Dr. Robert Puff, Ph.D.
2436 West Coast Hwy #103, Newport Beach, CA 92663, United States

Review №1

It is so easy to get caught up in the monotony and rituals of each day without stepping back to look at the big picture. Dr. Puff is a master at teaching how to stay focused on what is truly meaningful.

Review №2

Dr. Puff is just amazing. He has such a great style, he makes you feel comfortable talking about anything. His positive reinforcement and down to earth topics make listening a pleasure. If you havent had a chance to listen to a podcast...I would suggest you do. Thank you Dr. Puff for your ability to communicate so effectively!

Review №3

Dr. Puff speaks truth. His podcast and blog have been very inspiring for me, and I think everyone can benefit from what he teaches. In person, he is warm, genuine, and really caring, and he will help you live your best life. If you or someone you know wants to live a happier life, or if you are a business owner who wants to have a happier workplace, I highly recommend talking to Dr. Puff.

Review №4

Dr. Puff is inspirational, his work and teaching is truly life affirming. His insight on how to love life, stay grounded, ride challenges and ultimately to live a happier existence is simply brilliant. His podcasts give a real flavour of this and I would highly recommend listening to them. He was generous with his time, in response to my questions from the UK, empathic and thoughtful.

Review №5

What Ive enjoyed about my experience with Robert is that he has a deeper, more well-rounded view of the human being. I am a huge advocate for science as a way to explain the world, but I love how Robert doesnt stop with the science. He is able to go beyond that and touch on the deeper more spiritual gifts and lessons. I feel that this is absolutely necessary to living well and Im grateful that Robert is putting this good will out into the world.

Review №6

Dr. Puff is an experienced, highly skilled coach, with a gift for helping you discover what truly makes you happy in your life. His approach is caring and supportive, giving you freedom and a safe environment needed to make meaningful progress in your mindset. If you feel like you are successful but still “missing something” in your life, I highly recommend you reach out to Dr. Puff!

Review №7

Dr. Puff is a down to earth, authentic healer who has brought great value to the space of those wishing to bring positive change in their lives. His offerings are vast and he has something for anyone wishing to transform. His work is powerful and impactful. He is the teacher/healer you are looking for..

Review №8

I am the queen of habits and they are definitely not all good ones. I became a fan of Dr. Puff through some of his material in Psychology Today and some other publications that I read. I particularly have gotten a great deal of benefit from his Happiness Podcast and 3 Steps for Changing Bad Habits into Good Habits. I find his tone to be very engaging, non-judgmental and honest. This brings credibility to any material that I choose to listen to or read. The fact that Dr. Puff embraces things like spirituality and meditation are appealing to me as well. I feel like I have much to learn from his teachings and have just hit the tip of the iceberg. Great stuff.

Review №9

Dr. Puff’s Happiness podcast is very helpful. His advice is very down-to-earth and informed by the latest research into human behavior. No airy-fairy new age nonsense! So if you really sincerely want to change something about your life or simply want to understand yourself better, I highly recommend the Happiness podcast. Good luck to you, whatever your journey!

Review №10

I discovered Dr. Puff with his podcast about fear of flying. I heard it the entire flight and it kept me totally calm. Since then I have become a fan of the Meditation for Health & Happiness podcasts and its helped with stress and other situations. Most importantly this has been a real jump start to meditation and every day I see more positive benefits in how I live my life. Thank you!!

Review №11

Great place for anyone who is thinking about seeking couples strategy therapy, but wants a convenient way of talking through issues without the pressure of visiting a clinic or formal office. You can choose online counseling also. Thanks to Dr. Puff for helping me and my partner.

Review №12

Dr. Puffs podcast, most especially episode # 87 Whats Wrong With Right Now has been a game changer. Ive followed his advice and immersed myself in studying how to quiet my mind, and I listen to this one episode multiple times every day. The calmness it giving me is absolutely astounding. I had no idea how busy my mind had become, and his work is helping me see that and change it for the better. Im extremely grateful for his generosity in putting this work out, and for his vast knowledge that he shares!

Review №13

Dr. Puffs podcast is life changing. The episodes go over various circumstances that prevent people from being happy. So much of what Dr. Puff talks about is relevant to most people. Through the various episodes, one learns that our happiness is not so much determined by what happens in life, but rather how we view and respond to circumstances. The podcasts are free, along with his meditation sessions on Wednesday nights. What a great service to the world Dr. Puff is providing.

