Primary Childrens Hospital
100 Mario Capecchi Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84113, United States

Review №1

My 4 year old had surgery on his thumb. The surgeon was great! We really liked him (he was with the University of Utah). The nurses we had were all kind and helpful. They made sure all of our questions were answered and made sure we were comfortable. I also thought the registration and check in staff were all nice.However my concern comes with what the anesthesiologists referred to as the culture at Primary Childrens. To sedate my son they wanted him to walk back to the OR with two doctors hes never seen in his life and leave us in the hallway. He was already very scared, nervous and uncomfortable. He obviously wouldnt go and he got extremely upset. We ended up telling the doctor he could carry my son. I heard my son crying for me all the way down the hall. It was awful!!I called before the surgery to ask what the procedure was for sedation so I could prepare my son and myself and I was told they werent able to tell me. If this really is their culture they should make the parents aware before it is actually happening.Weve been to other facilities where they let mom lay next to the kid as they being the sedation with the mask and they wheel the kid down to the OR. This seems like a much better way to do it.

Review №2

I wish I could leave 10 stars! Best hospital in Utah for pediatrics hands down! I just want to validate the efforts & service rendered by each and every one of the hospital staff from the moment we walk through the emergency room doors till the time we exit. You are miracle workers! You are angels on our sides, God bless you all especially during this difficult time. You make us feel safe in our world. My child has acute asthma and through the years we have visited Primary Children’s hospital because other hospitals couldn’t bring her asthma back in check. We recently visited during the pandemic and I was amazed at the speed and care at which you aggressively attacked asthma! Seriously! Asthma should be afraid of primary children’s hospital. We felt the love, professionalism and care poured out on all those in the ER being whisked here and there, though you were tired you kept the pace. It will never be forgotten. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived; that is to have succeeded.” Literally our child and countless others breathe easier because of you!!! Don’t get discouraged, you will probably never know the extent of your miracles in the lives of others but may it be paid to you a hundred fold! Thank you, thank you! Carry on!

Review №3

A few weeks ago my sweet 3 month old grandson was life flighted to Primary Childrens Hospital and within a few hours passed on. The staff there was amazing. They were very concerned for the families support and tender to the situation. They were professional with a human touch that was needed. They deserve the highest praise.

Review №4

My son had surgery on both his hips and they didn’t send him home with any pain meds! they also said he could go home then said he couldn’t then said he could nobody knew the freaking plan then sent wheelchair to wrong address horrible service

Review №5

I’m glad they supported my children during their brush with death, but there were a few problems. The one that still bothers me is the way the nurses sometimes treat parents.the nurses were really nice to us when we had two children in the ICU at the same time on ventilators. But when we had to take the first one home and take care of her, we had to leave the second child without one of us for a day and a half after he went onto the recovery floor, because the first one had been much worse off than he had been, and was traumatized and needed more care at home, and one of her parents was sick, too.When we came to pick up our second child, the nurses now on shift treated us like garbage. They were openly hostile and dismissive. We think it’s because we couldn’t visit the second child for that day and a half because we were taking care of the first one.Your nurses need to be kinder to parents who look “neglectful”. They have no idea what’s going on and should treat everyone kindly.

Review №6

We took our son to the kids pediatrician on a Sunday morning because he had an ear ache that just would not get batter. He toldIs our son has become extremely dehydrated and that we needed to go to primary children’s for a IV of fluids. We got there about 3pm, got Checked into our room and they did not even run the blood test until 9:00 PM at night then at 10:30pm the nurse came in and said they did not need to do fluids on him and left. At this point why are we still here? This has been the biggest waste of money and scam trip I have ever had. It was then 11:30pm and we asked to be discharged, the nurse sent in a doctor asked a few questions trying to scare us into staying and we just told them we would leave and they said it would be just a few minutes to fold some discharge papers… we’ll next thing you know 2am comes around and we are stillhere waiting for the nurse to tell us we are good to go. I asked her multiple times about how much longer and she just kept saying a few more minutes. This was the biggest waste of time and especially money in my life. Do yourself a favor and go somewhere else and get better treatment this place only cares about money.

Review №7

They care about how children are feeling while waiting. I had to take my child in for a sedated hearing test. They understand how hard fasting and waiting is for little kids and did everything they could help keep him happy and not stressed.

Review №8

Dont listen to the guy saying you have to check in , because its just a survey asking questions . But great orthopedics.

Review №9

Stop politicizing covid! They are forcing my disabled child to get covid testing and wear a mask despite his physical and mental limitations. If not, they will refuse care. This is a disgusting over reach. Plus, they send you to a mass Covid testing site, which is about dumb. Do people really not know that these places are very likely contaminating people that dont have covid? They wear the same stuff all day and are likely exposed to hundreds of people with covid. No child should have to suffer or be refused medical care!! By the way, my child is high risk so what am I supposed to do if he gets covid from their testing place?

Review №10

My toddler had a deep laceration in his finger that required evaluation from a plastic surgeon.We were at this ER for over 3 hours and every half-hour a different “medical professional“ not a doctor, would come take a look at the finger and leave the room WHITHOUT re-dressing the wound!!It was BLEEDING everywhere! And not sterile! I was NEVER once offered ANY gauze or tape or bandages!!!!!!!The nurse even said “ Sorry I don’t have any tape or gauze..“ Even the surgeon mentioned he had a hard time signing supplies.WHAT?! What emergency room doesn’t have any extra gauze or tape or bandages????!!!!????!!!??!! Gross NEGLIGENCE!I was even asked to reuse the soiled gauze and tape that I had come in with from my house! Are you kidding me?!?!?!?I was continually multiple times left with a BLEEDING toddler— the only thing I could do was use *tissues* from the counter and *paper towels* from the sink to attempt to stop the pouring blood by myself and my toddler!!! Which was useless with the amount of blood coming from the wound!!!!!!!!!They also discharged us with incorrect paperwork!!!!!! With the incorrect doctor treatment!!!!!! With a different description on what treatment we received!!!!!!This is the most poorly run laughable “emergency room” I have ever ever experienced!!!!You’re better off bringing your own medical supplies to this sketchy place!!!!!!!!

