Acupuncture & Chinese Classic Herbal Medicine (ACCHM)
906 W McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85007, United States

Review №1

I have received acupuncture & herbs from Dr. Zhang to address my very painful womens health issue. I obtained multiple opinions from OBGYNs, that all suggested to try hormones & drugs with several unpleasant side effects and advised I would likely just need surgery. On my first visit with Dr. Zhang, she confidently stated, Yes, I can help you.Dr. Zhang is brilliant in her assessment abilities, medical knowledge & insights, precision in effective acupuncture points and custom herbal formularies. I am so grateful for her exceptional medical services.

Review №2

The acupuncture treatments I have received from Dr. Zhang have been very beneficial in my recovery from cancer. I have better energy, stamina, and mental focus. I believe the acupuncture has also helped to reduce my pain, and my restless leg syndrome that once plagued me is gone!I highly recommend Dr. Zhang to anyone considering acupuncture therapy. She knows what she is doing, and I trust her.

Review №3

Dr. Zhang is a highly experienced practitioner of oriental medicine. The first issue Dr. Zhang was able to help me treat was amenorrhea. I lost my period for about six months not long after coming off of hormonal birth control. With only about one month’s worth of treatment (acupuncture and herbs combined), my menstrual cycle came back. We continued to work on it until I achieved a healthy 25-28 day cycle. She regulated my menstrual cycle as well as eliminated associated symptoms like bloating, cramping and clotting.I was also experiencing a number of other issues — tinnitus, irregular sleep, stuffy nose, lower back pain and joint pain in my knees. Dr. Zhang was able to treat ALL of these symptoms with just acupuncture.We are currently working on my skin issues — painful, itchy acne on my cheeks, neck and jaw. With acupuncture and two rounds of herbs (so far), there has been such dramatic improvement. I am so happy with the results, and I know she will be able to resolve the issue completely.I highly recommend Dr. Zhang’s services. She is a true healer, and I feel so lucky to be able to call her my doctor. I am forever grateful for everything Dr. Zhang has done for me so far. I will continue to see her for as long as she is in practice. Dr. Zhang can help you if you trust her.

Review №4

This is my first experience with Acupuncture. I started seeing Dr. Zhang last winter hoping to find some alternative relief for my more severe winter asthma symptoms. I ended up getting so much more. This year my symptoms were dramatically reduced compared to previous years and the process of getting my energy back in balance has left me with a much clearer head. My overall energy levels and mood are better than they’ve been in a long time. I definitely recommend exploring acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine and Dr. Zhang has been fantastic through the whole experience!

Review №5

What can I say about Dr. Zhang? She is beyond incredible! I started receiving treatment form her after a hiking accident caused 2 herniated disks and 3 bulging disks in my Cervical spine. I was in constant pain and unable to function. Within the first 2 weeks of treatment I had about an 80 % reduction in pain!I also am grateful that I didn’t rush into surgery and allowed her healing touch to do it’s work. I still see her weekly and it’s the best day of the week!! In addition to my spine issues she has helped other areas like my heart and blood pressure. Lastly, she is incredibly warm, patient, kind, and caring. It is hard to quantify the intangible aspect of how ones presence can affect another. Dr. Zhang has a presence that exudes healing and relaxation. You can’t go wrong with Dr. Zhang if wellness is your goal!!

Review №6

Dr Zhang is amazing!!!! She was able to get me off my thyroid medication has taken my kidney function fron 49% of function to 80%. All this has been over 2 half month span. She is now working on my blood pressure and I have no doubt that she will get it to the proper numbers. I highly recommend her to anybody that may have similar issues.

Review №7

I cant say enough good things about Dr Zhang!! I came to her for help with infertility. We had been trying to conceive for over 2 years, history of miscarriage, failed rounds of IVF. I saw Dr Zhang twice a week for about a month and got pregnant naturally. We were shocked. My fertility Dr had been pushing donor eggs & said we had a less than 5% chance of getting pregnant naturally. I know its b/c of Dr Zhangs acupuncture that we finally had success. I continued to see Dr Zhang for weekly sessions through my 1st trimester and have had a perfectly healthy pregnancy. The sessions are so relaxing I usually fall asleep, lol. Dr Zhang is amazing. If youre looking for fertility acupuncture I highly recommend!!