Review №14

I love to clam my self down and relax completely by listening to Happiness Podcast at the end of the day. I have never thought that the meaning of happiness would be that deep and interesting until I start listening to this podcast. Every podcast gives me energy and strength to face with all the challenges in my life peacefully and of course happily.Thank you so much, Dr Robert Puff.

Review №15

Dr. Robert Puff’s free weekly meditations are a real gift. After 30 min of a simple guided mediation concentrating on the breath, while subtle music is discreetly played in the background, he continues with a 30min conversation offering insights from his many years of spiritual practice and clinical psychology work. In one hour you get to relax your mind, slow down your thought whirl and hear some wise and uplifting words. Check it out - you wont be disappointed !

Review №16

Dr. Puff’s Happiness Podcast has helped me through some very rough times, and I continue to listen to them on the way to work and in my free time because I have seen how a change in perspective and a mindfulness practice can truly help me find the joy in the present moment. I have even emailed Dr. Puff with a personal question and he has quickly and joyfully responded, giving me reassurance that he is not only wise and knowledgeable, but kind and caring. Check them out for a happier you!

Review №17

I am positively thrilled by the effect that holistic therapy had on me. This philosophy changed my life and I have no doubt that it will change yours too. The podcast I listened to is by one of the best psychologists out there, Dr. Robert Puff. The title is #51 Happiness- Three Key Components for Staying Happy.Dr.Puff is widely recognized in the public by the effect he has assisting each client in order to achieve the main goals of happiness and well-being. This holistic approach envelops many of the things we do in life such as thoughts, emotions, health and nutrition as well as relationships. These things have a substantial meaning to our lives, giving those clear priorities and focus to the key things.In order to improve your happiness, you will hear personal experience lessons by Dr.Puff and stress management lessons which will undoubtedly be an asset to each person’s beliefs of improving their life.

Review №18

Robert did a terrific job to release this happiness podcast. It is the most useful podcast for leading a happy lifestyle. The guidelines and tips are simple. I found them very effective. The episodes are nicely organized and with deep knowledge. This is a thought provoking podcast which I will definitely recommend.

Review №19

It took several podcasts to figure out whether or not Id continue, and how to continue. For me, starting each day with a podcast works well, especially if I can try to come back to the main points throughout the day.There is wisdom, depth, and practical strategies.Thanks Dr. Puff

Review №20

Always thought-provoking, insightful and inspiring, I look forward to this weekly podcast. It’s been so very helpful in all aspects of life.

Review №21

I love the Happiness podcast! I learn so much from each one about how to reorganize my thoughts in order to bring about peace, happiness and personal growth to my life. It also helps me gain tools to teach my young daughter about happiness, including not comparing yourself to others, the importance of being with nature, and surrounding yourself with happy people. I get all giddy every time I start a podcast!

Review №22

I have just recently discovered Dr. Puff and his magical podcasts. They have changed and saved my life. I feel like I can finally start being happy in my life and he is teaching me how to handle different situations in life. I have suffered from depression anxiety general unhappiness many years of my life and having him to listen to grounds me. Makes me live in the now and except myself ,my problems and gives me hope that I will one day get to the place where I want to be in life that’s it’s not a dream and that it will be a reality some day. Thank you thank you so much Dr,Puff for what you do I always thought I will never have a good therapist and will never get the help because I could never afford one. You have created something I hope brings you good karma!!

Review №23

I truly enjoy listening to Dr. Puff. He is real world, down to earth, applicable advice that you can use in your life every single day. If you are feeling down, or feel like giving up, like its not worth it - then I encourage you to go to his website and listen to one of his podcasts. They are sure to help you in ways that you cant imagine. His soothing voice will help you to relax and let your guard down while he gives you tools, tips, and tricks to make your life the best it can be and to truly find the happiness that you seek.Whenever a bad day hits - I know where I will be heading to for some awesome encouragement!