Review №11

Great service and hospitality. It was a very uncertain time for us with our daughter. Her health was critical and everyone was really attentive and compassionate. There are three cafes to chose to eat in. Theres the Ronald McDonald House which provide free meals and other amenities which help take the load off like washer dryers and areas for privacy. They have a room called school zone that kids can go pick out a free book and theres a lot to chose from. They have a music room thats very therapeutic. Theres also a science room with lots of fun activities. Alot goes into the service provided. And of course they have therapy dogs that are extremely helpful and cheered our daughter right up.

Review №12

I have to take my son down to primary childrens every 3/6 months you see back in 2008 I almost lost my son and with a miracle and these amazing doctors and nurses he came back to me, today he is on a cpap machine at night cuz he has a hard time breathing, he takes daily medication and has limited things he can do but hes here Im so thankful and blessed, I love the care that my son gets they are so loving and caring to him , and if they dont know whats going on they find ways of finding out, the doctors are easy to get in with, I love primary childrens thank you for taking care of my son .

Review №13

They are very good with helping children. Glad we were there for my grandson. But need more places to sit outside under the trees. Just a thought.

Review №14

Great place! Very cold oriented!

Review №15

Let me start off by saying my daughter has spent several days in the hospital. She spent about 6 days in March and just recently 4 days both in the PICU and on the regular floor. She was taken there by ambulance both times for seizures and being unresponsive due to overdose. There rules for each floor are different. In March once she was moved to the PICU from the E.D they told us only 1 parent could be there she was unresponsive and thrashing everywhere how is 1 parent supposed to handle that we need a support system but instead of being nice about it in our time of need I was threatened with security. Also they will not let you stay overnight waiting in the waiting room we have no car and live 45 minutes away and they didnt care!! They have no empathy at all. We were going through a very hard time and they didnt care. When the crisis team got involved and told us she would have to go to an impatient place after she was discharged we told them our situation and where we live and that we had no car and would like somewhere closer to our home. It was like they didnt even listen at all they sent her to huntsman witch is 45 minutes away from our house. They made it seem like we had no choice at all. Also they wait till the last minute to try to find placement pretty stupid if you ask me.This time we were taken to the PICU almost immediately we kind of knew what to expect. The first night my daughter was up until almost 430 am thrashing and being combative and very agitated mostly from what she had taken to overdose every noise was making the agitation even worse by this time we had both been up for about 38 hours. When she finally fell asleep at 430 I was relieved and extremely exhausted. I finally fell asleep to. Now I get this is a hospital and stuff happens but what happened next was just upsetting for me another patient was moved into the same room not a big deal except about 10 different doctors and nurses came in with the patient and were extremely loud! it was like they didnt even care that there was another patient in the room and they woke up my daughter that was still being agitated by loud noises they didnt even care! About 3 hours later we were moved to the regular floor. The first night we were there the nurses and techs that were right outside the door that we had to leave open were so loud it was like they were in high school and gossiping in the hallway. And worse they were talking about other patients. This day I was told the crisis team would be by to talk to us but they werent I know because she was still not mentally there. But by 10 that night she was pretty clear headed and was awnsering all of our questions. The next day I was told crisis had dropped off papers in the morning and would be by later. I had already started to call impatient places close to our home to get placement but couldnt because crisis had not done an assessment. About 130 pm I asked the nurse and she said she would call them well she called them on the little walkie they have on there shirts that you can hear both sides of the convo I heard the crisis worker say we were not a priority that day. Now we are already going through so much emotionally to hear this just upset me even more. I told everyone who came into our room what was going on and what had happened last time how they had placed her where we couldnt even visit because of the distance. Finally they showed up and talked to our daughter. Then took us to a small room to talk to us were I proceeded to tell them our previous time here with them they basically made excuses and blamed covid. I told them because they had sent her so far away she had felt abandoned and it took weeks for her to not feel like that. I told them then that I would not consent to impatient unless it was where I wanted he continued to make excuses. The next day when she was discharged they once again tried to tell me where I wanted had no space witch was a blatant lie I had already called them that day. There are some good Drs and nurses but others dont care.

Review №16

Ive seen some bad reviews on here but my experience was completely opposite after being transferred from a different hospital my son and myself were treated like royalty by Mackenzie and the rest of the staff my son had his appendix out but could only talk about how nice everyone was thank you Primary childrens hospital and thank you to the entire staff.

Review №17

Our sweet baby boy Milo was in the NICU at Primary Childrens for 3 weeks with the most incredible team of nurses and doctors. He ended up passing away after 19 beautiful days, but my husband and I are so grateful for everyone who cared for him and for us. They really loved our son, and it showed in everything they did. They always put his comfort and quality of life first and truly tried everything they could to keep him here with us. They empowered us to make decisions about our sons care and involved us every step of the way. They were kind. They were caring. And they were incredibly skilled. We love our team here and are forever grateful for the selfless work they do every single day.

Review №18

I visited the Opthamology Department with 2 of my grandsons. The Staff was terrific with them and their Special needs. The Dr was Great and so was the Nurse very patient and easy going with them.

Review №19

Im getting an appointment for my daughter because she was referred by a pediatrician due to 2 weeks fever and high platelet. I talked to an operator who wasnt very nice and accommodating. She transferred the call and the call suddenly ended. I call her again and said wait for them to call. I didnt even talked to anyone when she transferred me. I called her again to let her know and she said call again tomorrow they are close. Its frustrating that my daughter is not well and people that youre expecting to help you to receive care is not even nice.

