Timberlawn Behavioral Health System
4600 Samuell Blvd, Dallas, TX 75228, United States

Review №1

Glad to see this place is gone now. I was a patient at timberlawn back in 2002 time frame. I was 15years old. Me and my step father never got along. My mother had me committed early summer of 2002 for temper issues. The night of my admittance I was very unwilling to stay so the security held me down and I was hit in my left butt cheek with what the other patients later called a cocktail to sedate me to calm me down. The effects of this cocktail carried over for the first 48 hours I was there. I dont remember much from my stay there because of the sedation but I do remember, day three as the sedative was wearing off. I could finally lift my head from the table I would sit at, I could start to see straight, a group of younger kids/ patients in the TV room started fighting. I had nothing to do with this issue but yet, the nurses came out and stuck everyone including me sitting at the table not able to move still with the cocktail and like that I was in and out of sedation for another 24 to 48 hours........... 7 days total at this place and finally got to make a phone call to my mom pleading for her to get me out of there or at best transfer me somewhere else. I ended up being transferred shortly after to a very nice facility in Plano Texas. I do not recall the name of this place in plano anymore for I am 33 years old now......... Bottom line I was a wild teenager and it was a phase I grew out of before I hit 21 years old. The mind is a very powerful thing. Learn to use it!!!!!

Review №2

I would give this place zero stars if I could. Read over the other negative reviews -- all that stuff is true. We sent a loved one to Timberlawn from out of state, for its so-called specialized Colin Ross trauma program. What a farce. The place was filthy, there were commonly altercations between patients, most of the staff couldnt care less about anything other than getting a paycheck. Mr. Ross himself hardly makes appearances. My loved one got one session with him -- as part of a group session with the other patients. That was it -- he picked one patient out of each group session to undergo some sort of encounter or therapy. My loved one came back from this program MORE traumatized than when they left. Before you even consider sending anyone here -- or going here yourself -- google Dr. Colin Ross and then search google for news stories about this place. There were also reports of threatening to send patients to the general psych ward if they did not comply with staff orders. Who uses punishment to help people who are sick?

Review №3

I did an internship at Timberlawn in 1998. It was the greatest experience of any hospitals I had visited or interned for. They were professionally kind to all of their patients. Yes, there were rules, and regulations to follow. I watched the doctors and nurses very carefully. I was very impressed with their treatment of their patients.

Review №4

My son was inpatient here. At first I was very skeptical from all the reviews. However, they are in the process of remodeling and hiring a new staff. They are still working out some things. Over all my sons experience has been very beneficial. The techs and nurses really seem to care about the adolescent patients. My sons favorite tech was named Travis. He was so helpful and kind. Its so hard to leave your child. I am thankful for the staff and making it easier on both my son and I.

Review №5

I was hospitalized there 2 years ago and I can honesty say that it helped me a great deal! Not only do you have group therapy but the people there, employees and the patients, are really nice and it makes you feel at home. I made so many friends that I wont ever forget. Keep doing your thing timberlawn! -C.R