Review №24

Hello!! Im a Brazilian listener. I want to say THANK YOU. Just like this, with capital letters. I know that this is just one more feedback, but I felt I should tell you guys, how its been valuable for me listening to Dr. Robert Puffs podcasts. I suffer from anxiety disorder and depression. There was a time, when it was hard to say it. To confess it. Today Im a little more aware of these problems and Ive been doing my best in order to get better. And the reason why I wanna say THANK YOU, is that when I feel uncomfortable, anxious, depressed or overwhelmed, I put on my headphones, switch off the lights and just listen and pay attention to his words, his reasoning about embracing the moment... Accept it like it is... And feel grateful for it. When the sound stops, I feel renewed, relieved, calm... And in peace. Thank you, Dr. Robert.

Review №25

The present moment focus is not something I can take for granted. This podcast helped touch on some previous self help techniques that I used to engage in and snapped me out of my funk for the day. I will definitely be listening more often and I really appreciate the podcast. Thank you Dr Puff.

Review №26

What a wonderful podcast! I’ve listened to several, it’s like getting advice from the perfect friend. At a tough time in my life, I feel grounded again, and been given the tools to use to think about things in a positive way! Thank you, thank you!!

Review №27

Only one word could describes Dr. Roberts podcast and it would be fantastic. I found it to be really enlightening and even decided to share it with my brother-in-law who is currently going through a rough time. The segments are very neat and understandable. I highly recommend this.

Review №28

I am so happy to have come across Dr. Robert Puff and his highly knowledgeable, passion fueled podcasts. This is my first experience listening to a self-help podcast and I was instantly sucked in to the soothing, comforting sound of Dr. Puffs voice. I found myself absorbing his words in an almost hypnotic state, very relaxing. Since I am going through a very traumatic time in my life, the end of a nearly 25 year relationship with my husband who is also my high school sweetheart,I need to gather all the helpful coping mechanisms I can get my hands on. There are days when I truly dont know how to go on, and those are the days I will continue to turn to his words for direction. Its almost like having a therapy session at your fingertips whenever you need one! Its comforting to know I have this expertise to turn to when things really seem to be falling apart for me. I believe that everything happens for a reason, and today I was directed to his #56 Happiness - Finding Happiness and Living Well with the Ongoing Challenges podcast for a reason. It was just something that was brought to me as a tool. Ive already sent the link to his site off to a friend that I know can use it, and I highly recommend it to anyone in need of less worry or way to remind themselves that this too shall pass!

Review №29

I really enjoy listening to his podcast. It is always very uplifting and has taught me so many life lessons as well as gotten me though some tough times in my life! I would recommend this podcast to anyone. Thank you Dr. Puff!!

Review №30

I listened 52 Happiness – 3 Steps for Changing Bad Habits into Good Habits. This podcast was really nice. It helps anyone to give up any bad habit of our life. I will listen your all podcast.Dr. Robert Puff is a very experienced and professional doctor as well as friend. I specially thank to him for his podcast and highly recommend to listen his all podcast to all for building healthy and peaceful life.

Review №31

I am currently listening to Dr Roberts pod cast. He has a kind and calm voice. Dr Robert shares and reminds us how to live and be happy. His compassionate soothing voice helps me focus on how beautiful and sweet my life really is.Thank you

Review №32

This podcast has increased my hope. He has made some ideas I had heard elsewhere more clear and enabled me to start thinking in new ways. Very encouraging and practical. Thanks so much.

Review №33

This is about the weekly meditation retreat that Dr Puff runs at his office. It is a great way for beginners starting the meditation practice. Along with meditation in the group, you get to hear wise words from Dr. Puff. Truly enlightening experience

Review №34

I absolutely love Dr. Puffs podcasts. I gain so many meaningful insights from them, and think of his words of wisdom all the time. Im so grateful to Dr. Puff for creating the podcast .. and to Alexa for making it so easy to listen to it!

Review №35

Dr. Puffs podcast is so uplifting! I just discovered it today and it really shifted the way I thought about grief and handling that grief. There are times where his podcast has even made me laugh! He keeps it really light and positive, even when exploring topics that are frightening or anxiety-inducing. Its great to see someone trying to spread positivity, happiness, and understanding in the world.

Review №36

I discovered this podcast about a year and a half ago and it has become such a wonderful part of my life. I introduced my wife to Dr. Puffs work and she has found it most useful in dealing with the stress of being an Emergency Room Doctor.Dr. Puff presents meditation in a way that is enjoyable and easy to implement into everyday life.

