Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center
2233 Peachtree Rd #210, Atlanta, GA 30309, United States

Review №1

Kelly is beyond amazing!! I was treated for Graves Disease(hyperthyroidism ) starting in May and was completely cured by September through acupuncture. I was taking medicine and everything for it without a way back to normal prior to treatment. Very much recommended!

Review №2

I started seeing Mark in 2020 as I was trying to get pregnant. Being a bit older I understood the challenges & that it may take longer but I still wanted to try naturally. I met with Mark weekly for acupuncture & he placed me on Chinese herbs to help with various things. I definitely felt better and saw some improvements with my cycle. Towards the end of the year I decided to take time off from treatment, and voila! I fell pregnant naturally! I really feel the acupuncture & herbs were key & highly recommend Mark: he has a great bedside manner, is very knowledgeable & listens. Now that I am 5 months pregnant I’ve seen Mark a few times & after a few more acupuncture sessions I’m sleeping better & am not experiencing the hip aches that I’m sure come with pregnancy.

Review №3

Sorry for the long post, but I want my review to be clear as it can be useful for others who are suffering from similar issues. Dr Mark is crisp, clear and values your time and money. He only treats when treatment is necessary.He is knowledgeable in infertility domain and his herbs work like a charm to cure issues , stress and anxiety during whole process. he has a great bedside manner, he listens to everything and makes a note.I highly recommend Mark if you are someone suffering for infertility.I know exactly how painful it can be for a natural process of becoming pregnant turns more than impossible. I had issues with Ovarian cysts and i lost one of my ovary early around 15 years of age. When I started trying to get pregnant around 25 years old I did not know I will have rough journey ahead of me. After 1 year of unsuccessful trials I visited OB/GYN for further assessment. Everything seemed to be normal from results(tubes not blocked, ovary normal, uterus normal but with a polyp which they removed with hysteroscopy).We consulted RE and after multiple tests they categorized me under Unexplained Infertility they started with IUI treatment without success. We went for first round of IVF and they transferred PGD tested embryo but still i was not pregnant.I researched and found MARK, I like how he is straight to the point and he doesnt give any false hopes to patient. We tried his acupuncture and herbs to get pregnant , though i was not pregnant I got a lot better with my monthly cycle, digestive issues I had. I had lot of sleep issues including waking up at night and screaming which came from stress of constant failure getting pregnant. His herbs and acupuncture helped me calm and relax a bit initially during this process. Then we started with second round of IVF, I cannot emphasize enough his treatment made wonders with egg and embryos. I got 22 eggs and 7 embryos out of which 4 are PGD good embryos 2 bad.My second transfer of PGD tested embryo also failed. Then seeing entire scenario he suggested to get tested for auto immune disease(reproductive immunology).He gave me some textbook material to study and he explained me about its importance and get tested for it. Even though my RE didnt feel I come under that case, she tested for common autoimmune issues but everything came out normal. Mark stressed on getting a autoimmune protocol embryo transfer irrespective of results.RE also agreed to do so even though she doesnt seem it can be helpful. I continued his treatment all along and my third attempt to get pregnant is successful! I cannot believe I was pregnant this was the first time I saw a positive pregnancy test all along my life! I cannot thank mark enough for all his support during entire process.Today I am here holding my 3 month old baby girl and posting this review.

Review №4

Cathy has the best bedside manor you could ask for. She made the overall experience very comfortable for me- and I am not a fan of needles. Best yet, she was knowledgeable about my fertility protocol and very supportive. I have used other fertility acupuncturist and in my opinion, and I would rank Cathy at the top of that list. She takes the time to ask questions at each accupuncture visit and will tailor it to what you need that day. I would highly reccomend Cathy! Did I mention, we are expecting! :)

Review №5

Kelly is simply amazing! I started going to her due to severe asthma and allergies. Upon my first visit, she took the time to complete a comprehensive evaluation and identified a few other areas that I needed to address. Kelly is very patient, kind and personable. I have been going to her for several years now and her treatments always get me back on track. Since I started seeing her, I no longer have issues with allergies, asthma and sleep better at night.I even continued seeing her throughout my pregnancy. I am of advanced maternal age (over 35) so I wanted to be sure to do EVERYTHING I could to ensure a successful pregnancy. I saw Kelly once a week for the first 13 weeks to ensure safe pregnancy, got plenty of rest and adhered to all of her guidance. I ended up being induced, however I continued to receive treatment from Kelly for the 3 days leading to my induction. My pregnancy, labor and post-delivery were seamless- I had no issues or complications whatsoever. Kelly assured me that my body would be prepared for labor and she was right.Everyone I refer to Kelly always calls me back to thank me for sharing her information with them. I have friends and colleagues who have sought treatment for pain management, weight loss, and stress/anxiety. They all felt so much better they could not wait to share their excitement.

Review №6

I cant recommend Mark enough. I saw him for about a year for an infertility issue that seemed hopeless. I was able to see progress during treatment through working in tandem with Shady Grove Fertility (Dr. Namnoum). Now I have a healthy happy baby girl! She really is a miracle and I am so thankful I gave acupuncture a try!