Review №20

A few months back my son comes in to the er and with Stomach pain and ends up having Emergency surgery hospital bill my insurance company and then never sends me a bill till today from a Collection company so now I have to come up with 2550$ its nice to now how there billing department work and Customer service so here you go weres are money well a one working parent house withe 4 kids so what do I do now

Review №21

I stayed here for 6 weeks and they treated good

Review №22

[Update: Increasing to two starts as it turns out my sons birthdate had been recorded incorrectly at the first ER, which isnt Primary Childrens Hospitals fault. Not increasing further as it still took a couple of weeks after the couple of weeks it took to identify the problem to get everything sorted out and get the records merged.]Ive heard very good things about Primary Childrens, which is why Im surprised that Im writing this terrible review. My son had a seizure in the middle of the night (his first) and after dealing with paramedics and the ER (who gave him some anti-seizure medication) he was sent to Primary Childrens to speak with a neurologist. He waited all day (8 am - 3 pm) to speak with a neurologist. They did bring breakfast, but not lunch. The neurologist didnt perform any tests but told us she was sure based on what she could see that it wasnt a seizure and that he had just been sleepwalking. They said they would send the appropriate chart info to his primary care physician.10 days later he had another seizure, and we tried to contact Primary Childrens to find out what the neurologist recommended we do. After being on the phone for over an hour to different departments, it turns out that nobody can find a record of a neurologist speaking with him on that day. We tried asking for the neurologist on call, but they wouldnt talk to us because he hadnt been seen. They told us to talk to our primary care physician. We ended up making an appointment to see a neurologist in two weeks as there was nothing more they would let us do.The primary care physicians office took two business days to get back to us, and their report was that Primary Childrens doesnt have any record of our visit and they cant give any advice without seeing the patient.Im not sure how such a highly rated hospital can have such abysmal records.

Review №23

I have always been under the impression that primary children’s is “the best”, unfortunately that wasn’t the case. They had horrible bedside manner, came off as rushing and didnt take the time to listen. My step daughter has always been perfectly healthy. A few days ago, she was eating dinner and started to experience confusion. After a few minutes she was non-responsive. She was taken to the er in Brigham where she woke up and no longer recognized or remembered half of her immediate family members (sister and stepdad included). She couldn’t move the left side of her body properly & had a difficult time keeping her eyes open . She was told to lift her hand, she lifted her leg.. They performed a CT and she was diagnosed with a Migraine and sent home. They told her to take protein tablets, Ibuprofen & play down if she felt a headache coming on. Her head has been constant since, she’s lethargic and still experiencing memory loss. We brought her to Primary with hopes that they would be more experienced than the small town doc in the Brigham ER. The doctor at primary came in, prematurely agreed that is was a migraine before we could explain the other concerning since discharge at the other hospital. We requested a MRI and the doctor said it wasn’t necessary. We were persistent and she said she was going to check with the doctor over her and let us know what he suggested. 3 hours later a different doctor came in and she said we could go home and explained migraine symptoms to us. Every time I asked for a mri she said to call our family physician or call a neurologist because it was too late in the evening for them to do it. After going in circles and waiting hours, i finally asked her to put in the patients notes that I dont feel like that’s a accurate diagnosis and the memory loss/motor skills are extremely concerning to us as the parents. She would not agree to notate and said she would ask the doctor over her what he suggested. We ended up walking out of the ER after 4 hours.

Review №24

Very kind very informative very professional very knowledgeable staff. Large clean rooms and helpful staff

Review №25

Doctors and staff are amazing. The billing and medical records sucks. The insurance company has denied my daughters claim twice because primary children’s doesn’t send medical records with the claim. This has happened twice.

Review №26

I have to admit the hospital is awesome in almost all areas. The only area I have ever had an issue with is their anesthesiologists billing departments. One tends to not know until after the procedure that their anesthesiologist is out of network so youre surprised with an extra large bill.Their billing department is quick to send people directly to collections. If this werent the case, Id be giving PCH a solid 5 star rating.

Review №27

Im giving primary childrens one star which is very generous given our visits with them. We had our daughter referred to primarys after she had several seizures over the past five years of her life. We finally got an appointment and was getting off the exit when I got a call saying that because my daughter had covid a month ago the dr. Didnt feel comfortable seeing her and that we would have to cancel or he would just do an online visit. Primary childrens require 48 hours notice from me if I need to cancel but they can just call fifteen minutes before an appointment and thats ok? Why would I want an online visit??? We decided to reschedule with another Dr. And werent that impressed and left with more questions than answers. They didnt help us at all. Then my oldest got really sick and after negative covid tests decided to do an antibody test. She came back positive but hasnt been to school for four months because she cant breathe with a mask on. She has seen multiple drs. And they havent been able to help her. So..we got a referral for primary childrens. I was told my daughter would be given a pft test first then would meet with he dr. They said she might need a covid test before she goes in but that we would be contacted first. I never received a call but given my experience with them with my other daughter decided to call them to make sure everything was still in place for her to be seen in a couple days. I talked to scheduling and they said there was nothing noted about a pft test and that there was no way she could have that done on her scheduled appointment. What????? I was planning on just showing up at my 8:40 a.m. appointment but my gut told me to call them. After talking to two different girls ..I called my family practioner and he is trying to send a referral for that test stat. I cant even believe that the primary childrens hospital I went to as a kid can function like this. We as parents are desperate for answers and all we get is run around and nobody seems to care or want to help. If there was another option I would go there in a heartbeat but seeing that my daughter is 16 they consider her pediatric and primary childrens is the only place in utah she can go. Im totally deflated and feel hopeless. There has to be something better out there. Im so disappointed in how primary childrens is run. I will never recommend this hospital to anyone.

Review №28

Our sweet baby died after 11 days in the NICU at PCH. We had the most akward and intimate types of dealings with the doctors and nurses here as we walked the darkest road we have ever walked. I wanted to recognize Dr. Miner and Dr. Ling and make it known that they are incredible doctors. They were supportive, informative, and honest. We had some of the most talented and incredible nurses alive I am convinced. Laurel was willing to share things with us we couldnt have expected from any professional because she genuinely cared for us, and was emphathetic with our situation. Her heart bled with us and she was absolutely incredible at her job. She cared for our daughter as we would have...she was willing to go to extreme measures to give us sweet memories with her. She watched over her and made sure everyone washed and was sanitized before touching her. She was a light in the darkness. Todd was also incredible. We felt a nearness to him we couldnt explain and he also was extremely talented. He was very talented and helped us understand everything even when we didnt know what to ask, he knew what to say. We are grateful for you all, and we will carry you in our hearts and memories forever. We also were able to get a headstone, and flowers and her burial at no cost to us thanks to their social worker Ashley who got us funding through a grant they had available. That was an incredible blessing as well.