Review №37

The Happiness Podcast by Dr. Puff is inspiring with a very positive message. We can all use reminders in our daily lives to uplift us and encourage us to be our best selves. His personal stories and experiences bring the message of this podcast to life and allow me to make a deeper connection to his message.

Review №38

My mom passed away last year in November and I was going through a very difficult times. Then I came across Dr.Puffs Happiness Podcast and ever since I have been listening over and over his podcasts. It helped to accept the fact that nothing lasts forever and we have to part ways with our loved ones. I am trying very hard to accept what is- although I know i can never love what is. Thanks Dr.Puff for guiding me through this difficult time in my life.

Review №39

I have been listening to Dr. Puffs Happiness podcast for about eight months. Every time I feel stressed and am overwhelmed with an event or a worry, I reach for my phone and Dr. Puff gets me back to living life well. I spend more time living in the moment and tell my nasty little voice inside my head to go away! I am finding it easier to get back to living rather than worrying about what might happen! Its not easy to re-program habits of worrying about others and how they see me, etc. but it certainly helps to practice making choices about where my mind takes me! Im so much happier!

Review №40

I love your podcast! It is very helpful and a great reminder for all of us. I think my favorite episode is the one about the movie Groundhog Day! I listened it 5 times or sth. :) Always looking forward to new episodes.

Review №41

The Happiness Podcast was excellent and really gave me the juice that I needed to make some adjustments to my everyday life. Im a full-time student with 21 credit hours, a part-time job, an internship and a huge load of extracurricular activities, but I still try my best to stay as positive as I can. However, I often have mornings where its a little bit harder to wake up, a little bit harder to smile at work and really tough to get the most out of my school work. The happiness podcast reminds me that it takes a lot more energy to be anxious, stressed, or unhappy than it does to be happy.As a Peer Mentor its an excellent tool to provide to my students when theyre feeling down. It gets them into the mindset that life really is a permanent vacation. Dr. Puffs podcasts have become an essential part of my lifestyle adjustment here at college and I recommend it to anyone who needs a little happiness in their day.

Review №42

I listen to Dr.Puffs happiness podcast everyday. As a person who suffers from severe depression and anxiety, I find this podcast very helpful. It is motivating and includes many tips to find happiness. Would highly recommend to any one.

Review №43

I have been listening to your podcasts while doing some pretty tedious computer work. Your words keep the part of my mind that craves expansion and growth fed while allowing the other part of my brain to settle into the methodical routine that is required to get the job done. I have been on an eternal quest to better myself in order to show up more fully for those around me in all aspects of my life. Your podcasts are a nice contribution toward this goal. Thank you Dr. Puff!

Review №44

Dr. Robert Puffs podcast on Happiness really resonated with me. He makes you think about one of the harsh realities of life that we face in everyday living - criticism and how it impacts us from truly being happy in life. Criticism in our lives is unavoidable. At some point and in some way we will be criticized. After all, we cannot please everyone. He talks about the nine steps that we can take to handle criticism in order to find happiness in our personal lives. One of the steps, judging others that he talks about, has to be one of the biggest and most difficult changes that we could all make. After listening to the nine steps, I came away understanding my reactions to criticism and how criticism has over the years impacted me in being happy in my life. I am more knowledgeable, self-aware, confident and ready for the challenges that I will face in life and better equipped to handle criticisms.

Review №45

My neighbor and I were discussing the various podcasts we listen to and she suggested yours. Every podcast I have listened to has provided me with insight and workable suggestions on how to be happier. Thank you so much!

Review №46

Ive been listening to Dr. Puffs podcasts for the last few days, where he explores issues related to happiness.The insightful tips and tricks are very useful for leading our lives with happiness. I would highly recommend listening to it! You will feel so relaxed and a lot happier after doing so.

Review №47

I listen to the Happiness podcast every day. It brings peace to my day, and Im beginning to lead a happy life. A wonderful podcast, and I recommend it to everyone. Thank you Dr. Puff!!

Review №48

Making sense of the nonsensical one podcast at a time. Dr. Puff winds you down, opens you up and gets you to think about what is really going on with your happiness. It has been a tough few days made easier by his great efforts. Thank you Dr. Puff.

