I lost 14 inches from around my abdomen and 9 inches from around my hips.It was easy and consistent weight loss. We were never hungry.I recommend that you follow the program exactly as it is designed to be done and you will lose what you want to lose.

Review №42

With this program I have lost 31 pounds I 6 weeks. My primary care physician thinks its unbelievable that I have become so health. My blood pressure, cholesterol and blood glucose have gone to normal levels so my primary care physician recommended I go off the statins, blood pressure, insulin and .metformin. He said he wished he knew about this program sooner and that he is going to do it as well. He has already referred patients to the OConnor Health Center after he saw my results.I recommend this program to anyone who wants to lose weight.

Review №43

Thank you for an incredible service. I feel great after and really appreciate the help

Review №44

Kaiser referred me to the OConnor Health Center to lose weight. It was the best referral I have ever had.If you follow this program you will see the results that you want.

Review №45

I went to lose some fat around the mid section. I never used to have a problem with losing weight at all. In the past 5-7 years I have been gaining weight and no matter what I tried I just wasnt able to get back to my usual weight.I thought I would only be able to lose about 10 pounds with this program but I was surprised that I was about to lose 24 pounds.The program was easy and I was never hungry.

Review №46

I saw the advertisement in the San Jose Mercury News for a workshop. So went to the workshop on Fat Loss Made Easy.Everything made that the doctor talked about in the workshop made sense. For several years I had tried everything that was supposed to help lose weight including Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and even Kaisers program. Nothing worked. I wanted to finally find a program that worked.After going through the program at the OConnor Health Center I can say that I lost 32 pounds in 9 weeks. And there were no packaged foods or shakes. I was able to eat real food.After completing the program I continued to lose another 5 pounds in the following weeks.I was never hungry and it was easy.One thing I have to say is - just do what they tell you to do and you will get great results like I did.

Review №47

I went to see if I could lose weight through the program offered here.After the initial orientation I was optimistic but still skeptical that they would be able to help me lose all the weight I needed to lose.I decided that I would try and that I would do everything they told me to do.I originally told them I wanted to lose 15 pounds because did not want to tell them I really needed to lose at least 30 pounds. I talked to other people who had done the program and every single one said do whatever they tell you to do. So I did everything they told me to do.After the first 3 weeks I lost 18 pounds and I couldnt believe how easy it was.I lost a total of 43 pounds during the program. I feel better, stronger, and more energetic than ever.I get so much attention now and all my wives friends tell her how good I look.The program is totally worth it. I tried other programs and nothing is even close to the results this program offers.Just do the program and do everything that they tell you to do.

Review №48

I lost 24 pounds in about 6 weeks while on the weight loss program at the OConnor Health Center. Dr. Jennings said that I would be able to go off or at least cut my diabetes meds and I did. I completely went of my Metformin and Insulin within the first couple days. My primary care doctor was completely surprised because he hadnt seen anyone go off the diabetes meds before.I feel really good. 8yoy are serious about getting healthier and losing weight then you should so this program.

Review №49

I was feeling bloated and achy in my joints. I needed a change and wanted to lose a lot of weight. I had tried Jenny Craig because my niece worked there but I just couldnt keep the weight that I lost off.So i decided I needed to try something different. I went to the seminar that the OConnor Health Center and listened to what their approach was about. At first I was skeptical but after I heard all the testimonials from the people who had lost weight from their program I decided to sign up and give it a go.I lost 54 pounds in 9 weeks on the program. My wife and I are now able to eat what we want because they taught us about proper food combining and how to eat foods properly.I have kept the weight off for over a year now and dont think I will ever gain any of it back.I recommend that if you want to lose a lot of weight fast and keep I off that you try the OConnor Health Centers program. It really works.

Review №50

I have to say I am really happy with the weight loss program that is provided by the OConnor Health Center.I went there for pain and when the results were so good I tried the fat loss program. I was a little skeptical but since the results were so great from the pain I was having I wanted to see what they could do to help me lose weight.After going through just 9 weeks I lost 35 pounds. The amazing thing about it was it was very easy - I was NOT hungry and I had a lot of energy.

Review №51

The weight loss program here at O’Connor Health Center is fantastic. I lost 54 pounds in 2 months. It was easy and I was surprised that I was never hungry. I started the program after seeing my friend lose 41 pounds in 6 weeks and he kept the weight off.

Review №52

I found this program on the internet. I was impressed by the number of people that received amazing re

Review №53

After I started the program I found that I didnt have any hunger and the weight loss was easy.I lost 38 lbs in about 9 weeks.The staff and doctor were supportive, friendly and answered all my questions.