Review №7

I started seeing Kelly in September of 2019 after several miscarriages and trouble getting pregnant. I was also caring for my terminally ill mother at the time. Kelly was amazing. I love that acupuncture is about full body balance and healing. I certainly feel that the grief and anxiety I was experiencing while losing my mother was a key factor in my infertility.In late November of 2019 my mother passed, and in early December I found out I was Pregnant. I continued to see Kelly through my first 16 weeks of pregnancy. In September 2020 (when I was 42 weeks pregnant 😅) I went back to use Accupuncture for induction so I could experience an unmedicated childbirth. Less than 10 hours later, I met my little baby girl.I highly recommend Accupuncture for general health.

Review №8

My journey with fibroids has been one of the worst experience of my life. They have hinder me for years from conceiving another child. I had two Myomectomy, and the fibroids always came back. I started seeing Dr. Cathy at the end of January 2021. During this time, my cycle was irregular, cramps were unbearable, and I had heavy bleeding. For the last two months my cycle has been 28 days, I have minimal pain, and my cycle is no longer heavy throughout my period. I have also noticed my stomach is a lot softer, which is a good sign. Dr. Cathy is very attentive, knowledgeable, and easy to talk too.

Review №9

Kelly is amazing! Taught me so much about how stress manifests in my body and how to handle it.

Review №10

A month ago I began acupuncture with Xiang “Kelly” Li. The results were immediate and transformative from day one.I felt like my old self again. Numbness in my head and body disappeared and circulation greatly improved. Anxiety dropped too and I had a resurgence in interest in activities I used to love to do before as I felt better.I am shocked at the sudden change and I believe it is due to Kelly’s expertise. I had visited another acupuncturist 2 years ago and didn’t have similar results.Kelly is very focused when she works and you can tell she cares about you and her work. She is a great communicator and a patient listener. Most importantly, she’s effective!I would highly recommend anyone to give acupuncture a try. I wish I’d gone years ago and I’m thankful to have found a practioner of Kelly’s caliber.

Review №11

What the sayer of praise is really praising ishimself, by saying implicitly,My eyes are clear.Likewise, someone who criticizes is criticizinghimself, saying implicitly, I cant see very wellWith my eyes so inflamed. —Muhammad and the Huge Eater by Rumi taken from The Essential Rumi by Coleman SparksI posted this excerpt for 3 reasons:1. So many of us walk zombified through our lives, controlled by aches and pains, numbness, emotional instability and erratic behavior. We cant see when we havent looked at the source of our discomfort but instead we blame others and outside circumstances for our imbalances.2. For those who remain in the slim minority—they who fully care for themselves, assisted by holistic care practitioners who offer healthy routines and alternatives to our sedative state—we see their eyes are clear, their voices project, unwavering and trustworthy. We sense that their cups are full of clear water. They spread their love and kind words without apprehension, reflecting their healthful state.3. I am undergoing the transition from number one to number two safely, gently, but fairly quickly with the help of Oscar Sierra. His depth of wisdom with classic Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture and todays breaking discoveries in herbal health and holistic care guarantees that you will leave each visit having learned so much about your body. You will also have lightened your load by removing a few stones of burden each time. His room is a safe space for healing on all levels.I highly recommend Oscar Sierras services. Also, everyone else I have met in the office has been kind and generous. :)Some of my goodies in the pictures!

Review №12

I had the pleasure of working with Dr. Cathy Cai during the months I was in Atlanta from Los Angeles and needing an acupuncturist during my stay. What was immediately refreshing is that she sat down with me to go over why I came in, what I needed help with, and how to get there. She truly listened and remembered things about my body and energy in our sessions to come. I had severe carpal tunnel syndrome, depression and anxiety following months of isolation, and inflammation that Dr. Cathy not only treated, but allowed for a smooth transition back to health. I am so glad I chose to continue my weekly treatments while in Atlanta. During the course of treatment, she would also educate me on which meridians were sensitive and what each needle was in place for. I learned so much on how our bodies are integrated systems, not separated into neat compartments, but rather a network of connectivity. Thank you, Dr. Cathy, for getting me back in balance and for your healing and kind touch.

Review №13

I first met acupuncturist Kelly Li about 2 months before my wife died of breast cancer in 2017. Kelly practices out of one of the area hospitals and she saw my wife at her weakest for acupuncture and Chinese herbs at that time.About 3 years later, I was experiencing some back and hip pain myself. So I called Kelly up and she remembered me from my wife. I had never done acupuncture previously.The whole process was very interesting! Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) diagnostics arent like Western diagnostics. Kelly listened deeply and intuitively to my pulse at both of my wrists, and she also looked at the surface and underneath of my tongue.With those simple diagnostics, she quickly determined that I had a yin deficiency according to TCM, and she set about addressing my back pain and other related issues.If youve never had acupuncture before, its quite a unique experience and you just have to trust the process. For example, Kelly treated my back pain predominantly by needling my left hand, wrist and forearm. To the average Westerner, this seems unusual! But lets not forget TCM has been around for thousands of again, you have to trust the process.Acupuncture is not a miracle cure. The pain definitely went away the first day after treatment, but it did return in subsequent days. So I booked a second session. Lo and behold, it was gone completely after 2 sessions!Now, in all fairness, I think I may have been towards the end of my injury cycle when I saw Kelly. But I truly believe what she did helped speed up my healing process!Furthermore, she shared some resources from textbooks about TCM with me. She also recommended I start practicing Tai Chi to balance the energies in my body, and even hooked me up with an excellent chiropractor student at a teaching university that she herself has gone to as a client.So when you look at the totality of what Kelly did for me, I truly feel like I got more than I paid for. I got pain relief after a couple sessions (immediate benefit) and I also got on a better, healthier path for body and emotions through her recommendations (long term benefit).Her office is really convenient for me and its tucked away in a nice, clean, quiet part of the hospital. I highly recommend Kelly!