Review №29

My son has spent an entire month here & just got admitted again. So I feel like I have a great point of view. I love primary childrens hospital. I paid $150 for a month stay & 1/2 of that was in the ICU. Only thing is, if you dont want to miss anything DO NOT LEAVE OR SLEEP. Everytime I dozed off, or Left, even if I asked them to call if his blood pressure was above normal. They would NOT call. Would NOT fill me in when I got back. They kicked me out for blowing my nose after crying because its a sign of covid. So I spent $250 on a rapid test then got back not having any updates on him for an entire night. Hes 16 weeks old and has cancer. I want to know whats going on. (They also gave Jim a covid test without my knowledge after kicking me out) as well as other meds & procedures without mine or my husbands knowledge. But they did save his life. So for that I am grateful.

Review №30

They were so amazing with my 2 year old. She had to get multiple tests done on 3 different floors. We barely waited each time, and each nurse and doctor was so kind and talked to her and walked her, and I, through the process. Theyre so great with kids.

Review №31

As NICU parent of 5 months. My son was born at 1lb 3oz my micro preemie baby my angel. And I always thought my newborn preemie would be safe there and I would not have to worry about him being mistreated! But thanks to the new Angel Eyes, I was able to see my newborn being abused with no neck or head support and slammed onto his face and also wears an oxygen mask. While laying on his stomach the nurse hits him on his back really hard!! And when I spoke to the nurse she said, Im sorry, it wont happen again! That is unacceptable!! Also admitting her guilt!!I am an upset NICU parent and I plan to go through the chain of command!! Shes not getting away with a slap on the hand! As the hospital says, The child always first!

Review №32

Nurses waste time talking about non work related things while you sitting in pain.

Review №33

We have gone to primary children’s hospital for two different children both with a different issue and both times it has been an awful experience! I wish there was another choice in Utah to take my children to for specialty care. Our first experience was with our son and he needed to be seen for some GI issues and we saw the actual specialist for maybe 2 minutes and the resident decided that our son just had constipation and no other issues and told us we needed to take him off reflux medication and had us put him through a Horrible bowel cleanse for which he had to miss school! He was not constipated and we had to put him back on his reflux medication because it got Even worse again! Our next experience was even worse! Our daughter had an episode of stroke like symptoms that did end up resolving but we were referred by her doctor to the neuro department! It was a horrible nightmare to get an appointment which ended up with me having to 3 way call primary children’s with my insurance company (insurance companies suggestion) to clear up their lack of knowledge and belligerents in allowing us to make an appointment! The to top it off we finally got this appointment and the doctor has been awful! It took us forever to get imaging results even though they had them for over a week by their own admission and the techs just kept telling us the doctor still needed to review them and then we finally get a call back fro his techs not him and they tell us results and that the doctor would be doing some research and would get back to us on what we need to do and we have heard nothing for months! I’ve tried calling and left messages and get nothing back! I will definitely do everything in my power to never take my children to this awful place again!

Review №34

The doctors, surgeon, and all staff were amazingly attentive for our extremely serious heart condition toddler. Everyone was helpful, attentive, professional and went the extra mile to care for him and us.

Review №35

Never had a smooth visit. Doctors and nurses aren’t on the same page. Pharmacy is over priced and get your prescriptions correct most of the time, but you need to always double check them. Administration is a mess. If you need to go here, be ready to do the office/coordination efforts yourself because they must not talk to each other and seem clueless about what is taking place with your child’s schedule. It’s as if each area within the hospital is completely disconnected from one another, which causes a stressful situation to become more difficult; especially if you need treatment over multiple visits.Just changed it from two to one star. If I had to do it again, I’d go elsewhere because I’ve lost faith in this “business”.

Review №36

Brought our son here tonight for a facial laceration he ended up need stitches. I felt like the resident was great at explaining things in detail and she spoke to her colleagues asking for their opinion on the best way to handle the cut. The nurse and person who came in to blow bubbles and sings songs was helpful during his procedure. I appreciated both the supervising physicians to come and check his sutures and answer any questions we had. Great people we sincerely appreciate it.

Review №37

I had a operation last Thursday here with Dr. Heflin. He is awesome. I had a L5 and they were caring and nice especially in my room because I stayed overnight. The food I had was actually really good of what I could eat Thursday (Chicken alfredo and mott sticks and a chocolate milkshake with chocolate chip cookie in it) And the next day I was feeling better and the food was good too. Breakfast was awesome as well I had a waffle with strawberries and whipped cream and all the fixins and another milkshake lol. Before I left I had a cheeseburger and fries along with a few snacks they kindly provided. They were very attentive to check on me to make sure I was ok. Would recommend! Another thing I thought was really cool is a Santa on zoom came to talk and was so nice to give a cute backpack with a stuffed dog and other cool toys/things. The physical therapist came twice and was super helpful. She helped me master the crutches quite effectively. The morning after had a live slime tutorial so I was like Hey, why not and I must say it didnt turn out perfect but I was still the best one I have made lol.

Review №38

Very disappointed in the nurses at PCH. My friend recently quit after working there because of all the back-talk, gossip and toxicity. I was shocked at the behavior of these nurses. You almost drove her to do a terrible thing to herself because of the horrible environment. I would never recommend your hospital to anyone. If you really care about saving lives, try saving your own employees.

Review №39

Well... I was stuck there for a few days after I had heart surgery there. It seemed alright.

Review №40

Actual care was great, but it managed to justify charging us $7000 for one night of just observation and some basic medications. Get ready to pay out of the nose for the simplest of things. But thanks to my awesome insurance discount, I only paid $5500.

Review №41

I had surgery back in 1992 for scoliosis the curvature of the spine and the doctors and nurses were awesome best hospital ever I would recommend it to anybody for surgery or anything that they need they have awesome specialty doctors especially Dr. Orem he did an amazing job on my back surgery!