Review №49

I came across this podcast on the TuneIn app in August, and over the last several months this podcast has had an enormous positive impact on my life. It first brought me awareness of my egos constant commentary and the thoughts that kept me trapped in unhappiness. The podcasts messages helped me to see things with a completely different perspective and have helped me to have greater control of my happiness while learning to pick my battles, accept change, and live in the moment. People have noticed and remarked on my change in attitude. I cannot recommend this podcast enough to people seeking happiness.

Review №50

The Happiness Podcast is calming and fulfilling. I especially enjoyed the podcast about what to do when bad things happen. It was empowering to hear the way we can deal with what we view as tragedies in our lives. Acceptance of suffering is something I struggle with. The path to focusing on making good by learning lessons toward change and bettering our lives is a positive course for all of us. Learning from mistakes is sometimes like facing a mirror we never want to look into, but it is beneficial for the future. Keep up the good work!

Review №51

Ive been listening to Dr. Puffs podcasts for the last few days, where he explores issues related to happiness: what it means to be happy and how to achieve contentment in life. The setup of his podcasts is simple (him speaking over what sounds like a faint excerpt of Bachs The Well-Tempered Clavier) but the format works amazingly well. The simplicity of the format means less distraction from the weighty themes hes wrestling with, such as the nature of happiness and how dreams relate to it. These are really soothing to listen to before bedtime and theyve already given me food for thought about how to evaluate my life. Highly recommended for anyone out there whos reflective and wants five minutes of enrichment to start the day.

Review №52

I listened to the 58 Happiness - Treating Life as a Permanent Vacation and I must say I really enjoyed it. Im not too fond of podcasts, but Dr. Puffs podcast helped me realize a few things about how I view my life.He talked about letting go of things - When we are attached to things, we get upset because we dont want to lose those things when things change. However, if we were to let go, we wouldnt get upset over the things that are not permanent.Recently, I had a job interview that I have been wanting for the past 4 years. I finally got the interview, but I ended up stuttering and saying the wrong things. I got upset over this because I knew I did horrible. Now I realize that I need to let go of this interview and not be so attached because if not I will not be happy.This podcast really helped me see things a little bit differently and now I definitely feel like I can be much happier.

Review №53

The podcast is very helpful and informative. The insightful tips and tricks are very useful for leading our lives with happiness. I learned so many life lessons from this podcast that I cant express in words. Its an incredible show!

Review №54

Great, Great podcast. Hes such an understanding person, dolling out wonderful advice to help navigate this crazy world. Cant recommend him enough!

Review №55

I have listened to all of Dr Puffs Happiness podcasts at least twice. I can say without doubt they have had a positive material impact on my experience of life. I am really starting to flow with life now. I feel i can often now recognise my attachments for what they are and let go of them yet still having a strong sense of gratitude for what is, and loving what is. Thanks Dr Puff!

Review №56

Dr. Puffs Happiness Podcast is uplifting, inspiring, and supported by research. I also appreciate his free weekly meditation seminar and wish I could attend more often!

Review №57

I just started the podcast, but its already making me feel a little bit more secure in myself as a person.

Review №58

The podcast gave great insight into how the real world works, and how happiness should be our state of mind the majority of the time. I learned that comparing and contrasting makes us miss out on the present. It really is true. I really like the way he speaks about things in a very understandable way. I can definitely see myself listening to his podcasts often.

Review №59

I listen to Dr. Puffs podcasts at least once a week. His Happiness Podcast really helped me get though grad school. Grad school was difficult and I experienced some depression and anxiety about my education and they honestly gave me hope. It also taught me to honor my own need for self-care. Also, I often listen to his Meditation for Health Podcast. I know that many people roll their eyes at meditation, but Dr. Puff provides sounds scientific evidence showing the benefits of meditating. Ive been meditating for less than a year (I started to help cope with anxiety attacks in grad school) and have seen positive results.

Review №60

I feel much calmer and happier. Miracle, went from being miserable to be a very happy person in a very short period of time two or three weeks.

Review №61

Over the last 3 months Dr Puffs podcasts have been invaluable beyond words . They have made an immense difference to my way of thinking and helped me realign my thinking and find balance. Huge thanks please continue.

Review №62

Ive finally learned some important life lessons I should have learned 20 years ago. I am going to flow with life from now on :-) The happiness podcasts are truly life changing...