Review №14

I just want to share my experience with you, I started going to Cathy when I was almost 33 weeks pregnant I didn’t know acupuncture was so beneficial during pregnancy but since I was diagnosed with low lying placenta I started doing my research and I found Buckhead Acupuncture on google and decided to give it a try I send an email and I receive a call within less than 24 hours and she scheduled me right away within the same week I started going to Cathy once a week at 36 weeks of pregnancy I had an ultrasound and placenta had moved almost all the way we just needed .2 cm to be away the cervix. We just kept doing the sessions and also moxa because that last ultrasound baby was transverse when I was about to be 38 weeks almost 39 I had the last ultrasound to make sure wether it was going to be a natural delivery or a c-section they already had me schedule for a c-section, in that ultrasound we found out that the low lying placenta had resolve and baby was in position for a natural delivery I cannot thank Cathy enough for all her help and dedication towards me during our sessions she was very patience explaining me everything about the procedure, she made me feel so comfortable under her care and she was also always making sure me and baby were ok by texting me and asking me on how I was doing thank you so much for all your help Cathy and Buckhead acupuncture I really recommend your services and if I knew that acupuncture was safe during pregnancy I would have started earlier I cannot thank you enough!!! Thank you so much

Review №15

Cathy is amazing!! Ive had insomnia for 3 years, been on all kinds of medications and herbal remedies. Nothing helped without side effects and I HATE meds so definitely didnt want to stay on those. Ive never had acupuncture and wasnt really a believer but this was my last-ditch effort. After 3 sessions at twice a week I slept longer than I had in years. I stopped my meds after the next session and after 6 was sleeping through the night again. I still wake up sometimes but it is NOTHING like it was before where Id wake up at 2 or 3 and never go back to sleep! I will be getting acupuncture for every problem I ever have from now on lol.

Review №16

Cathy is awesome. I started about a month before my ivf transfer. She made me feel so comfortable and explained everything. Guess what..I am pregnant. Thank you Cathy

Review №17

I started going to see Mark Schwartz back in March 2020 when I was 8 weeks in my first pregnancy at age 40 at the beginning of a pandemic. I had slight bleeding in my first trimester and contacted Mark to schedule for treatment. Despite the lockdown, he agreed to help me, understanding it was very important to do so.I was so happily surprised (and relieved) to have found a TRULY caring gentleman. He was the first professional I sought (even before an OB-GYN) and he supported me and always responded promptly in kind and helpful ways.I have seen him throughout my whole pregnancy, and I am confident the fact that I had a non complicated, unmedicated pregnancy and home birth (as intended) was in great part thanks to his loving care.He is very good at what he does, specializing in womens health care/pregnancy. I was 40 weeks and 3 days in, and he begun working on natural induction and it worked so well as my labor started that same day we focused on it and I gave birth the next day: whole thing lasting 18 hours. Great for a first time mom, giving birth at age 41, when average is apparently 24 hours!I am certain you will enjoy him as much as I did if you choose his service.A.+S.+A.❤️

Review №18

I have been seeing Kelly at the Marietta/Kennesaw location for several months. My achilles tendonitis pain is gone! I havent been able to walk without pain for 2 years! Shes helping with other issues too, so I continue to see her. Im feeling better than I have in decades!

Review №19

I have been using acupuncture for various things for 10-15 years. Kelly- @ the Kennesaw locations -is far and away one of the most talented . She is awesome!

Review №20

I highly recommend going to see Mark if youre interested in exploring acupuncture to help with conception and taking charge of your fertility. He is extremely knowledgeable and professional and looks at your health holistically. With his help, I have been able to conceive naturally with both of my children and have had two very healthy pregnancies and deliveries.

Review №21

I was diagnosed with Bells Palsy, scared and frightened. I had never used Acupuncture as a form of Treatment, but after going to this clinic for two weeks, drinking their herbs my entire face had recovered within 3 weeks. They are very thorough, patient friendly and their Treatments Work!!

Review №22

I’m pregnant! Thanks to everyone who wrote reviews, I read them all. My first pregnancy took almost a year for my now 3.5 year old. We had been trying for a second for 5 months when I decided to try and find a natural way to boost my fertility. I’m 37 and didn’t want to wait too long. After a lot of research, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Mark Schwartz. After our consultation, I knew I had found what I was looking for, I trusted him and the process. Dr. Mark has excellent bedside manner, kind, and above all extremely knowledgeable. He is one of a small number of acupuncturists that specialize in fertility in the US and I’m very grateful he’s in Atlanta!My first apt was 1/23/19, I met with him weekly for acupuncture and herbs. My next cycle in February was a drastic difference then my typical cycle. I’ve always had heavy, painful periods with crazy mood swings. February I had ZERO cramping, flow was much lighter in comparison, and felt my normal self. My husband was initially skeptical but supportive of the acupuncture, and after seeing how my mood and period changed, he became a believer.Now just 2 months later, 3/16/19 I got my positive pregnancy test! I am ecstatic to continue with Dr. Mark for a healthy pregnancy, and having him regulate my cycle next year. I cannot recommend him highly enough!**UPDATE** I gave birth to a healthy baby boy, who was facing the wrong way and had extensive tearing. A week postpartum I was still in extreme pain, and my OB only gave me the unhelpful advice that it would take 6-12 weeks to feel better. In desperation, I called Dr. Mark to see if there is anything he could do. Im extremely grateful to him for taking the time to ask me lots of questions, provide me pain relieving acupuncture and herbs. The difference was immediate and has incrementally gotten better every day. He is amazing!!