Review №6

First, let me start off by saying that I had been warned by many other psych patients from a different hospital I had been in, to not go to Timberlawn. They claimed it was horrible and negligent. It was. That place was horrid, never again will I return. It was the complete opposite of what I needed at the time, to be honest it depressed me even more. I just put on a fake smile to get out of there as fast as I could.We had the worst drive to Timberlawn. Finding it was a hassle. It was down a long, lonely road. At the beginning of the road was a funeral home, then came the cemetery, and at last came Shutter Island. If you have ever seen the movie, you know shutter island is secluded and gloomy, it looks does Timberlawn. When we arrived we had to wait a good little while to find parking, because of how packed it was. Once parked we walked up to a little white house, very creepy looking, inside was nice furniture and the lady at the front desk was very polite. She was the only polite person there, throughout my entire stay. She greeted us, gave us a clipboard, and told us I would be evaluated soon. When the paperwork was finished being filled out a little, unpleasant man came out and told me i would be evaluated on my own, without my mother to assure I could speak of anything I needed to. He asked the usual questions : why, where, how, what, when... generic questions. Throughout the whole time, he was so, for lack of better words, inhuman. He would rarely make eye contact with me and when he did it was little glares. He was just totally insensitive towards me and my story. Then he called my mom into the room and told me to find a place to sit in the waiting area, so she could say what she thought without hesitation. Well, after i had stepped out of my little session with him, the waiting area was completely packed. So i stayed at the door, waiting. I wasnt trying to listen or spy at all, there was just no where to sit, i leaned on the door a bit, i had lost my balance, and he came threw the door open and yelled at me, saying things like - I was spying and tampering with things and that I was a very disobedient child. So he took me way into the back of the little white house and locked, yes locked, me into a little secluded waiting area to make sure I couldnt bother anyone else. A little while later he walked my mom into the room and said a psychiatrist would be in with us shortly to tell us whether or not he thought I should be admitted. Hours went by and nothing, no one came to speak to us. So we walked to the front desk and asked what was going on, she called the psych doctor and right away he stepped out with my file in hand, looked over it quickly and said he thought I should be admitted. And that was that. He told us I was being put into the system and that i would be taken back to the facility after everything went through, he told us it wouldnt take anymore than an hour. So we waited an hour and another and another. We waited 10 more hours, ten more hours then were told that it would be another hour for transportation to the facility I was going to be put in, but that we could walk if we were in a rush. We decided to walk, my mom wanted me to be taken care of right away. We walked no more than 5 minutes to the damn building I was being put into. The walk there was short, but the scenery was horrible. Trees falling, trash scattered on the floor, it was just plain dark and gloomy like everywhere else.I cant fit anything else into this little box. Im writing this review to tell you, dont come here. Do not. I kept myself alive, not them. The nurses were horrible. They are understaffed and negligent. Please dont go. I honestly believe there is a chance you won,t make it out. I am not, by any means being over dramatic. I was a patient in 2014.

Review №7

I wouldnt even give this place a one. Traveled there from Florida to be in Dr. Ross Program at Timberlawn front main building. What I didnt know until I left this hell hole was that Dr Ross has had many cases against him. Look him up before going. I went there in October 2015. I saved a lady now friend there from committing suicide by using her bedsheets. Before she attempted suicide I went to the nurses station and asked if someone could come down to the end of the hall where several of us were sitting with this patient and help her as she was disassociating, charge nurse came with her purse as they we leaving after their shift. She looked at patient and called out her name, patient never responded. The nurse said she will be fine and left to go home. Patient then goes to her room, 20 minutes later I decided to check on her, thats when I found her bedsheets tied in a noose. I came out yelling for help. One of the nurses came that just started her shift and took patient to sit in front of the nurses station. Nothing happened and the patient stayed on the unit. I got into trouble for my reaction and was told not to talk about it. I then was approached by my male Therapist, psychiatrist Rosco, and Judy the program director. They said I was being transferred to what others patients called a horrible unit. I was cry shaking and having an anxiety attack. They said I was being moved because I missed a class. I said how come all these other patients sleep and miss class and I miss because I was sick and even got medicine from the nurses station. They said othingvack. A couple of hours later I was in full panic mode and couldnt breath well. Then was told you can stay on this unit. See, what this was really about was that they worried about me saving this patient from suicide, and needed me off of this unit to keep me from talking about it. Not one time did any therapist talk to me about this horrific experience and how this attempted suicide affected me. Theres so much more that happened there. Please dont go here. Research other programs throughly to avoid being more traumatized underweight and hurt emotionally.

