Dubner Family Chiropractic Center
1101 S Winchester Blvd building i suite 201, San Jose, CA 95128, United States

Review №1

I am very happy with the treatment received from Dr Sharon and Allen. Both the doctors try to fully understand the patient history prior to starting the treatment. Their treatment aims to treat not only the symptoms but also the root of it. My health is much better. I used to have sever back pain and neck pain. After their treatment, I have hope that these pains will go away completely from my life one day. I visited several doctors in past but no one was able to cure me. Doctors treatment helps to fix every possible illness. They are very sweet and caring. I highly recommend them.

Review №2

Healer is the first word that comes to my mind when I think of Dr. Sharon and Dr. Allen. I was referred to them by my dance teacher for a back injury 2 years back and have been coming to them since then!My back issue was fixed within weeks but I am stuck to them. I now just come and see them for any big or small health issue. The whole experience is magical. Be it physical or mental, they are miraculous.Definitely recommend going and meeting them for free consultation! Have referred lot of good friends and each of them loves these doctors. You dont want to miss this experience for your healthy body and mind.

Review №3

Long before I went to them, I heard about network care chiropractic through some people and studied its healing power. But I never had a reason to try it because I was, at least I thought, as healthy as can be. I exercise 5-6 days a week, running, yoga, weight lifting, eat right and extremely conscious of my health.I first went to them because I pulled a back muscle lifting weights. Through their chiropractic and acupuncture work, I experienced some amazing improvements and transformation. My back pain, which I was not able to shake in weeks, was gone after one adjustment. But thats just the tip. I had allergies ever since I was a little boy, and I am free of allergies this summer for the first time in a long time. My sinus pressure have improved a lot, I can breathe with my nose now, which I have not been able to do in over 20 years. My aerobic capacity has improved and expanded; I noticed the difference in my yoga and running. The leg cramp and excessive sweating in exercise has improved. And its only been 6 weeks.Its amazing! And the wonderful sense of humor shared by everyone in the office is just a bonus:)

Review №4

I’ve been seeing Dr. Allen for pain in my shoulder that would wake me up in the night and hurt so bad that I could only get back to sleep by taking pain meds. After the first treatment, I was able to sleep through the night and after two months, my shoulder pain is gone and has a greater range of motion. Thank you so much, Dr. Allen!

Review №5

Dr Allen and Dr Sharon have had such a positive affect in my life as well as my loved ones. Their noninvasive practices helped identify root causes of not feeling 100% and overall become healthier. Being able to avoid trigger points to stay your best self is absolutely amazing. They truly have a unique and impactful way to help people and wish that for everyone.Its easy to start with a consultation to see the benefits of working with these two professionals!

Review №6

Dr. Allen and Sharon Dubner are very dedicated and caring natural health and chiropractic doctors. I have been seeing them for the past year, for different health conditions, I always find they are able to help me no matter what the issue. They use gentle treatments, and work as a team, this helps me feel I am getting the treatment that I need. I am impressed with their services and have and will continue to recommend them to my family and friends.

Review №7

After 6 months of care with Sharon, and Allen i am the happiest I have ever been in my life! Their work will change you physically and emotionally! Please dont hesitate to give them a try!

Review №8

When I think of my experience with Dr. Allen & Dr. Sharon - the word that comes to mind is Transformation! Less than six months ago, I was overweight, bloated with severe swelling in my calves and ankles, nasty allergies and plain worn out. I was completely overwhelmed. A dear friend saw my struggle and recommended I go see the Dubners. From the moment I walked in the door - I felt relief knowing that I was taking a first step towards healing and making an important, necessary change. From that day forward, working with Dr. Allen and Dr. Sharon has been life changing - a true transformation. Through their genuine care, gentle support, guidance and holistic approach to my personalized well-being - I am on a new path where my digestion is greatly improved, energy level is fantastic, my past emotional concerns are resolving, allergies and food sensitivies managed, Im seeing and feeling many positive changes in my body and for the first time in many years, Im Happy! This happiness has improved not just my health but also my attitude which has impacted all areas of my life including job and relationships. I recommend Dubner Family Chiropractic Center to anyone who wants to improve their health and live their best life. Take that first step and make an appointment.