Review №54

I had a thyroid problem, acid reflux, irritable bowel syndrome and felt bloated all the time. My doctor had given me high blood pressure and cholesterol medications.I was looking for a program that would help me lose weight. I researched other places including one that had a 10 month program that cost $7,000. My sister-in-law wanted to do it with me but I just didnt feel right about it.When I went to the OConnor Health Center for a seminar on Fat Loss Made Easy I remember what I really was interested in. Becoming healthy and then the fat will come off naturally.I started the process and am happy I did. I have lost 29 pounds so far. My goal was originally to lose 25 pounds but after I lost the first 22 pounds so fast and easily I decided to change my goal. My new weight loss goal is 35 pounds.I feel really good. And I realized that my blood pressure has gone to normal, the IBS is gone and the acid reflux is completely resolved.I recommend the OConnor Health Centers program. It works and it makes you healthier while you lose the weight.

Review №55

The OConnor Health Center has an amazing weight loss program.My coworkers had told me about it so I went to see what it was all about. After I learned about the results others have received and how easy it is I decided to start.I lost 18 pounds in the first 3 weeks. Compared to the previous weight loss program from Weight Watchers, which I lost 10 pounds in a year, this program is much faster and easier.I lost all the weight I wanted and got healthier. I lost 48 pounds, got off the statin medications, improved my blood glucose and lowered my blood pressure.My Primary Care Physician said Whatever you are doing, keep on doing it. Your numbers are perfect!I recommend that you try the program only if you are willing to follow the program. Everyone I have talked to and have lost a lot of weight have told me the same thing. They have all said to follow the program and it will work.

Review №56

I went to the OConnor Health Center to lose weight. I searched the internet and found their website. I watched the testimonials and was impressed. When I talked to some people at work I found out a co-worker had gone through the program and she was happy with the results she had received. She lost 36 pounds in 2 months.After going to the free seminar they offer and I found that everything that they do is natural and without any side effects. They told me that the result were fast. Thats what sold me.I had already tried Weight Watcher, Jenny Craig, Nutrisystems, over the counter pills and dieting on my own. Nothing worked for me.When I did the program I found that It was fast and easy. I started losing weight after the first day!I lost 38-1/2 pounds in 2 months and I was never hungry!Its been almost a year now and I have kept the weight off. I do not think I will ever regain the weight either.I recommend that you so this program. It works great.

Review №57

My husband and I attended a free workshop at the OConnor Hearth Center for fat loss. We were impressed and decided to do the program. After a few short weeks we both lost more weight than we ever thought we would. My husband lost 53 pounds and I lost 41 pounds.I used to be a type II diabetic but after doing this program I no longer need the insulin and Lantus I was prescribed. My husband no longer needs the statin and his high blood pressure medication.We both feel a lot better than we have felt in years and our primary care physician took blood work and said Whatever you are doing keep on doing it because our numbers are the best they have ever been.I would recommend this program to anyone who wants to to lose weight but also to anyone who wants to be healthier. The program is designed to improve your hearth by helping your body to function better. From talking to others who have done well on this program I have learned that in order to get really good results all you have to to do is follow the recommendations exactly as they are made by the doctor and it will work.

Review №58

I wanted to lose weight for my high school reunion and I was starving myself and trying different weight loss programs including Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers and NutriSystems. Nothing worked.So I searched the internet and watched some videos. The Weight Loss Program at the OConnor Health Center seemed to be the best one I found. I have to say I was a little skeptical but I decided to go to the workshop anyways.I listened to the presentation and signed up for the program. The doctor said a lot that really made sense.My original weight loss goal was 15 pounds. After 3-1/2 weeks I achieve that goal. So I changed my goal to 25 pounds. I achieved that with hardly any effort. So I kept increasing my goals.I ended up losing 34 pounds in 9 weeks and I was NEVER HUNGRY! I could have never achieved this without the help of the OConnor Health Center.

Review №59

I just called to ask for more information. An older woman answered and she was so rude!You people just lost a would be patience, which could have gave the center a lot of $$$$. Dont hire negative, obnoxious, rude people to answer your phones.

Review №60

Excellent chiropractic services & Zerona a laser

Review №61

I went to the weight loss workshop

74 Photos
4.9 Rating
  • Address:1190 S Bascom Ave Suite 111, San Jose, CA 95128, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 408-556-9995
  • Weight loss service
  • Wellness center
  • Wellness program
Working hours
  • Monday:7am–7pm
  • Tuesday:7am–7pm
  • Wednesday:7am–7pm
  • Thursday:9:15am–2pm
  • Friday:Closed
  • Saturday:7am–7pm
  • Sunday:7am–7pm
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