Review №8

This is a terrible place, I understand people are seeking help, but dont look for it here. The staff neglects you all the time! I wear contacts and my first night there I slept in them because they didnt have a contact case for me. The next morning I woke up with dry eyes and told the staff again and some nurse gave me a case. Like out of no where they had some, right? But to make matters worse, the solution the lady put in my case was an alcohol based solution, but I didnt know that at the time and I told her I used to the optifree and she responded, its the same thing. Trusting her, I went back to my room, took out my contacts, placed them in the case, waited a minute or two, and put them back on. The moment that contact touch my eye it was the worst burning sensation Ive ever felt, and immediately taking it out. A man came asked if I was okay and I told him what had happened he took my case and then later informed me that they had put the alcohol based solution in it by accident. Not just that, but a woman was telling the staff she wasnt feeling well, that she felt has if she was going to have a seizure. The staff didnt listen, didnt take precautions, NOTHING. Then what happened? The poor woman had a terrible seizure, when she came back she had a swollen tongue where she literally almost bit it off. These are just 2 event that happened out of many, I really dont recommend this place. Its the most awful place to go to trying to receive help. Dont take your children, parents, nor yourself or any loved one here!

Review №9

Too much to put here, rude nurses, therapist left half way through my stay,never got another one, was ignored by head of staff, IT Therapist Robin and Dr Cody were only ones who cared, and they were to busy. Was in wheel chair and a lot of my rights were stepped on. Other patients were great I got more out of them then anything. And the food sucked big time! Terry Roach. P.S. I was in Trama Unit.

Review №10

Very scary experience, went there to attend outpatient program on the first day I was locked out of the facility because a lady was very aggressive and needed to be restrained in the main office... the second day I had no idea where to go so I called front desk multiple times and finally got her to walk me through the building to find outpatient group no nurses would help me and when asked for help I was told they only dealt with impatient and closed window. when I finally was directed to room I was told to open the door and check if anyone was in the room when I opened door the leader of the group rudely pushed me out repeating no cell phones. when I got into the room people were only there because they were court ordered to be not very helpful as they were severely mentally ill and listening to them talk made my own head hurt. never going back to the facility if you have an option, choose somewhere else

Review №11

Staff were professional and helpful but as any hospital you stay in or place someone in there will be issues.

Review №12

I was there at the end of 2014. While some nurses were very nice and concerned, I was not use to group therapy, and found absolutely no help having to be forced to attend them.As for queen Judy ( and everyone knows who I am referring to). I found her to be one of the most arrogant, mean uncaring person on this staff! She walks around with her nose up in the air acting like someone died and left her in charge of humanity. She is rude, condescending. Instead of helping patients with encouragement and kindness, she treats you as if youre bothering her if you stop to ask her a question! I got news for you Judy, you are nothing but a complacent, conceited, self- centered monster, who needs to be admitted to your own psych ward! Enough said!

Review №13

I am in shock with this place,My Husband was put in this place.They need to work with visation hours you get there 7 pm your ready to see your love one the staff is rude! It took 15 minutes for myself and other to visit then right up at 8 its time to go. I myself and more people there was told by a staff member well I wouldnt have brought my love one to this place I mean really.?? Thats not how to ease people when there worried about there Love ones. I only found three now three people that was nice and helpful,that being said is very sad. Im writing a letter to the governor of Texas I will not stop until this place is closed because the workers are rude if you send clothes it can take up to 3 or more days until your love ones get them and sure dont say well I wouldnt have brought my love one up here.As a nurse or staff worker you shouldnt be rude or hateful.They Dont even let people go out and get fresh air and when you call the staff on the floor are rude.this place is heart goes out to the patients and love ones. I will not stop until something is done!! And for the rude staff if you have no compassion then find another job!!

Review №14

Worst place to ever get help...I remember having a group of friends, one guy name randy ( i believe) & he liked me and he tried to sit with me in lunch the doctor thought he was dangerous because the reason why he was there.I liked him, he was so chill and we always played basketball friends I cant remember much about them .. I hate this place destroyed so many people at a young age. DONT TAKE YOUR CHILDREN HERE !!I wish I can see my friends again from 2010.please do not take any one here this is a horrible scary place!! my friend passed away for overdose and the doctors said they were awfully sorry but they knew how much she was taking !

Review №15

I was there about three years ago due to my schizophrenia. They were very rude. The place is very dirty and they stole one hundred dollars out of my wallet. When I told one of the people in the office the lady laughed at me and told me that I was a lying and that no one who had my problem who would believe me anyway. DO NOT GO THERE!