Review №23

I have been suffering of terrible migraines for years, (at least 8 years, and the episodes were at least twice a week); every time I would go to the doctor, thy would give me a bunch of medicines, that would help with the pain, but it wouldn´t really help to prevent it, actually, with the years it got worst, adding to the migraines a terrible stomach pain because of so much pills I was taking.I was researching about acupuncture, and I was very nervous to try it, but I am so glad I did, especially at this place. First the place is super clean, plus, all the measures taken now with covid; really nice and polite people, and the best thing, it´s been almost 3 months now that I don´t have a headache, not even a low one. Sure, I had to go to numerous sessions, but it was completely worth it; so definitely if I could give them more than 5 stars, I would.I am extremely gratefull to them, especially to Kelly.

Review №24

It was such a pleasure for the couple of treatments that I had there I do not live in Atlanta however I was referred to ELLA by a friend. She was very professional and really really knew the issues that were wrong with me. I would highly recommend them and if I did not live in Alabama I would still be coming there!! Also very calming atmosphereThanks,Lydomonick

Review №25

Simply wonderful! Here’s my story and I hope it encourages women struggling with fertility to seek Mark’s care. I was told by numerous OB GYNs that it would be extremely difficult for me to have a child of my own. My egg supply was considered incredibly low (5 follicles total) and I had an undetectable AMH. I had tried rounds of Clomid to no avail. I went through a very expensive IVF treatment at a prestigious facility in Colorado in which they were unable to retrieve any “healthy” eggs. Zero eggs. I was newly married and devastated so I decided to try acupuncture. I started going to Mark in July 2017 on a weekly basis and within six months got pregnant. I am proud to say I have a healthy little boy. I am forever grateful to Mark for his kindness, continued care and support throughout my journey.

Review №26

Saw Kelly for my pregnancy and couldn’t be happy with the care received. Her treatments in my first trimester helped with nausea and vomiting and then reduced third trimester ailments such as swelling. Could not have made it through the pregnancy without her support!

Review №27

I found Mark after repeated pregnancy loss. His knowledge of eastern and western medicine as it relates to fertility was extremely helpful and reassuring. He is well versed in a variety of fertility issues and understands how Chinese medicine works in conjunction with recommendations from an obgyn or perinatalogist in my case. He is into continuing education and is well networked with others in his field. He was always available by text or phone and checked in throughout our entire treatment plan. I am now holding my 3 month old baby girl and will be forever grateful to Mark for helping to get her here. I plan to use him again for when we go to have our second child.

Review №28

Kelly is thoughtful and caring. The treatments have definitely improved my overall health, particularly the gastro-intestinal issues. Thanks, Kelly.

Review №29

My first visit to Buckhead Acupuncture with Kelly was a calming and peaceful experience. Unbeknownst to me Kellys knowledge and wisdom on the physical human body and its internal workings was an eye opener.Kelly started my heeling process on my damage knee with greatpromise and a sense of wellness I never thought I would experience again. I went to Buckhead Acupuncture because I didnt feel conventional medicine could help me. Buckhead Acupuncture broughtme back to a sense of euphoria. I walked out the office walking straightand tall without a limp or hobble. Glad I went to Buckhead Acupuncture

Review №30

I went to Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center recently for back pain. It was a very pleasant and professional environment. Mark is knowledgeable, thorough, and has a great bedside manner. Ive only had acupuncture once or twice before, but I know where Im going from now on. HIGHLY recommend!

Review №31

Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center is amazing. Mark Schwartz is caring, thoughtful and fun! Hes always willing to answer any questions that you have and explain exactly what treatment he suggests. I always feel great after a session. I highly recommend Mark and his team!

Review №32

I reached out on Friday for a severe allergic reaction that I had to a steroid cream that I used for a rash, I am currently 6 months pregnant. I spoke to Ella, she took the time to speak with me about my symptoms and my apprehensions about taking anything while pregnant. She had me come in on a Saturday for my appointment, what kind of doctor would EVER do this?! She was great, explained everything, I am really hopeful that what she gave me is going to work!

Review №33

Thanks in part to Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center, my husband and I are expecting our first child! When we had trouble conceiving, I knew I wanted to complement the medical procedures my doctors were recommending with natural options and was intrigued by articles I read about acupuncture. Marks expertise in acupuncture and herbs and his experience with helping infertile couples made me feel comfortable every step of the way. He keeps current with infertility research and has relationships with several doctors in the area. Not only did he tailor treatments for my specific symptoms, but also recommended books, ways to relax, and options I could discuss with my doctors. I visited him at both the Marietta and Atlanta offices at various times and both locations are very warm and welcoming. Mark is very accessible and was always just a phone call or email away if I had questions or concerns. From the moment I started working with him, it was obvious how much he cares about his patients and how important the outcome of a happy, healthy pregnancy and birth is to him and his colleagues at Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center.