Review №8

My son and I tried acupunture for the first time with Dr. Zhang. My son(hes 9)has had stomach problems for a very long time with constipation, pain, and vomiting. After taking him to his pediatrician and emergency room with no explanation for his condition just giving him miralax, pain meds and zofran; I decided to try a different route. At first I was looking for an herbalist because Ive had herbs before and it worked so I figured Id give it to him to see if it would help him but Dr. Zhang recommended acupunture so we decided to give it a try. So far it has help him and he actually likes it. She is also treating me for my sleep issues, anxiety and sinus problems. Ive never felt better. I have so much energy and feel very relaxed and my mood is alot better probably because Ive been able to sleep without taking sleeping meds. Ive been telling all of my family and friends about her and would recommend her to any one. Im very happy that I found her, she makes you feel very comfortable and does not pressure you into buying or trying anything.

Review №9

I have been coming here for 2 months and I feel amazing, acupuncture with Dr Zhang is the best and I highly recommend her services

Review №10

Dr. Zhang is amazing!! I have been having problems with my GI tract ever since a lower abdominal surgery and have seen countless doctors. Dr. Zhang has been the only person that has been able to help me. She listens to me when I tell her what my symptoms are, and provides herbs and acupuncture treatments accordingly. My mother is also being treated and is seeing major results for her head pain caused by an infection in the sinus. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang, shes a miracle worker!

Review №11

Dr Zhang knows how to treat mystery and chronic illness where no other have been able to help me. She made my severe PCOS symptoms, migraines, and depression vanish in 2 treatments (thats one week!!), I stopped feeling like a zombie and now I am able to function well at work. I had been dealing with these issues for 7 months and no one seemed able to help, traditional doctors and even naturist just told me to stop eating gluten, dairy, etc. and pretty much only eat vegetables and salad, which does help but its not a cure for those of us with severe symptoms. Now at 4 weeks of treatment with Dr Zhang, the progress is much better than I anticipated, I was able to get off synthetic hormones. I went to her as a last resort out of desperation but from now on, she will be my first choice of treatment instead of wasting hard earned $ on traditional doctors. Her work is simply amazing and I am sooo glad I found her.

Review №12

I have been coming to Dr Zhang For a few months now, I have uterine fibroids and she takes extra time and care for me. I would recommend anyone looking for a acupuncturist She is the best!

Review №13

My husband went to doctor Zhang’s office experiencing lots of stomach pain. After his first visit he immediately felt a lot better. The doctor is very friendly and made the e experience very comfortable ! We would definitely recommend this doctor to anyone who is not getting relief from other doctors!

Review №14

Dr Zhang has been a wonderful help to my emotional and physical challenges, she has been attentive and thorough.I would recommend her treatments also because of her kindness and attentiveness.

Review №15

Most Doctors told me that there is no cure for gallbladder pain only surgery. Frustrated with the conventional physicians, Ive decided to find the cure somewhere else. I started to go to Acupuncture with Dr. Zhang, she listened to my many health problems and she treated me with acupuncture right away and Chinese herbs that helped. By the time I came back to the next appointment the gallbladder pain was reduced significantly and I got off from pain killers. This is amazing! I totally recommend her.

Review №16

I highly recommend Dr Zhang. She is an uncommon Dr who really listens and has the skill set to adjust treatment when necessary. I had a sinus infection that was caused by a tooth infection and was made worse by a dentist. I had visited ten different specialists prior to seeing Dr Zhang. None of them were able to help me. I had been on thirteen rounds of antibiotics but the infection and pain persisted. The infection spread from my maxillary sinus to the ethmoid and sphenoid sinuses and I was in continuous pain and was scheduled for surgery. Dr Zhang really listened to where the pain was and in a few weeks I was pain free. I am now pain free and did not need that surgery. I highly recommend Dr Zhang because she problem solves and gets to the root of the health issue you go to her with.

Review №17

My wife came to see Dr. Zhang for thyroid problems (thyroid nodule) and after two months of taking acupuncture the results have been incredible. I would highly recommend Dr. Zhang .Thank you Dr. Zhang !

Review №18

Dr. Zhang is an extremely knowledgeable acupuncturist. Probably the best Ive gone to. She has helped me and my family overcome health issues numerous times. I have recommended her to friends and family. You wont be disappointed.

Review №19

Dr. Zhang is very caring and knowledgeable. She was able to help me manage my anxiety, sleep & Eosinophilic esophagitis (EOE) better than any other doctor I had seen in the valley. She was also able to make a difference in my husbands chronic pain.

Review №20

I was cured after only 3 visits. My allergy was gone after 3 visits. She was very efficient and inexpensive. And was very helpful and honest.

Review №21

Dr. Zhang is amazing I went in for my seizures and got wonderful results they have been more then reduced in half, I am so pleased as well as my headaches are so much better. I would recommend her to anyone who was looking to do acupuncture I am one very satisfied customer.