Review №16

Very traumatizing. I was very young when I got admitted. One of the doctors called me stupid because of my reason for going. I had problems with anxiety and depression. I was taken in for almost taking my own life. I felt more horrible leaving there than arriving.

Review №17

I was here when I was 14(now 23) for depression and suicide attempts, I was admitted several times but the first time traumatized me so bad where I flinched at any loud sounds or sudden movements. I wonder how many people committed suicide in this place due to the notes written all over the room walls. If your seeking help for a suicidal child go to green oaks mental health, my experience there was 10x better and I actually got help.

Review №18

Just hope you are guaranteed the right unit right off or dont stay!!!! I was placed in the Geriatric unit for 2 days.It is a great trauma unit as long as you dont get Dr. Fontaine; shes all about the money and RUDE. She kept me there against my will until I finally told her release me or else; my brother (lawyer) had to call her. They threaten with AMA but I rebutted you want to be paid via insurance because I am poor.And you MUST be able to assist with your own treatment plan or you may be over medicated, as I have seen in my three visits from 2011 and 2013. One girl was so over medicated with Seraquil that I called 911 because the nurses wouldnt. The food is awful as was the cigarette room where smokers smoked in a room right on the unit, dont know if they stopped that.The groups are good. Some doctors are very compassionate, others like Fontaine...NOT AT ALL. A few nurse Ratchets.Its hit and miss here. Mostly miss. I give 2 stars 4 years later because the therapy was mostly brilliant.

Review №19

I hated it there. Poop was smeared on the wall. The place was so disgusting. The nurses hardly noticed anything. Mostly of the girls where cutting themselves with forks they stole from the cafeteria. All we did the entire day was sit or sleep on those disgusting chairs that were probably smeared with piss,boogers, and other crap. I was there to get help, but I wasnt allow to see my doctor for days nor speak to someone. The day I was released it got worst for me. That place traumatized me badly.

Review №20

All I needed was a cheap place to stay while in Dallas this Fall. Unfortunately, once I checked, they would not let me leave. I had plans to visit Six Flags over the weekend but every time I tried to leave they injected something in my arm that made me feel so tired. Weird people in pajamas kept standing around me with a clip board, it was so annoying. But the worse part was when I was sleeping and woke up to find an old lady in a night gown staring at me. When I told her to get out she kept screaming Commie! Commie!. This was the most unpleasant hotel, even the food was horrible and they made me eat under a strict schedule. I do not recommend staying here.

Review №21

It was horrible I fainted because they gave me the wrong medicine and also it was because they gave me the pill before breafast anyway I fainted and they did absolutely nothing tho make sure I was okay. They have a nurses station guarded by Windows all they did was look through the window was said were making sure shes not dead last time I checked you have to check thr o pulse to do that the only people who made sure I was okay were the other patients they gave me orange juice and that was watered down with soapy water they did not help at all they acctually made it worse

Review №22

Ive personally been here because i have schizophrenia. some of the staff members are rude and wouldnt let me lay down when i was having issues, the food is ok, while i was there the back door in the childs unit had a loose lock and was easily able to be opened. oh and also i arrived at the front desk at 5pm and it literally took them til about 3 am to finally evaluate me and get me into the childs unit. overall i give it 2 stars

Review №23

Its been 16 years....16 years since I was placed as a child in this place because my medications were reacting badly together and causing me more issues. I sit here tonight filled with hate as I do many nights ,as to how a place could treat children so badly . I still have nightmares ,i was admitted for a year of bugs that had become so badly I felt them all over me and the inibitly to sleep. None of which was my fault ,they treated me like a criminal , and lied to me. The threw me in a cement room when I couldnt keep the meds they gave me down ,swore if I calmed down I could see my mother and father before they left .so I did I was 10 of course I did ,all that mattered was not being left in this new scary place without saying goodbye. They gave me a shot and told my parents to leave. That was just the beginning ,Ive never been a violent or disobiendent person yet they treated me as such . out of the threw places Ive been admired to fix my meds this was not only the worse but has permanently messed up my psych . thank you , you haunt me .please for the love of God ,if you child needs mental help .find a better place , they dont deserve prison , and this place was pretty darn close. Hate doesnt fix the broken love does.