Review №42

This was the worst experience I have ever had at a hospital. Everyone we dealt with was rude and didn’t care what was best for our child. Instead of letting the parents come back and comfort their child you wanted to have a child specialist sit with them. Someone they don’t know or trust, it was the biggest joke. You totally traumatized my toddler and didn’t care one bit. Zero compassion, the health care system is really messed up right now and I will avoid this hospital at all costs. It’s unfortunate we don’t have many other options when it comes to Pediatric care.

Review №43

If you have the option to go to any other childrens hospital do your kid a favor and do it this place is just a cash grab overstaffed dont care about your kid..especially if its a nicu situation, are kid stopped breathing 3 times and we wouldnt even know if we didnt over here a nurse telling another nurse and it was do to pain because the surgeon more less said kids dont feel pain...second time there we went through the e.r. and are doctor told them we were coming once we got there it still took 6hrs from walking through the door to actually seeing someone with the authority to give her pain killers...

Review №44

I have a brain injury and require assistant. My daughter needed to be seen in the emergency room. When we got there they said that only one adult could go back with her. When I explained to them that I have a disability and require an assistant Ursula threatened to call security on us. Another nurse told me to wait in the car ( in 97 degree weather) and let my aid go with her. How much sense does that make when the aide is there for me? I am the legal guardian! My daughter is there crying in pain and they are refusing to even register her. If I spoke a different language they would allow the interpreter in or if I were blind an guide dog. You cannot have a black and white rule when patients are not black and white with their care. After too much time, a frustrating conversation, and having to get supervisor involved we all were allowed in. I love Primary Childrens and the care given for the children but this rule is unacceptable. Not to mention it is discriminatory by the ADA. I was humiliated and made to feel as if I had no value in my childs care. No one can give away your authority in decision making. Especially when it comes to medical procedures.

Review №45

My daughter has a rare disease and goes to primaries all the time for lab draws and clinic. The staff have never let me down. She is always well taken care of and the staff recognizes her every time we get a lab draw. She was admitted at one point for a separate rare disease and the staff did a great job keeping her healthy and acting quickly to make sure the outcome was positive. They worked as a team to make sure all aspects of her health were taken care of. At times we had multiple specialists collaborating to make sure all around she was taken care of. At this point I dont trust anyone as much as Primaries. Thanks for all you guys do ♡ you saved her life.

Review №46

Took my daughter in based on an evaluation of another doctor believing she had appendicitis, turns out she was just backed up. The staff was basically a bunch of little girls in belly shirts more concerned with entertaining my daughter than finding out what was wrong with her they charged me $1100 dollars before i even saw a doctor. Doctor was young and inexperienced and was a third party doctor which basically means they are going to charge you twice on everything for the same service. We walked away with a $2000 dollar bill and no answers, we didnt find out what to do with my daughter until a fallow up visit two days later at another hospital. I will never go here again.

Review №47

They have an amazing cleft palette team! Their ER staff rocks! The pharmacy staff helps us fill prescriptions we can’t afford in Wyoming!We’ve been on this journey for a year and have never been disappointed. Thank you Primary Childrens and our cleft palette team!

Review №48

They saved my daughters life, excellent leadership and excellent doctors.

Review №49

My daughters team of doctors, nurses and techs were fantastic. She had a medical emergency that was life threatening, they all went above and beyond to save her life and never gave up. They made her and I feel comfortable during her stay. Keeping me in the loop of her care Dr Dickerson I am very thankful to you for your continued efforts as well as your gifted team! Austin, your awesome as well thank you for tracking me down to inform me of what was happening. Thank you!!!

Review №50

This was the most wonderful experience my son had, even though he did have medical attention he had the greatest stay. My son had his first seizure and being 2 years old that was scary for a mother. We had a horrible experience at Davis hospital but once we were transported the staff made him feel so comfortable that he didn’t even want to leave. We were transported at 3 in the morning knowing we were there late they just let us stay there very night and give him rest. Even thought we couldn’t pin point exactly why he was having seizures the fact that the neurologist and nurses were so helpful and kind made his experience just that much better.

Review №51

Dr Dana Johns is one of the very few and great surgeons I met. She’s awesome! All staff at the hospital are just great they go beyond the extra mile. So very happy with the great service.

Review №52

Zero Stars. This place is a scheduling nightmare circus. I have been trying for 3 WEEKS to schedule an appointment. No one returns phone calls and cant track down the right office to schedule with the provider.....even though Ive tried 9 different phone numbers theyve given me and been transferred 13 times only to be sent back to where I started.

Review №53

II have used Primary Childrens for years due to having severe asthmatic child and other children with various problems. They were the greatest handling my kids and giving great care. Even a granddaughter has been in and out with back surgeries. Great caring place.

Review №54

We took our daughter in with possible fracture or nursemaid’s elbow. From check in to check out my daughter was treated like the princess she is. Talking to her in sweet voices, gifting her stickers, dolls, a mermaid blanket, staff getting on their knees to blow bubbles at her to distract her so that the doctor could get an accurate diagnosis. I was blown away. We left with a 100% cured nursemaid’s elbow. We don’t even experience such great service at a 5 star resort. Thank you primary children’s hospital, you have earned my respect.

Review №55

Its now 11/01/19 and one of your doctors named Chuck informed me on 10/27/19 that one of the administration staff would get in touch with me about my concerns. How can a hospital possibly make decisions for an infant without informing a parent? They encourage you to go home, write number all over the hospital walls for up-to-date notifications and they still make decisions for you that are life changing... not only for you, but your child also! Im still waiting for my call because at this time I have no hope for this hospital and all of its sub-par staff. Take about a business model that is more worried about meeting a bottom line than actually taking care of people.

Review №56

Want to go to see my som eye doctor for being single dad and with two kids Was refused medical service for my son that is having issues seeing During these hard trying times I drove 2 and a 1/2 hours away from my place to go get this taken care of for my son as a parent Get to night and refuse medical service what has the world gone too im very very disappointed in this place

Review №57

Most of the staff was great to deal with, other than the respiratory therapist Katie Daoust. She was condescending, rude, a major B.