Review №9

Words cant do justice to what these doctors can do! Do yourself a favor and atleast have a free consultation with them (and please be open minded when you come in). I think the term healer is appropriate to describe them. Using the word doctor just limits the endless possibilities available through them. I had spent two months with Kaiser trying to diagnose what I got in Mexico. Went through multiple rounds of antibiotics, saw all specialists (head, nose ,chest, head etc,) in SF but to no avail. Dr. Sharon got me back to normal in 3 days all while I had accepted the fact that I might not feel better for the rest of my life. They are the best and there is no one like them I have come across ever! Have referred many friends and family members to them, and each one has 100% success rate.

Review №10

I have had great improvements in my overall health at Dubners Chiropractic. Years of symptoms and medication went away in a matter of couple of months. My son and wife have also had great benefits.Best thing about Dubners is their holistic approach. They do not treat the symptoms, but the root cause which gives permanent relief

Review №11

Dubner Family chiropractic has helped me tremendously with my postpartum symptoms. My number one place to go when the symptoms return. Highly recommend to those who need fast and medication free relief for their conditions.

Review №12

I just wanted to write a review regarding my experience with Dubner ChiropracticI noticed since I started treatment almost a year ago that my neck and back pain is gone and also I’m not getting as anxious as I used to, I was having anxiety and sometimes I would have panic attack’sI didn’t seek treatment for my anxiety from Dr Alan & Dr Sharon but it’s a great side effect to have cured in the process of treatment for my back and neck pain.Thank you for your kindness and the information that has helped me to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Review №13

When I first moved to San Jose 8 years ago I was delighted to have found the Dubners. I was suffering from migraines and terrible neck pain. I find Dr. Allens touch to be very gentle and intuitive. My migraines have disappeared and my neck pain is now manageable, and I love the sensation of feeling taller and more open when I leave his office. I try to go weekly! I would highly recommend Dubner Chiropractic!

Review №14

I have had chronic back problems on and off for about 40 years. Prior to meeting Dr. Allen and Dr. Sharon, I had visited two chiropractor and often ended up with a more aggravated condition that increased the amount of recovery time. In 2004, I became acquainted with Dubner Chiropractic and natural chiropractic care. I am very fortunate to respond well to this type of chiropractic and the care and skill Dr. Allen practices has helped me immeasurably. I am also grateful for the open, drop-in care their office provides when I am in immediate pain or discomfort. I would not hesitate to refer them to anyone who needs care.

Review №15

Two years ago, I had a serve muscle pull at my mid-back. My pain was 8/10 on the pain scale. I started see Dr. Allen for the pain and now maintenance. I cant stress enough the importance of maintenance. Once the pain is gone one must continue with maintenance therapy. Now the pain is gone and the muscles are healed and relaxed I can do the things I like. For the record, I was never on any opioid pills to manage the serve pain in the beginning of injury. It took 12 weeks to get the pain down to 2/10 from 8/10. By six months of therapy, it was like the injury never happened.

Review №16

4 years ago, I attended one of the seminar given by Dr. Allen and Dr. Sharon. Out of my curiosity, I had a follow up session, and have been benefit by their care since. Learning from Dr. Sharon’s food plan, I made adjustment to what I eat and have finally lost the 10 pounds I had been wanting to lose and continue maintaining it.I frequently get pains on neck, shoulder and back due to muscle tightness. I also get some pain on my knee after exercise. With regular maintenance with Dr. Allen, my pains are reduced. Most importantly, since the adjustment Dr. Allen applies is very gentle, it actually helps me to relax and ease the muscle tightness.One thing really stands out with Dubner Family Chiropractic Center is the kind and loving care you get and the friendly & very pleasant front desk staff.

Review №17

Ive been in the Dubner care since 2003. I used to have chronic tension headaches that impaired my ability to function normally, and within weeks of starting with Dr. Allen I much improved. After a few months of regular treatment, they were gone. I still go for maintenance treatments and my spine has never felt better. His treatments helped me through 2 pregnancies and other stressful life changes.Over the years, Dr. Sharon has been able to help me get over other health issues, including reducing my allergies. Both doctors work together to provide integrated alternative and drug free healing.

Review №18

Cant believe what they have done to my health. Was suffering with bleeding and Dr. Sharon and Dr. Allen patiently treated me well. Now, I dont have to take medication which I hate taking. The money I spent is all worth it. Also, I have been suffering from back pain and now pain is less. Its almost gone.