Review №24

They told me not to say anything, but the first night they gave me a piss stained blanket. When I asked for a new one they told me to get the f**k back in my room.Food was okay, standard government meals, and suicide makes you hungry so I would eat peoples unwanted spinach.One of the orderlies named Chris tried to fight me and 2 other patients, but the dude with the chinese symbol for chinese symbol on the back of his head was cool.Also, why did they put the suicide ward right next to a cemetery?In all, I rate it better than Terrell worse than Greenoaks

Review №25

This place was a joke. Very unorganized in every aspect. Staff very unprofessional, u just think you had problems when you got there. No communication between staff and doctors. No one seemed to have any answers to important questions.. dont go.

Review №26

First off, my 14 year old daughter is an amazing kid! She is very smart, responsible, mature and dependable. No behavioral problems at all, but she has always suffered and struggled with bad anxiety and daily panic attacks. I have had her in therapy for years now, but her condition hasnt improved. I began looking for some more intensive care for her and thought an inpatient program, where the doctors could witness her panic attacks for themselves, might be a good fit. She and I were then sent Timberlawn by Childrens Hospital.Upon arrival, the front office in the white house was very scary. I had concerns, but was assured by the receptionist that the adolescent facility was nothing like the front office. We waited for nine and a half hours for my daughter be admitted. Once admitted, I was happy to see that the adolescent unit was in a different building. I got her signed in and settled. The following day, I went for visitation and had a traumatizing experience. The others girls (patients) were running around screaming, banging on walls, fighting, cops were there, there were run aways, and a couple of girls were shouting death threats to my daughter and another girl there. I pulled my daughter aside to speak with her privately. She told me how poorly she was being treated by the staff and some of the others patients. She had to ask repeatedly for her medications and was experiencing withdrawal symptoms before she finally received them. Another girl had slipped her a note telling how she was going to sneak into her room that night and kill her. There were pentegrams drawn on her bedroom walls and bed. There was a lesbian making sexual comments to her about what she wanted to do to her. She told me the staff turned on rap music that wasnt even edited and was singing along to it with some of the patients. She said there were two groups sessions that day, but that nothing was accomplished, due to fights and outburst from the other patients. During the day, they all sat in the main room and watched tv. My daughter said the girls all watched the show Criminal Minds nonstop! Wow just cant imagine that being a healthy show for this group of girls. There was not constant supervisor like I had been promised. My daughter had three trips to the cafeteria while she was there. She said each time, the boys beat on the windows and walls and yelled at them the whole time they ate. The place was miserably cold, and they are all given only one thin blanket. My daughter was woken up repeated throughout the night with an LED flashlight being shined in her face, even though she has reported sleeping difficulties. The staff was terribly disorganized and they were not the caring influence I thought I was signing my child up for. This place was a nightmare. I wanted a calm, peaceful, healthy environment for my anxiety ridden daughter to receive the treatment she needed. Instead, I am afraid my daughter is going to having lasting trauma from this experience. Timberlawn is NOT the place for kids who genuinely need help with mental issues. The only people I witnesses there were criminals and girls with severe behavoral issues. If you have a child who is a bully and you are trying to teach them a lesson, or if you have a child you are trying to scare straight and dont mind them possibly being abused or attacked, then this place might work for your family. If your child truly needs some help with mental or emotional struggles, STAY AWAY!!!!!I signed my daughter out after that first night! Of course they threatened the 24 hour hold on her and refused to let me take her home. I was forced to wait until the doctor agreed to release her. Please beware of this place. I will never be the same after this experience of fearing for my childs safety and being forced to leave her there, knowing she could be attacked and was not being cared for.

Review №27

Well, a few years ago it was great! Recently I went for help with opiate dependency. I list my insurance and can no longer get pains medication... They no longer use suboxone... They dope everyone up then lock them out of their bedrooms! So youve got a bunch of doped up withdrawing and mentally ill people sitting in a big cold room trying to stay awake and the withdrawal is so severe for opiates that if you can sleep at all you should be allowed to!! These new rules and proceedures are IGNORANT!! I left early miserable and still have not been able to stop. I would have stayed...but tanddoctor and staff (besides one nurse) are so indifferent you should stay away!