Review №58

Primary children’s hospital takes great care of our children, with specialty departments to reduce time between diagnosing and treating our young loved ones. While here visit their cafeteria. Great food at very reasonable prices. When bring a sick child into a hospital you already have enough stress. This hospital and their friendly staff try their best to reduce the stress levels. There can be waits at times but any hospital will have a waiting period it is the nature of a hospital to be seen in order of your ailment. I hope that you never need this facility or its staff but should you need it understand this is the place to go. There is parking close to the Emergency room, there is a parking garage for regular visitors, and across the street accessible via Skywalk/Bridge is an outpatient clinic for follow up visits. This allows the doctors to focus on the emergencies as well as the follow up visits. There are also some walls where construction is ongoing where the children that are in the hospital can write on the wall. If you can find space you or your child can write a message as well. I wouldn’t hesitate to bring my children here if needed

Review №59

My daughter fractured her arm in 3 places. Everyone was so nice and informative. I appreciate everything they did for my daughter. The money was not even a main concern for them at all. This was really the best care you could get for your child. I am thankful for every step of care they gave me. So thankful.

Review №60

Went into ER and was in and out within an hour! Baby is happier and we as parents were reassured he is going to be just fine! Ive waited for a longer amount of time prior to this visit but I dont mind waiting if another child is more in need of immediate attention. Thank you all for doing what you do and comforting parents and kids!

Review №61

This hospital is amazing. My son was hospitalised for about 10 days in the infant ward and we had some of the best nurses! Im extremely grateful for the compassion and wonderful service my son had. My questions never went unanswered and the doctors always took there time explaining everything in detail. Thank you! Special thanks to Ronald McDonald House for the relaxing night sleep and all the accommodations they provided.

Review №62

I went to two specialists. I did not receive calls from the doctors to report test results. I had used the communication portal, and sent messages but there was no return messages. I feel like my sons case was left a little high/dry. I said so in a message but heard nothing. They do nothing to initiate follow-up. It is very clear, that you must follow up and advocate. The one doctor we saw too, was just a tad flippant in response to questions.

Review №63

Great ER. They made the trip pretty smooth and our nurse was WONDER WOMAN literally wearing WW scrubs. So cool and she was great with my baby. The doc was also wonderful. Tall thin man who was friendly. Made us feel much better. Trusted childrens hospital.

Review №64

Have always been impressed with Primary Childrens. I had an internship here years ago and it was fabulous. Now that I have a family of my own I have taken my daughter here a few times and have received great care.Only thing I think needs to be improved is the communication at the end of the visit. My little family was left waiting for an hour after an ER visit and were never told what we were actually waiting for. It was 2 am and we wanted to go home so more communication would have made the visit much better.

Review №65

I would like to thank the amazing staff on the NTU floor specifically Jenny, Jessica, and Allie. Also just out of surgery we were greeted by the sweetest, patient and caring nurse Katie. All of these ladies have gone above and beyond in making our boys time here the best givin the horrible situation. Also they were very accommodating of us as parents. Thank you thank you thank you ladies are amazing. Best nurses ever they all need raises.

Review №66

I was thoroughly disappointed in our visits at Primary Childrens visit! This was supposed to be the place that kids could go to feel heard and safe and provide some of the most knowledgeable doctors there are. We went to visit for a possible hernia and were told that there was NO WAY that he didnt have a hernia, and scheduled a surgery. In the middle of the surgery they came out and told my boyfriend he didnt have a hernia at all! The doctor pulled us inside and flat out told us how sorry she was that she was wrong and doesnt know how she could have been wrong, and she wouldnt even charge me for the procedure if she could.After I got my son home he told me all about how he was scared going under anesthesia and had asked them to wait and was crying for his mom and they ignored him and just made him put on the mask. I understand that kids get scared and nervous but a nurse had come into the office before surgery and assured him that she would hold his hand, but instead they ignored him! He doesnt even want to go to the doctors anymore because of this experience. *all they needed to do was reassure an 8 year old!*They sent me to the advocate after who said that she would help me and i got a letter a few weeks later (that was sent to the wrong address) saying that there is nothing they can do and I am responsible for all of the expenses! They have now traumatized my child as well as hurt us financially.TERRIBLE experience! I would NOT recommend Primary Childrens.

Review №67

I strongly dislike this hospital! If you can’t make it up during the daytime your voice never gets heard. And communication between doctors and parents suck! I had the worst experience with some of the staff. I have had to jump through so many hoops just to get my child to go home and they keep your child longer than needed personally I feel it’s for the money also the first time he was admitted I had to threaten to discharge him myself. A doctor told me i needed to stay one night so when I got to the hospital they said I needed to stay for 48 hours sign a paper and not go anywhere. I had to stay in the same pair of clothes for three days!!! That is just outrageously nasty!! I couldn’t even take care of my personal hygiene! There constantly coming into the room so you get no sleep at all. I recommend going to any other hospital but the one here in salt lake. They have some of the best doctors and I have had a few wonderful nurses! but the second time admitting my son to this hospital I am over it!

Review №68

I wish we could have gone somewhere else, I don’t like that Primarys is my only option. I had a great experience 5 years ago with my daughter, but not this time. It is not the same level of care I have come to know, or expect. My daughter had surgery, and thenWe never heard from her surgeon again. We were discharged without follow up from him or anyone on his team, and we had numerous complications and all the calls fell on deaf ears. We put our pediatrician in a hard spot with seeking answers for my daughters post-surgery infection. It finally took my pediatrician calling a friend who works there to have us seen. So frustrated and angry at the lack of care my daughter saw from the pediatric urology team. I hope I never have to come back.*update Primarys responded below rather quickly after posting my review, and I immediately called and email AGAIN. No response.

Review №69

Atrocious. I finally understand why so many people scoff at local fundraisers and it only took one experience. Honestly though, tell me how YOU would feel after bringing your 2 month old in because there was dark/red discharge in her diapers, waiting 5 hours in a hospital room, going through lab tests and x-rays (all state of the art, I might add), seeing the doctor for 90 seconds halfway through, and being told at the end, Yup, its blood. Dunno why though. Follow up with a pediatrician. Oh, and being charged?!!! Now, the staff was more than pleasant, granted; they gave us a self-pay discount as we arent covered, great! But we paid the labs, the DR., the x-ray, $353 the day of, but because the severity of the emergency was upgraded while you were there, we still owed $700 more by the time the smoke cleared. HOW?!? AND FOR LITERALLY ZERO ANSWERS???? YOU WANT MORE MONEY????? Now we did dispute it and were walked through the process in a kind and courteous fashion, but the bill was reduced only by $300. Now we are grateful for that, dont get me wrong, but thats still a pretty expensive your guess is as good as mine . . . And they still insist we pay. Nobody hires a guy to do their porch, pays in advance, at the last second is told cant actually do that, and lets the guy walk off with your money. Im perfectly alright paying for answers and expert help, but not this. Making monthly installments under duress . . .