Review №22

Dr. Zhang is a master herbalist as well as state-of-the-art acupuncturist. She has helped with my irritable bowel more than anything or anyone has before using herbs--that taste bad, thus they are good. She also has done wonders for my low back pain. She is personable, pleasant, and attentive. She comes from a family of Chinese medicine doctors. I highly recommend her.

Review №23

Ive had chronic allergic reaction for years and every doctor I saw just suggested steroids. I gave up and managed by avoiding what I thought was causing the reactions. This past spring, however, I developed oral food allergies and enough was enough. I found Dr. Zhang and she was eager to help me from the start. It took several treatments, but my oral allergies are pretty much gone and my other reactions have decreased about 85% in severity and frequency.

Review №24

Dr Feng Zhang is a great person to come to for whatever thing you may need, she was very detailed and made sure I was comfortable throughout the process. I would recommend her to anybody due to the fact that she is highly educated and trained and overall a great person!

Review №25

Dr. Zhang is a amazing doctor!! I had chronic hives, and had to go to the urgent care to control my itch with steroids, even with the steroids I was still itching so badly but after 3 treatments with Dr. Zhang it is completely gone. I am not kidding you.... This is how amazing she is!! She is also very kind and caring!! :)

Review №26

Dr. Zhang is a wonderful acupuncturist! She is caring, professional and knows so much about the body/mind connection. Each treatment is relaxing and energizing; you always walk out feeling better than went you went into her office. I highly recommend Dr Zhang

Review №27

Dr Zhang is an amazing person I always suffered with migraine for 10+ years and recently got diagnosed with hemiplegic migraines and she helped me by giving Me treatments and herbs. The migraines completely went away. She is amazing I highly recommend her. I’m so happy with the results.

Review №28

I was skeptical at first that Dr. Yeng would be able to fix my stomach problems (My specialist was not able to treat it) but just after TWO sessions, I was feeling much better. I have not felt pain and my stomach is at ease to this day.

Review №29

Dr. Feng Zhang is caring and knowledgeable. I have been seeing her for two months. I experienced nerve damage and numbness in my right arm, wrist and fingers from a car accident that occurred in Nov 1992. Dr. Zhang performed two acupuncture treatments and, to my amazement, I now have full use, feeling and strength in my right arm, wrist and fingers! She diagnosed early heart problems and she has been relieving the pressure in my chest. She is also reversing my bunions and working on my left ear tinnitus. I am so grateful and thankful for her healing and naturopathic expertise.

Review №30

Dr. Zhang did a terrific job in helping me. I went in with unusual symptoms (numbness and chills in my chest area) and she was very interested and asked a lot of questions. Five sessions and an herbal remedy later, I am all better! Prior to going in, I got no help at all from my doctor, so Im pretty much a believer now. Dr. Zhang is kind and easy to work with, and she has some much knowledge and expertise!

Review №31

My husband and I have been seeing Dr Zhang for over 5 years. She has cured a variety of our ailments. She is the best of the best!

Review №32

My husband & I have been going to Dr.Zhang for over a year. We have seen and experienced very good results from her. It took only 5 sessions for Dr. Zhang to cure my 10 year old son back problem. She also a caring person & genuinely care for all her patients.

Review №33

Dr. Zhang cured my Mononucleosis in just three sessions. She is caring, dedicated and invested to her patients. Dr. Zhangs treatment works when western medicine doesnt. I recommend her to anyone who is looking for instant health results.

Review №34

This amazing doctor diagnosed me with my heart problem before the Specialistdid By the third treatment she controlled my blood pressure. Helped me with my thyroid issue & heart issue. She has been a blessing in my life. Today she is our family doctor.. thank you Doctor Zhang

Review №35

Dr. Zhang is amazing! She has diagnosed and treated symptoms early before they became a problem and the results are incredible. She is very knowledgable in Chinese Medicine, including all natural herbs. She is very kind and caring person to all her patients! She is truly a blessing. I am very thankful to Dr. Zhang and highly recommend her to everyone!!!

Review №36

Dr. Zhang is amazing. She treated my acne and the results are incredible. After the very first visit, I was able to see results. Thank you, Dr. Zhang!!!