Review №28

HORRIBLE PLACE. DO NOT BRING ANYONE HERE. My husband was in here for detox and he was put in the WRONG UNIT when he arrived, he did not see a doctor for the first 48 hours, when I would call up there I would get hung up or transfered to the wrong place even if I provided my husbands confirmation number that they requested. Dr Catherine Fontaine was HORRIBLE and the social worker named Megan said that I called your husband out on his s**t. when I spoke to her, they never provided my husband with any grief counseling and also they said they would contact me for a family session which they never did. My husband came out of there worse then what he went in.Even when the patient signs a form stating who can get information they never want to provide any information, I had to go up there everyday for someone to talk to me.DO NOT PUT YOUR FAMILY LOVE ONES IN HERE!!!!

Review №29

I was court ordered to the Trauma Unit but because my insurance was an HMO plan and not Medicare I did not get as much care as I needed. The psychiatrist was rude and made me cry, at that point I was voluntary and checked myself out. There was a lot of group education and not enough individual care. The other patients were unstable and a fight broke out and the two fighting patients were removed from the unit. But you have to remember that I was in the Trauma Unit and there were people there that had multiple personalities, that was just my experience.

Review №30

When I first got there I was 13 recently tried to commited suicide by overdosing and I sat in a small room in an ugly gloomy and sad white house . They gave me and my mom a little clipboard with some questions it took us about 5 minutes to fill out then we waited six hours to go into a tiny room upstairs with a very inhumane and tiny lady who talked to us both then me then my mom then we waited another three hours and they pretty much just said I was going to be admitted they took us to this weird van then drove like two streets down and then strip searched me took my blood then told me there were no more rooms so they put me in a small box with ripped up and cheap padding on the walls, a video camera, and a metal bed with no sheets. Six hours later they put me in a girls room. My room mate talked to dead people who told her to hurt people. One night she said they wanted her to hurt me. I didt really talk to anyone I got really close with this one girl only cause we were both severly over medicated and I just said pass in group three days later they said I was a liar and kicked me out to make room for other people. It was honestly the worst expeirence and three years later I still think about it daily

Review №31

Do not go here. That one star is for the nice patients who were there. This place needs to be shut down and I sincerely hope it happens. Not only did they accidentally throw all my belongings away (over $100 worth of stuff) but the doctor was also condescending and unwilling to actually listen to patients. The whole first day I was very sleep deprived and they took about 5 hours just to get me a room to sleep in. I even got sick on the second day and they were very unsympathetic and even made me wipe up the floors myself. Also, the nurse who drew my blood did not do it correctly and my arm hurt for a whole month afterwards. They even put me in the wrong get the idea.If you care about your mental health, do not go here. You will feel worse coming out than you did going in.

Review №32

Not a good experience. Co-patient rooms. Women shared rooms with women, but the next room could be two men sharing a room. Couseling good with all patients interactions. Facility, needs updated badly. Some patients did voodou, in patient rec area one night late. Pull the video footage, true. I went to Timberlawn hospital after complaining of my stay at Green Oaks Hospital in 2011. I also was suffering a post concussive syndrome head injury with amnesia from an accident at Green Oaks. So, if someone I knew was also a patient, I may treated them like a stranger because of a head injury resulting in amnesia a day two before arriving in Timerlawn Mental hospital in April or May of 2011. After, talking to the physician and lsw I couldve just went to an outpatient group or private counseling, no inpatient was ever needed. Patient interactive two group counseling including wii game for group exercise.