Review №63

Im obviously not anywhere near Newport Beach right now, but I found Dr. Puffs blog and podcast online. I was initially drawn in by the name, but hes seriously good. His happiness podcasts helped me reevaluate my life and reconsider my dependence on some very negative people. The information is good, he doesnt use a load of medical mumbo-jumbo and his voice is pleasant to listen to.Id definitely recommend his website and podcast to people who want to get their lives in track and are feeling a bit overwhelmed by everything.

Review №64

I listen to this podcast before bed and first thing when I wake up. Thank you for the positive messages. Very comforting!

Review №65

Hi there,I listen to Dr Puffs happiness podcasts every morning whilst preparing breakfast and having my coffee. I can only thank Dr Puff not only for this but also for his enlightenment and meditation podcasts, all of which have brought very positive energy and insights to my life. Dr Puff THANK YOU !

Review №66

I listened Dr. Robert Puff & did it properly and i got my expected result! He is very professional & experienced. I will continue before my death..

Review №67

This is a great and very helpful podcast. Thanks Dr Puff for putting this out there!

Review №68

The happiness podcast gives you the steps and strategies to be a better person, as well as allowing yourself to understand why it is that maybe you are not always a happy person.I believe this podcast could assist others in a very positive way.

Review №69

Like the podcasts and the weekly meditation meetings. Especially, the discussion afterwards is great and always leaves me with great insights to better tackle lifes challenges.

Review №70

Overcoming sadness, depression, anger are just few my favorite podcasts. Im always watching out for new podcasts because they are simply reminders for me to live in the now and not delve into the past and creating thoughts that may ruin my relationships with other people. I also tend to share what I have been listening to other people so that they may share my happiness. Thank you, Dr. Puff.

Review №71

I have really enjoyed listening to the Finding Our Happiness Flow audiobook from start to finish and I was not bored a single minute. It made me feel much better and more enthusiastic about my life and I learned a lot about new ways of achieving personal happiness. The ideas behind the audiobook are very well explained and seem not too hard to implement. I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for a great self-help book about finding true happiness.

Review №72

What a delightful, educational, & beneficial podcast that I have discovered with Dr. Puff. I have recommended this podcast to many friends and associates alike!!!😊😊😊

Review №73

Dr. Puff is one of the best teachers Ive ever come across. He is a kind and generous man who is good at making the abstract tangible. I found him to be a credible meditation teacher because he understands and combines both science and spirituality in his teachings. His teachings can be found through his: podcasts, ebooks, books, seminars and retreats.Before him I was searching, searching and searching for, the meaning in life, enlightenment, purpose and etc. I never had peace of mind, I never felt satisfied, I was living in my mind. But, after hearing all of Dr. Puffs podcasts and going to his weekly Wednesday evening seminars for about a year, I finally realized I needed to stop searching and start living. And it has forever changed my life.

Review №74

I have really liked this podcast and you know what I have become your fan. Please do update me when ever you have a new podcast. I must say that everyone should listen to it.

Review №75

With the loss of 3 family members this year I am in unchartered waters.....Dr Puffs amazing podcasts have thrown me a life line.A way to face the grief and still have happiness. What a truly wonderfulgift he gives with these Podcasts.Thank you Dr Puff

Review №76

I just started listening to these podcasts today and now I cannot stop. My eyes have been opened to a new way of perceiving happiness.

Review №77

I find his happiness podcast truly insightful!

Review №78

Thank you Dr. Puff, your podcasts are extremely helpful.

Review №79

Awesome writer and a great mind reader.Anger Work: How to Express Your Anger like this book most,As I am a short tempered man after reading this book I can now control my anger.Thanks Dr Robert puff.Best of Luck.

Review №80

My favourite podcast hands down

Review №81

Roberts pointers to knowing what we really are bring an end to searching.

33 Photos
5 Rating
  • Address:2436 West Coast Hwy #103, Newport Beach, CA 92663, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 714-337-4889
  • Psychologist
  • Child psychologist
  • Counselor
  • Family counselor
  • Marriage or relationship counselor
  • Psychotherapist
Working hours
  • Monday:Closed
  • Tuesday:Closed
  • Wednesday:10am–8pm
  • Thursday:10am–8pm
  • Friday:10am–8pm
  • Saturday:10am–8pm
  • Sunday:10am–8pm
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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