Review №34

Ive gone to Oscar for months now, and I love it. I have seen success from Oscars treatments with anxiety, muscle tightness, plantar fasciitis, hormonal imbalances, food cravings, and digestive issues. He is a truly holistic practitioner. The last acupuncturist I went to just put needles in and never explained anything he was doing. Oscar is great about answering any and all questions I have about my treatment, from herbs, to meridians, to Traditional Chinese Medicine body systems. He is also constantly getting more education about holistic health. In the time Ive known him, hes been to at least 3 of the top holistic medicine conferences in the country, and returns with news about the most recent developments in natural health research. His extensive knowledge really shows through in his caring and thorough treatment.

Review №35

Whenever I am in Atlanta, I come to the Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center. Whether I need treatment for pain, stress, or just for relaxation, Mark provides me with true comfort and relief. He really knows what hes doing, providing me with the trust and courtesy that I need in a practitioner. Love the decor and the soothing music too!

Review №36

I have been seeing Xiang (Kelly) for several months for menopausal hot flashes, anxiety and hypertension. My hot flashes and anxiety are almost non existent and my hypertension is much better. In addition, I sleep better now. I was beginning to suffer from carpal tunnel that was getting worse. I asked Kelly to treat that and it is gone. She is very helpful with diet and exercise recommendation. I highly recommend Kelly.

Review №37

BEST ACUPUNCTURE. My 3 months of Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy at Buckhead Acupuncture have been EXCELLENT in all ways. Dr. Xiang Li (Kelly) is extraordinarily conscientious. Her attentive diagnosis and thoughtful treatment are truly exceptional, and yield great results. In addition to providing much needed relief from Insomnia, Fatigue, Anxiety and Chronic Joint Pain, she has helped me understand the underlying causes of my ailments and clearly explained the logic driving her treatments of them. She is resourceful, creative and communicative, all of which contribute to her ability to give highly effective treatments that eliminate maladies one after another without losing momentum. Treatments include Acupuncture, Herbal therapy, and extremely helpful advice on diet and lifestyle.The office and treatment rooms are serene and attractive, and the whole staff are friendly and knowledgable.If youre looking for a truly first-class Acupuncturist in Atlanta, This is the one.

Review №38

I’m a 25-year-old college student and I’ve been going through a really rough time in my life; dealing with multiple stressors which have affected me emotionally, psychologically, and physically. I felt the urge to start an acupuncture session to help me out with the severe muscle pain and insomnia I was experiencing as a result of my situation. I was very impressed with how quickly Unha was able to diagnose the true causes of my symptoms during my first visit with her, without me having to mention much about my personal life. After a few acupuncture sessions and using the herbal supplements she has specialized for me, my nervous system was much more calm and I was dealing with my life problems with a lot more ease and a calmer state of mind. Acupuncture not only relieved a lot of my physical symptoms; like muscle pain, it also helped calm me down emotionally which increased my ability to cope with some crazy events that I’ve been going through in my personal life. I’m so grateful to have made this decision and I would recommend acupuncture for anyone who is going through a stressful time in his or her life.

Review №39

Following oral surgery, I developed severe and painful trismus (lockjaw), which meant I could only open my jaw a fingertips width and I was in constant pain. After applying hot compresses and doing stretching exercises for several days, my condition was worse and I was in constant pain. Then I found Xiang Li at Buckhead Acupuncture. My pain disappeared during the first treatment and never returned. After 4 treatments I experienced full mobility in my jaw and was able to eat and drink normally. I had never had acupuncture before and didnt know what to expect. I cant over recommend Xiang Li. The clinic is clean, comfortable, and conveniently located with free parking. She is prompt, professional and very knowledgeable. I would definitely see her again for pain and/or mobility issues.

Review №40

Im 34 and have never had children and had a slightly lower than average egg count. All of my doctors told me not to worry, that I was very healthy and young but after multiple failed attempts, I started to worry. I decided to add acupuncture to my regimen for my last embryo transfer before I would have to go for a 3rd retrieval. I cant say enough good things about Kelly at Buckhead Acupuncture! I am now 9 weeks pregnant with identical twins! Ive continued to see Kelly weekly and have yet to have a single bout of morning sickness! I truly believe she had a hand in my successful pregnancy.

Review №41

I had tennis elbow for 10 years and it caused me a lot of pain. I went to a physical therapist and several doctors. The specialist said that to get rid of the pain I would need an operation, and that the operation would not guarantee that the pain wouldnt come back, and it could cause even more problems because of scar tissue. And of course, it would cost an arm and a leg. None of that sounded good. I decided to try acupuncture and went to Eunha. She gave me two treatments and my pain went away completely. This was a year ago, and the pain has not come back at all. She solved the problem I had for 10 years for the cost of two treatments, and the acupuncture was painless. If I have any other health problems, Ill know where to go!