Review №33

You dont have to watch ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOOS NEST - just visit or experience two days at Timberlawn. Youl experience such things as:* Being assigned to the wrong psych ward* Being woken up by a rude male person, I wouldnt even call him a Nurse, yelling, NAME, and then trying to force pills down my throat only to find out he had the wrong person.* Being humiliated by Nurse Dave in front of other patients by asking, Are you going to harm yourself, therefore violating all HIPPA and patient client confidentiality* Then when everyone cleared, Nurse Dave yelled at me and asked again, in a loud voice, Are you going to harm yourself, then handed me my toothbrush.* At 4:40 am I asked for a cup of coffee. Nurse Ratchet said the kitchen doors would stay closed until 6:30am and no excuses. Then when she realized I was taking notes and then another Nurse, a friendly one this time, walked up, said, sure, and gave me a cup of tea.* After asking for 3 days for my kit of toiletries I brought with me, that were approved items, I was told they were lost in the transfer from the wrong ward to the correct ward. After demanding a transfer to another facility, as I was boarding the ambulance, a nurse ran up and said, heres your bag of toiletries, we found them!Now print this if you dare....

Review №34

I have been in the Timberlawn trauma program three times over the last year. There was 7 months difference between my 1st/2nd visits and only a couple of days between the 2nd/3rd. The 2nd/3rd times totaled 6 weeks, and it was definitely needed. Ive been in both the PHP and inpatient. I have to admit my experience was vastly different from most others here. My experience was very positive. Granted, its a psychiatric hospital, but I was never treated in any way that wasnt respectful and in my best interest.The only med problem I had was a 1+ day wait for my blood pressure meds, but other than that, I had NO trouble getting all my meds and I even had to take meds at each meal, which is not their usual med administration time. I had no trouble getting them each time. Inpatient, although I initially didnt want to go, was worth it. They do what is needed to be sure you are safe, even when it might not be what YOU want to do. After the initial adjustment, I realized they had done the right thing. Other than a couple of interesting techs, all the staff was great! One evening after 11pm, I was out in the main room and noticed they were training a male tech to go to the rooms to do patient checks, which are done about every 15 minutes all day. I brought to their attention the fact that this was a trauma unit and many of the women had an abuse history. I let them know that it was highly inappropriate for a male to do nighttime checks due to the nature of why most of us were there. The next time the tech came around for the patient checks, it was a female. Thankfully, they had taken that issue seriously. My only concern with the groups was that there was always a different therapist leading them. That led to a feeling of disconnection and lack of continuity in treatment. I think that at least the process groups need to be led daily by the same therapist, so that at least one therapist is in touch with the patients each day and can keep consistent track of progress.As for the PHP, I had the advantage of being there with both Dr. Connie and Victoria. PHP is actually more intense than inpatient in many ways. Both women were compassionate and did an excellent job of running the program. One advantage of PHP is that you are with the same person all day (except for individual therapy) and that provides a much needed sense of continuity and safety for the patients, as opposed to the disjointedness of dealing with different therapists each day when inpatient.I know absolutely nothing about the other programs at Timberlawn and how they are run. However, if you meet the criteria, I highly recommend the trauma unit, both PHP and inpatient. They are worth the time and money.

Review №35

The staff in not very friendly, I was at the nurses station just watching employees go by and look at me no one acknowledged me for a while. BAD service.

Review №36

Nice place to stay, but hard to get out.

Review №37

Dont come here PLEASE!!! Unorganized!!! Ungoranized!!! Unorganized!!!

Review №38

Never went here but had a dear friend come from out of town to get the help she needed. She told me it was HELL and I just found out she committed suicide. You guys should be ASHAMED of yourselves! Terrible! WHat goes around comes around! You are supposed to help people not make them feel hopeless. Her and I arranged for me to visit and they lied and never delivered the message that I called and treated her like she was in prison. This place should be shut down!

Review №39

When i was there allot of people died from staff true story i seen it

Review №40

Awful. I wouldnt send my dog there for treatment

Review №41

They never truly helped Jeremy...

Review №42

Open timberlawn again :(

Review №43

Nurses are bitches in Timberlawn

Review №44

Ami loved how they attended to my son

3 Photos
2.2 Rating
  • Address:4600 Samuell Blvd, Dallas, TX 75228, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 214-381-7181
  • Mental health service
  • Psychiatric hospital