Review №70

Horrible experience. They kept mixing my daughters chart up with someone elses. Couldnt believe all the threats I was faced with as a mother. They charted horrible lies. I grew up believing they were the greatest, but we lived a total nightmare. We were vulnerable and needed help and they have some nasty people there. After coming home and requesting our medical records they still were horrible. Most of the records werent available. I am a registered nurse. I cant believe how unprofessional they were. Half the staff was good the other half deplorable! Sad.

Review №71

We brought our little girl to Primary Childrens ER last night because we have had such a high opinion of the hospital and what it was done for a lot of sick kids. Our experience, however, was much different. We waited for a almost a couple of hours in the waiting room to be taken back. The room we were in was a little chilly, so we took our coats off to cover our little girl to keep her warm. We asked for a blanket, which was never brought. In the 4 1/2 hours we spent there we only spoke with the doctor about 5 minutes or less. The rest of the time was waiting for nurses to follow up on what the doctor had said to do. There seemed to be a lack of communication as to what was going on. What we came in for could have taken an hour at the most. We were there 4 1/2 hours, and it would have gone on much longer if we hadnt gone out to the nurses station several times to ask if they were going to do what the doctor asked. The bed could have been freed up for another patient much sooner if there had been a more organized system in communicating with the doctor and nurses. I gave them 2 stars because when we were able to interact with the doctor and nurses they were friendly.

Review №72

The best care we could have asked for for our baby girl. The staff was caring and listened to our concerns. My little girl had to undergo brain surgery at 5 mo old. Through this very trying time the staff was like an extended family we never new we had. I recommend primary Children’s Hospital to any and all who want the best for their children

Review №73

The staff in the surgical until were great! We had excellent nurses, techs and doctors. One night nurse had exceptional bedside manners and was extremely patient. It made our horrible circumstance easier to cope with by having great staff and always being informed of what was next. We didnt feel we were waiting without knowing why. Keep up the great work!

Review №74

I was a pacient toó i has a heart surgery when i has 11 years now i have 39 years and i live in mexicali and i have a 2 chance thank you.

Review №75

The security is the most rude ive ever dealt with. i wish we could’ve gotten the “officers” names

Review №76

The place here was amazing the doctor was great with, because a couple months ago I had my endoscopy and sure it hunted me for the rest of the day but then it went away the next day. But I can say the surgeons there were amazing!! Two thumbs up!! 👍🏻👍🏻 And my parents thought that there was awesome!! 😄😄

Review №77

We have been here for many out patient treatments. We really like that we can put our son in a red wagon and pull him around. That is a lot more fun than riding in his stroller.We also like the Healing Garden just outside the North Entrance. The water features were nice.

Review №78

Our 7 month old has a lazy eye and we are here for surgery. The service has been absolutely wonderful. The staff is very knowledgeable and keeps you informed with everything thats going on and about to happen. Theres definitely a level of service here that is hard to beat.

Review №79

Only 4 Stars cuz We got here early and are feeling like we should be in a room as its now ten minutes past the appointment time. My daughter just reminded the staff about us being here. Could be a miscommunication or something. No one else is waiting but us. Restroom was clean. Staff is friendly. Nice waiting area. Lots of toys and books to entertain little people. Beautiful view of the city. Just not liking the delayed response to our appointment today. Our family time should be considered important to the medical team. We have lives also. Weve been here for about an hour.

Review №80

I had a family member take her son who had a broken femur to your emergency room. The family was not treated well at all. Not every broken bone on children is due to abuse. Take heart and do not pass judgment. You have extended degrees in your fields, that is why you are working at this hospital. Do not look down at us because we do not have the knowledge you do. If we fed a child before bringing them in, were sorry! We were not planning on surgery either. Our family has donated to your hospital AND we have made 2 trees at the Festival of Trees. No longer will our family be participating due to your mistreatment of our family, AND your staff ASSUMING the worst case scenario.

Review №81

This place is amazing. Weve brought a couple of our kids here for various issues, and they always go above and beyond what is asked. If I ever have to bring my kids here again, I know that they will be in the best care possible. For the size of this place, I found that their directions posted and signs guiding you to places also made things much easier.

Review №82

I really love this hospital, my child has received excellent care here. Theres no way i can name everybody who has helped my daughter without leaving someone off. Ill just give a world of thanks to the cardiology dept for their care over the years, to the transplant and CICU for the care and professionalism recently. They are all wonderful and my daughter and her mom and i are eternally grateful. Thank You.PS - The food in the cafeteria is very good ;-)

Review №83

Love Primary Childrens Hospital’s staff. Until we went out of insurance and was told to “call back when you have insurance.” Our son was born with a cleft palate and later diagnosed with autism. Every year we had a team meeting to help us understand our way. It’s one of the hardest call for a parent.... where are your priorities?

Review №84

Weve been to Primary Childrens Hospital twice. Once for an emergency, and the other for a scheduled surgery. Both times the staff, nurses, and doctors were extremely friendly and helpful. It does not feel like a hospital! My mind is always at ease when we have to go here.