Review №42

I came to see Mark for the first time the other day because I had an immensely stressful week, and my shoulders were very tight and knotted up. He did some massage and something called electro-stimulation. He explained that by sending electricity to the muscles and making them contract, the muscles would release their tension and relax. I walked out of there feeling like I had had a good nights rest, and my shoulders were back to normal. It was a great start to a relaxing weekend. Thanks so much.

Review №43

I am 41.5-years-old and have a nine-year-old son and newborn daughter. Before each of those healthy pregnancies, I miscarried in the first trimester. I got pregnant quickly the first three times however given the devastating losses and our ages, my husband and I decided we would try just one more time. We decided against drugs like Clomid and fertility testing/treatments however I got fertility massages at the Pregnancy Massage Center and started acupuncture treatments with Mark in September 2016. I followed Mark’s recommended treatment schedule, read the recommended materials and consumed the herbal teas Mark prescribed and provided for pick up at my appointments. In December, I became pregnant, continued with the acupuncture treatment schedule Mark recommended throughout the pregnancy, went into spontaneous labor, and delivered my daughter in September at 39 weeks/4 days. Mark is professional, knowledgeable, and responsive. He communicates clearly and directly. He showed sensitivity for my privacy and concern for my comfort. He respected the information and directions given by my “western medical professionals” (e.g., OB, perinatologist, etc.) so that I never felt he was suggesting something in conflict with them. In addition to acupuncture’s likely contribution to the conception and healthy pregnancy of my daughter, it is for these aforementioned reasons that I highly recommend Mark’s fertility and pregnancy acupuncture services.

Review №44

Kelly is great! I saw improvement just after 2 visits, so I highly recommend acupuncture.

Review №45

Mark is amazing and has the best bedside manners ever. I would suggest his services to everyone.

Review №46

Im one of Marks current patients, and Ive had a wonderful experience with him and his practice.I went to Mark for acupuncture treatments to enhance fertility. Im 36 and my husband is 38. In addition, I had very low AMH (0.2 when 1 is normal for my age). We had been trying to get pregnant for a while with no success. I read in a couple of places that acupuncture is beneficial for increasing fertility, so I decided to give it a shot.I Googled acupuncture practitioners in Atlanta and, although Marks office was one of the furthest from where I live (~45-50 min), his website looked so professional yet so welcoming that I had to call him. He called me back soon after I left a message and gave me a complimentary phone consultation.Long story short, I decided to pursue treatment with him (acupuncture plus Chinese herbs). He definitely made me feel comfortable with his funny, professional and compassionate demeanor. The best part is that I got pregnant within 2 months of first visiting his office! And the first month my husband and I didnt even try because he was really sick during my fertile time. Truly amazing results!!I continued to go to him for acupuncture during pregnancy, and his treatments definitely helped with morning sickness, lack of energy, and constipation. I know this for a fact because whenever I missed my weekly appointment, my morning sickness and lack of energy would get REALLY bad, only to go away after my next visit. Also, I was out of the country when I first got constipated (a normal side effect of pregnancy), but as soon as I went back for an acupuncture treatment, my constipation disappeared (I became regular again the DAY after the treatment!). That is when I was really convinced acupuncture works (as if getting pregnant wasnt enough proof)!I would recommend Mark to anyone...not only is he extremely knowledgeable, and not only does he deliver results (during the holidays, he receives tons of cards from happy couples who have conceived thanks to him), but he is funny, witty, compassionate, and easy to get along with.

Review №47

I just simply want to thank this place that promptly and helpfully respond to my questions with honesty, and then refer me to a good place for Chinese herbs. Specifically thanks Dr. Mark Schwartz.

Review №48

Kelly is awesome !!! my boss told me to try acupuncture for my back i did and it has helped me so much thanks kelly

Review №49

When I made my appointment with Xiang, I was looking for a cure for my anxiety disorder- something I couldnt seem to get from Western medicine, despite going to numerous counselors and physicians. I was also looking for help curing my Perioral Dermatitis (skin rash), and chronic chest pain/tightness.Over the course of six months, I met with Xiang every week and received acupuncture and herbal medicine mixtures that she made for me. I never thought I would see the end of my anxiety, but she cured it completely. Also, my skin looks great, and I am pain free!Im so grateful for all of Xiangs help. I am no longer afraid of becoming sick, because I know I can always make an appointment with her, and she will find a way to help me. I would trust her with anything, and I am proud to recommend her to anyone I know.