Review №19

I met Dr Sharon and Alan Dubner through a friend who experienced total healing after some health problems. After meeting them, I started feeling immediately in control of what I eat and not. I started losing weight since I knew what was bad to stay away. It has been over two months and I lost 15 lbs already. My digestive system works better. Seasonal allergies are a thing of the past. I havent been getting any allergy and asthma medications. I had been dealing with egzama for over 20 years. It started improving day by day. My skin is not allergic to the sun and heat anymore. My hips were misaligned. After few visits, I noticed the adjustment in my life. I am not limping anymore.I wish I could bring my mom and dad from overseas to experience the wellness to that extent :)Thank you Sharon and Alan!!!

Review №20

I have had wonderful healing experiences at Dubner Family Chiropractic. I most recently went to seek their help about ten weeks ago because I was suffering serious side effects from a medicine I had started taking earlier this year. The medicine , Forteo, was weakening my immune system and I experienced multiple sinus and uti infections that would not heal. Multiple prescriptions of various antibiotics only complicated the problem and made me sicker. I felt old, tired and discouraged.Since receiving treatments by Dr. Allan and Dr. Sharon, I have discontinued all medications. My energy level has skyrocketed. All my symptoms have disappeared. I feel younger and stronger than I have for years.I highly recommend the compassionate care and gently adjustments that the Drs. Dubner offer to all who come to their office.I think the office would be appropriately named as The Miracle Healing Center., because miracles happen there every day. Janet Chiang

Review №21

Fabulous! It works!!! I HIGHLY recommend these doctors. The results are amazing! Its different from traditional western medicine, pls have an open mind.My Kaiser doctors are happy with my results! I have gone from taking 8 medications to 1 a day! I have diabetes as well as fibromyalgia and I have had SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT with these conditions!The office staff, Megan and Heidi, are truly WONDERFUL! They complete my health team.Pls give them a have nothing to lose and EVERYTHING TO GAIN!!!

Review №22

I was suffering with lower back pain for years. It was so bad that it restricted me playing sports or doing any kind of physical activity. Had visited a dozen chiros & physios, but only had temporary relief. Then a friend referred me to Dubners and am extremely happy that I met them. Within a month my lower back pain reduced considerably and after 2 months of alignments and food plans my back pain was completely gone. Its been over a year now and I have had no back pain at all.

Review №23

I have been going to Dr Dubners since last August 2014. I mainly wanted to get off my Thyroid medication. We had been successfully been able to identify the cause of thyroid issue which my doctor never even bothered to mention. Knowing the root cause has helped to devise the treatment for the real issue and as a result I was able to successfully lower my medication and I am hopeful to get off of it.Along with my thyroid treatments, my have had many good side-effects, my constipation is gone, my hands and feet used to be very cold in winter, that was so much better last winter. My period cramps have reduced and many other small things.I would definitely recommend anyone with any kind of medical issue or not to visit Dr Dubners. I am sure everyone would benefit with their care.

Review №24

Dr. Sharon and Dr. Allen are two wonderful surprises in our life path. These amazing family doctors dedicated their lives for the wellness of the other people. They offer side-effect free, and pain free, treatment for numerous diseases within a low cost rate that many patients are hopeless after visit-after-visit in the hospitals. Furthermore, one may always have small complaints that accepts as part of his/her life and does not even seek for a treatment. Well, they heal all the small complaints as bonus.We started with Dr. Dubners after a small talk they gave in our community, offering free the first consultation visit. First of all, they identified slowly growing posture problems which may cause more serious illnesses in the future if they are not already exist. They are very honest what they can heal, what they cannot, and what they can try. Regardless of any specific complain, they have gentle touches with magical fingers for healing anything you are aware of or not. I started treatment mainly for posture adjustment but I almost get rid of a chronic mild headache that I was not even looking for treatment before. My allergies relieved a lot, I don’t have allergic nasal congestion problems anymore and sleep better in the night. They are simply #1 in allergy treatment, where allergies are root cause of many health problems. They always teach you trigger points and small practical exercises that you can do any time of the day; those really help too.My wife benefited even more through the wellness path of Dr. Dubners. Finally, she has a cure for thyroid and diabetics that doctors did nothing but keep increasing dosages of the pills so far. She had lost almost 20 pounds since we started. More than anything else she is more energetic and happier now. She stopped using thyroid pills; she is just following the diet program of Dr Sharon. Plus, Dr Allan cured the pain in her arms that I used to hear complains since years.Regarding their magical fingers, it really looks magical together with their years of experience on the trigger points of the human body and scientific explanation of the critical relationship between the human anatomy and the nerve system. They offer free educational classes too for explaining internals of how their treatments work through by time.We always look for our next visit with Dr. Dubners. They offer beyond what doctors and chiropractors do. (I doubt they are chiropractors; I never saw they are twisting anybody’s arm or leg :-) They are simply wellness champions with their gentle touches.Finally, Megan and Heidi always welcomes you with big smiles whenever you walk-in. This is such a lovely office for getting treatment, you don’t feel you are in a doctor’s office.