Review №85

A few weeks ago we unfortunately had to take our son to Primary Childrens Hospital. We didnt want to go to our local ER because of bad services we had experience there before. We decided to make the drive to Primary Childrens and man was it worth it. The second we walked in we were welcomed and checked in. It had been a rough night and I was an absolute emotional mess because my son had had a fever over 104 for a few hours. He was acting odd and I was just so worried. The nurses and receptionists were the absolute best to work with. I told the receptionist what had been happening with him and she was just so sweet and made me feel so much better. This is our only child so we are just learning as we go and we werent sure if his symptoms were even severe enough to go to the hospital. But the receptionist, nurse and doctor reassured us that we were doing the right thing. Something that is so appreciated!!We waiting probably 3 minutes to be taken back. Then probably 5 minutes to be seen by the doctor. It was the best!! They were so attentive and kept making sure we were okay. The doctor was amazing!!! I cannot remember his name but he was one of the best doctors Ive worked with! I even joked about changing peditricians so we could be seen by him instead of my local pediatrician! He was so informative about what my son had. He was patient with all of our questions and never made us feel dumb for all the questions we asked.I hope I dont have to go back to an ER soon but if I do have to Ill definitely be making the drive up there because its so worth it! Best customer service!

Review №86

Been with primary since my son has been born. I feel they have done unnecessary surgeries and treatments for complications they caused, but they constantly rotate doctors so you never get the same team or get to talk to the same people. When you go in for an appointment you will have to see at least two students before the actual doctor, so you have to explain everything about three times and when you are there to get answers its very unethical of them. There has only been a handful of doctors I can say I was happy with out of our eight years of experience with primary childrens who actually made us feel like they listened to our concerns and helped to get the right treatments.

Review №87

My little man, Atlas was life flighted a month ago from riverton hospital to primarys. The flight nurses we got were amazing! One of them charged at the PICU and was very concerned with my sons care when he would come on shift. In such a trying time, he even performed a blessing for Atlas which in my opinion, is beyond caring for your patients. The respiratory therapist were absolute rockstars and I have a whole new appreciation for them! The PICU nurses were some of the most skilled and loving people. Their knowledge was admirable, and they all treated Atlas like he was their own. To add, the attending who kept trying to talk me into a calmer mindstate was phenomenal, and I wish I could thank her for putting up with my emotions. At the end of my sons stay, the floor nurses were great as well! Such loving hearts who really do care deeply for these kiddos. After a month of being in the hospital and half of that being intubated, we are home, healthy, and happy! Atlas and I thank primarys staff for the exceptional care!!!

Review №88

Negligent careYou were very aware of my experience, since 4 of my children had surgery there. I went to risk management and to your accrediting agency, who opened an investigation based on my concerns; you did everything you could to not only not address concerns, but to cover your tracks. At this point, please dont add insult to very serious injury. It cannot be undone.

Review №89

Was sent from St. Marks to Primary Childrens for help with my son. Much better service, much more capable, and real people trying to help. Very thankful for their service today making sure my son was okay.

Review №90

The nurses took such great care of my little guy the week he was there, and Im forever grateful for that! And the Ronald McDonald room brought an immense amount of comfort to us. I love all that this hospital does for children.

Review №91

Although our time is always not what we would hope for we are grateful for the awesome staff that make the hard time better. We have been here more times than I can count and each time a member of the staff has done something that stands out as above and beyond. Thanks Primary Childrens for caring enough to get employees that care.

Review №92

My almost one-year-old son just had an orchiopexy and I couldnt be more happy with the care he (we) received. He saw Dr. Cartwright who made my husband and I feel comfortable with the process. In addition, the facility was nice and the nurses were very personable; it was obvious they take great pride in their careers. When we were able to go see our son in recovery, the nurse was holding him, which was so much more personal to me than walking in to find him laying on a bed. I cant thank them enough for making this process a little less scary for new parents.

Review №93

I loved being at primary children’s hospital because they took care of me and they gave me lots of food and smoothies and my mom was by my side. 🌷

Review №94

My daughter 2years old has ALL leukemia and primary children’s and everyone in the cancer marrow clinic are amazing!!! They have somehow made what could be an unimaginabley difficult experience manageable! Their love and care for all the kids that I have seen is remarkable! Thank you!!

Review №95

I absolutely LOVE having a childrens hospital here. I live about an hour away and will still take the time to drive to their ER if my child needs a doctor.After taking my son to a local ER for some fairly scary symptoms and getting no answers I was very frustrated. When the symptoms starred again the next weekend I took him to PCH and they did a complete work up, gave us some possibilities of what could be causing it, and got him scheduled with the appropriate specialist. In fact they even had the fellow for that dept come look at my son that night just to make sure it was safe to go home. This doctor was AMAZING and really took his time listening which made this nervous momma feel MUCH better.We are very lucky to have PCH in the valley, so if your child needs care from more then their pediatrician please rake the time and go here!

Review №96

If your child has RSV, my advice would be to take them elsewhere. My child was repeatedly sent home and had to come back due to continued illness. Medical team puts large amounts of pressure on parents to take children home on oxygen. They treated us like overly concerned parents and brushed off our concerns about the status of his sickness several times.We reached out to patient satisfaction and they did not help (for those of you being recommended for that). I have never taken the time to write a review for anything before and just hope that other parents can be more informed than we were. Even if the doctors pressure you or dont listen to you, follow your gut!

Review №97

This E.R. is TERRIBLE. We have been coming here for years and I cant believe how bad their quality is lacking. Unprofessional staff. Weve been here an hour and no one has even come into our room at all. We were sent here by another ER because he needed more detailed workup for an infection in his face that has been spreading significantly in the last hour and they act like he is not important. If this wasnt the only childrens hospital close to us I would never step foot in this ER again.

Review №98

ER staff was amazing!!! Thanks for taking care of my little girl. When we were scared and exhausted you were positive fast and sooo sweet to my daughter! ❤️ So blessed to have this hospital so close.

Review №99

Had the best team of nurses that helped right away and great experience i needed to feel my girls were in perfect hands. Wonderful experience. They all have their appetite back and feeling them selves in minutes. Thank you!!! 👼

Review №100

Excellent care ....humbled by the staff every time we come here for our baby. One of the best Childrens hospital. Best treatment.

100 Photos
4.1 Rating
  • Address:100 Mario Capecchi Dr, Salt Lake City, UT 84113, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 801-662-1000
  • Hospital
Working hours
  • Monday:Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday:Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday:Open 24 hours
  • Thursday:Open 24 hours
  • Friday:Open 24 hours
  • Saturday:Open 24 hours
  • Sunday:Open 24 hours
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