Review №50

Our fertility story began years ago when my husband and I first began trying to conceive. After 5-6 months, I realized that my menstrual cycles were highly irregular. I made a visit to see my gynecologist, where she ran several hormonal tests through blood work. Several days later, she notified me that the results were abnormal and because she knew we were trying to conceive, she immediately referred me to a reproductive endocrinologist (RE) here in Atlanta. It was here that things took a turn for the worse. After the RE determined that my egg reserve (AMH) was undetetectable, I was told that I was not even a candidate for in vitro fertilization (IVF). Even worse, the doctor said I would most likely never conceive and that my only chance was through donor eggs.After the initial shock and grieving period, we decided we werent interested in using donor eggs, and that we would pursue adoption. We went to several meetings and began gathering our paperwork when I came across an online article about Chinese medicine and how it can do wonders for fertility problems. I read several books on the topic and poured through any information I could find. The more I researched, the more I realized that I wanted to give this a try. I knew it was a long shot, but I wanted to know wed done everything we could.In January 2014, I began seeing a Chinese practitioner in Atlanta (who I wont name) and receiving acupuncture treatments with herbs. Two months in, it became apparent that there was a language barrier between us and I wondered how effective the treatment was. His practice was very busy and I always left feeling rushed and uncertain about the future.It was time for a change. In March, I decided to visit Mark Schwartz at Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center after a friend of a friend recommended him. Immediately, it was like a breath of fresh air. He spent so much time with me in our first visit, asking question after question and gathering vital historical information. Already this was something the other practitioner had never done. His friendly and warm demeanor were so welcome and I felt like we had made a step in the right direction.Mark recommended weekly acupuncture along with a herbal formula created just for me. I took the herbs three times per day and they were prepackaged, making them very convenient to take. One month later something incredible happened. My menstrual cycle, which before had averaged 55 days, went to a normal 28 days. Not only that, but I tested positive for ovulation with an at home ovulation kit. It was a huge first step. I cried with joy and reveled in the hope of what could be.Later that same year, my husband and I became pregnant twice. Although both of those pregnancies ended in miscarriage and were heartbreaking beyond belief, we were also given strength and hope to move forward. Mark was so understanding of both the physical and emotional toll that a miscarriage takes on a womans body and I never felt forced or rushed to restart treatment with him. In fact, through his comforting words and lots of prayer, we moved onward and conceived for a third time, all in one year.I am now 16 weeks pregnant and everything appears to be a healthy, happy, pregnancy. Words cannot express our joy and gratitude toward Mark and his treatments. Every single pregnancy symptom that I have, even the unpleasant nausea and fatigue are all so very welcome as Im sure I have a different perspective than most women. I have absolutely no doubt that this pregnancy would not have been possible without Mark Schwartz and his life changing treatments.

Review №51

Ive had a great experience with Mark. I came to him with a diagnosis of unknown infertility and five failed IVF. My husband and I had decided to try for a sixth and last time, but at this point, we didnt have too much hope. After more than five years trying to conceive and after so many failed fertility treatments, we thought it was probably impossible for us to succeed. I started this last IVF attempt and at the same time an acupuncture treatment with Mark. We were really surprised and excited when we knew I was pregnant, and not only that, we were expecting twins! During my pregnancy, Ive seen Mark on a regular basis in atlanta for acupuncture. Ive had a great pregnancy with really little discomfort and Im convinced it happened thanks to the acupuncture treatment. I really like Mark because of his professionalism, kindness and respect for his patients.

Review №52

I have lived all over the country and been to a few different acupuncturists in my time, but when I found Eunha Cho at Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center, I knew I had come to the right place. She is very knowledgeable of her profession, and she takes pride in her professional care of her patients. She really puts the patient at ease; especially if youre not comfortable with needles. :) I have had chronic joint problems over the past ten years due to three knee surgeries and other injuries to shoulders and ankles. Literally, after a couple visits to Ms. Cho, I felt like my knees and other joints were feeling like they were back in my 20s. I was able to play more basketball and other agility moving activities with little to no pain. Ms. Chos treatments also helped in stress relief to where I feel more relaxed in my daily activities. I dont live in the area any more, but the five hour drive once to twice a month is well worth it for the quality of life I am enjoying again. :)

Review №53

Oscar gave me a highly effective herbal tincture he calls Grief Relief. I highly recommend this if you need a boost to help you get through your days during a rough patch.

Review №54

Ive been seeing Dr. Eunha Cho for over a month and already my body is functioning much better than before. At the outset Dr. Cho carried out a comprehensive survey and diagnosis of my problems. From the first day’s session, her acupuncture treatment clearly began alleviating the severe pains I had experienced in shoulders, arms and legs.After that she used acupuncture to treat my over-active bladder, over-active nervous system and other bodily aches and pains. My headaches have stopped, my ankles, knees and legs have more strength, my sense of balance has improved and I wake up with more energy each day.Dr. Cho is truly a miracle worker and I highly recommend her to anyone who seeks help through this ancient but well-proven treatment, which has the additional benefit of no negative side effects.By the way, Ive also seen many specialists, orthopedics and modern medicine before I came to Dr. Cho. Im glad that I didnt took the orthopedics expert advice about the surgery on my foot because from my experience acupuncture is a much safer, less expensive and less recover time compare to risky, expensive and painful, non-guarantee surgery process.

Review №55

I originally went to Buckhead Acupuncture for auriculotherapy (stop smoking treatment). Eunha Cho is EXCELLENT!!! She helped me with my smoking and other issues as well. With each session my smoking decreased from a pack a day to 8-10, then down to 3-5, and today Im proud to say Im smoke free. The treatment made it easy, I didnt notice any withdrawal symptoms. My desire to smoke just gradually decreased.Eunha also treated me for stress and anxiety. In accounting stress comes along with the job. I had random body aches from stress. Im not sure if stress and smoking go hand and hand, but after treatment I feel much better.I love Eunha Cho and Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center and I would highly recommend. Before taking Chantrex or any other smoking cession medications, please give acupuncture a try, youll be amazed at the results.

Review №56

Mark helped fix some issues I was having for quite some time. Acupuncture and herbal formulas seem to be the key and Mark has a good grasp of both.