Review №25

Ive been coming to the Dubners for approximately 10+ years now & hope to continue for many more ;-)The things that Dr. Sharon and Dr. Allen do are nothing short of amazing! They have helped me physically, emotionally & spiritually.I was diagnosed with lupus & celiac. After I set my mind to get off the meds & with the Dubners help, I was able to discontinue all the lupus meds. I control the celiac with my diet and exercise regimen. It literally is an everyday battle, but one I am thankful to have. Seeing since the alternative, is that I wouldnt be here. Thank you so much docs!!

Review №26

Absolutely amazing. My whole family swears by the Dubners and now so do I. Im hooked. I was a bit skeptical at first not fully understand the back ground and purpose. I dont believe in chiropractors at all. The dubners are not chiropractors in my opinion. They do not crack your bones, there expertise is the nervous system along with your spinal cord. Its complicated. Being a skeptic at first I thought it was a joke because it is small touches that you would not believe would make a difference. However I was so wrong. It works!! I suffered from everyday stress, Ibs, fatigue, anxiety and insomnia. I was so use to all my symptoms that I thought it was just part of life. I can say without a doubt that the dubners have changed my life for the better and I am forever grateful. I no longer have IBS, I can handle situations better with less anxiety, I dont stress as much, no insomnia and overall boost in energy, Im happier. Its like taking a zanic but in a holistic natural healthier way. I do have to admit for me I tend to every now and then derail from the food plan but my body and I have connected better where if I derail, my body sends a red flag and reacts. Its absolutely amazing. Everyone has different health issues or not but either way, your qualify of life improves dramatically. I feel like Im being dramatic in this review but that is only because I am so excited about the Dubners. I now swear by them too and if you too would like the gift they share go see them. You will not be disappointed.

Review №27

The Dubner Clinic became like a family to me in a very short period of time. Their kind mannerisms made me feel welcome from the very start. Both doctors excel at their specialties and care very much for their patients. The Dubners take the time to ensure that I understand the treatment and healing process and how the care and my body work together.I quickly became aware of how much my diet was impacting my general health and inducing some of my back pain. With the Dubners intuitive touch, I achieved significant spinal improvements in only a 4-week period of time.It is a transformative experience to be in the Dubners care. I strongly recommend their practice to those who want to regain awareness of their bodies and master their spinal and overall health.

Review №28

I recommend you call Dr Allen and Sharon Dubner and their by warm and gracious office staff Megan and Heidi.I have been going to Dr Allen and Sharon Dubner for several years.The gentle treatment has changed my life! I dont know what I would have done without their help.They are true healers. Together they treat all of your health issues. They change lives! You can see all the testimonies on their walls.If you have health issues like diabetes, allergies, weight issues, etc, you can get help from Dr Sharon. She is a miracle worker in my book! It is a truly spiritual experience for me.Dr Allen treats your body to help your own body heal its misalignments. The best most gentle chiropractic treatments EVER! Dr Allen rocks! Together they are an awesome team of healers.They have free classes and seminars on all of the health issues that we all deal with to help us understand how we can get better and recover our health! They really love helping people and it shows. They love what they do and I love them.❤️The location is easy to get to from anywhere right off 85 at Bolinger in Cupertino Ca. I drive from Morgan Hillwhen I need go get treatments. I would drive from anywhere to see them!!Sincerely,Linda Culp

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5 Rating
  • Address:1101 S Winchester Blvd building i suite 201, San Jose, CA 95128, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 408-996-1042
  • Health consultant
  • Chiropractor
  • Pain management physician
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