Review №37

Dr. Zhang,Has been a God send for me.I have high blood pressure and take 8 pills a day. She has helped lower my blood pressure enough so that my doctor is going to adjust my meds.I’m also 25 lbs. over weight and she’s helping with that too.I have Crohn’s disease and have had one third of my large intestine removed years ago, she has helped calm my gut down.I also had brain surgery to remove a menegioma in 2005. Since then I’ve had difficulty with walking and my balance. Dr. zhang has given me my balance back, I can walk without thinking about every step. No more tripping over my own feet.She has also helped me with my sinuses.Dr. Zhang is a medical Doctor in China and has worked for the Mayo Clinic. Very qualified.She takes my medical history into account. Knows what meds I take.She also takes my blood pressure before every session.I feel very confident in Doctor Z.She doesn’t want to give me any medicinal herbs because I’m taking too many medications.Never feel pressure to make an appointment or to try the herbs.I’ve been going to dr. Zhang since last October.I have told all my other Drs. that I’m going to Dr. zhang for acupuncture treatments.I can’t say enough about Dr. Zhang.She is a sweet caring person besides a knowledgeable Doctor. I drive almost 40 miles one way to see her. Well worth the drive.Sincerely,Shirley Anne Smithey

Review №38

Dr. Zhang specializes both in acupuncture and Chinese herbs. She has treated me for lower back pain, pain in left foot, and chronic headaches, after 2-3 sessions, the pain is gone. Dr. Zhang is very caring, professional. I highly recommend Dr. Zhang to any patients who seeks excellent care and professional skills.

Review №39

Dr. Zhang has been wonderful! I went to her with some arterial blockages and after doctors wanted to do surgery, insert stents and put me on pharmaceuticals for LIFE! Doctors CANNOT WAIT to do surgery. I was sad to see how fast they jump at that chance. I had to SERIOUSLY evaluate the pros and cons and I could not find pros in stents with such high risks. I chose to give acupuncture a try and in a month or so was feeling SO MUCH better. I dont know if my blockages are better but I can walk MUCH further without pain, my blood pressure has improved incredibly and i feel so much better. Dr. Zhang is caring and kind and listens to all my concerns. This is my first time with acupuncture but I feel Dr. Zhang makes the difference. She makes time to listen which MOST doctors do not (and they cant wait to do surgery!!). I highly recommend Dr. Zhang and ACCHM in Phoenix/Gilbert.

Review №40

This is about the successful treatment of my tinnitus by Dr. Feng Zhang of Phoenix.My problem started when I developed severe vertigo. I initially went to the urgent care clinic where I live in San Jose. An examination and two tubes of blood work came to no conclusion. The doctor there was recommending MRI and further diagnostic procedures.While I was thinking about what to do for a few days my vertigo was going away but I had other developed a new symptom: I was hearing a low pitched sound in my left ear. I developed tinnitus.I tried an online patient care. A primary physician walked through a diagnostic procedure with me. He recommended I see an Otologist, an ear doctor specializing in the workings of the inner ear. He diagnosed labyrinthitis, an inner ear infection.I did not want to be treated with steroids by doctor. Although my blood, hormone checkup were good, I felt there was an underlying cause and the doctors I went to see were addressing symptoms but not the underlying cause. After a few months , my ear rang worse and sometimes it was so loud that bothered me a great deal. I knew something was very wrong with my health and I must do something.I knew of Dr. Zhang in Phoenix and heard she can treat ear ringing. I called her and arranged treatment in Phoenix where I spent four days for my initial diagnostics and acupuncture treatments, a first for me. Her diagnosis was that I have an underlying heart problem which caused my ear rang.Her initial treatment was four sessions of acupuncture over the four days. This was a individual treatment associated with her diagnosis. She placed many needles all over from the bottom of my feet to the top of my head, adding needles from session to session. For two sessions I didnt notice much difference. After the third session my ear rang less and even less after the fourth.At my final Phoenix session Dr. Zhang prescribed Chinese herbal medicine to treat my heart problem. After I came home, the first day my ear rang very little and I was thrilled about acupuncture. When on the second day my ear rang more I realized the effect was wearing out I hurried to a herb store and had my prescription filled for seven days. I was able to get the ingredients at one of my local Chinese herb stores.The herbs needed to be cooked in each day and drunk each day for the seven days. During this week my ear still rang but I was not having any episodes of violent ringing. I reported the result to Dr. Zhang. She modified my prescription and I took the second prescription for seven days again. After this session, my ear rang so little that in the morning when I wake up I had to listen intently in very quiet surroundings to detect the ringing sound. One time in this week I got very upset with about something unrelated and my ear rang again for two days and then the ringing diminished again.After a months treatment my symptoms are mostly gone. If I listened to the Otologist and done steroids treatment I dont think it would have addressed an underlying problem and (as with others) may not have helped the Tinitus and may have exposed me to side effects. Instead I am having a good outcome from Dr. Zhangs individualized diagnostic and treatment. She is planning a third week of Chinese herbal medicine treatments coming up. I expect continued improvments.

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5 Rating
  • Address:906 W McDowell Rd, Phoenix, AZ 85007, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 928-202-1307
  • Acupuncture clinic
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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