Review №57

I was recommended to Buckhead Acupuncture & Herbal Center through an acquaintance. My husband and I had been trying to start a family for about a year with little success and much fustration. I thought I would give it a try before going the IVF route (which is more intensive and costly). Between going to weekly acupuncture appointments and taking the chinese herbs, I felt amazing after the first month. I just felt balanced and right. We found out 5 months later that we were going to have a baby. I continued to see Mark through my first trimester. I had no sickiness, food aversions, other than feeling a little tired it was business as usual. My pregnancy on a whole was like that. I have since recommended other friends to the practice and they have also had positive results. We have compared notes and feel like the chinese herbs played a large part to both our physical and mental well being. I would recommend Mark and his practice to anyone seeking help conceiving.

Review №58

When you meet Eunha Cho, the first thing you notice is her smile. It is a warm smile coming from the bottom of her soul. When you have Eunha Cho as your acupuncturist, you know that you are in caring and expert hands. She is very knowledgeable.When Eunha first started treating me, I felt a lot of anxiety and stress. Her treatment made me feel much better. I was very pleased with the results I got and would send anyone to her who asks me for advice about who to see.When you get to know Eunha Cho, you will notice that she is a true professional with passion for her field in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. She puts her heart into each treatment. For her the patients are not a mere number, but individuals with unique needs.Daniel Horák

Review №59

I had dealt with very painful and heavy periods for years, but just thought that they were normal and that I was just one of those women who had awful periods. One morning, I collapsed while getting out of bed because the pain was unbearable and I couldnt walk. I knew that there was nothing normal about that. I sought treatment and was diagnosed with stage IV endometriosis. I had two very large cysts on both of my ovaries and extensive scar tissue damage. In 2006, I had a laparotomy to remove the cysts and scar tissue. After the surgery, I began taking medication to suppress my periods. I lived a fairly pain free life without periods and continued that treatment until my husband and I decided it was time to start a family. I knew from my history that it wouldnt be easy and had been told that, while it wouldnt be impossible for me to get pregnant, the odds were not in my favor. The pain returned as soon as I started having periods again. I was interested in natural treatments and tried various herbs, vitamins, and dietary changes. All of those helped with my symptoms, but after a year of trying, I still wasnt pregnant. I wasnt ready to start medically invasive fertility treatments because I felt like there were reasons why I wasnt getting pregnant, and I needed to work on healing myself. I was reading a book called The Infertility Cure by Randine Lewis and became interested in using Chinese herbs and acupuncture to help with my endometriosis and infertility. There are a few acupuncture centers in Atlanta, but Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center stood out to me as a place where my needs would be met. I started seeing Mark Schwartz at Buckhead Acupuncture and Herbal Center in Atlanta in April 2012. From the beginning, Mark was honest and helpful. He advised me to consult with a fertility specialist in order to get as many answers as possible about what was going on with my body. That first visit with Mark was really the beginning of my fertility journey. I began weekly acupuncture treatments and started taking Chinese herbs everyday. I began to notice a difference not too long after starting the treatments. My periods became lighter and less painful. My mood improved; I felt happier and more energetic. During this time, I also consulted with a fertility specialist who Mark recommended. He found that I had more cysts on my ovaries, and he believed the reason why I wasnt getting pregnant was because of the scar tissue damage from the endometriosis and the previous surgery. He advised a laprascopy to remove the cysts and clear out the scar tissue. I met with an amazing surgeon, who was also recommended by Mark, and scheduled the surgery for June of 2012. The surgery went well, but there were still alot of unknowns about whether or not I would be able to get pregnant. My husband and I kept trying. Trying to conceive and being unable to do so can be such a stressful and heartbreaking experience. It is easy to get consumed by the process. The weekly acupuncture sessions were relaxing and really helped me feel more centered. The Chinese herbs that I drank 3 times a day were dark, concentrated herbs and took some time to get used to, but I just told myself that it was my daily medicine. I felt like I was taking charge of my fertility issues and helping myself to heal. Mark was always easy to talk to and very knowledgeable. He went over my cycle charts with me and listened while I talked through the process of trying to get pregnant. In November 2013, it happened for me. I got pregnant! Mark was one of the first people that I told, and I knew he was celebrating with me. I am currently 19 weeks pregnant and have had a wonderful and healthy pregnancy. I have continued with the acupuncture which helped ease the first trimester symptoms and is now helping in the 2nd trimester. I was a nearly impossible case, but a combination of eastern and western medicine has given me this chance, this gift. My journey to become pregnant felt so long and difficult at times, but now I know that it was worth the fight.

Review №60

I have nothing but the highest praise for Mark and the folks at Buckhead Acupuncture. I had experienced severe pre-eclampsia in a previous pregnancy, and once again at only 4 months along, my blood pressure already was on the rise. After having spoken with several of my friends, Mark Schwartzs name came to to foreground as an expert in pregnancy-related issues. After a thorough intake appointment, we started treatment, and now -- just two months later -- my BP is considerably lower than it was even pre-pregnancy. Also, Mark has a great bedside manner, which is really reassuring to those of us who might be a little squeamish about the whole, yknow, needle thing. (And did I mention hes funny? He is. Trust me.) Id strongly recommend Mark for treatment of pre-eclampsia / pregnancy-induced hypertension, and plan to continue seeing him and/or the other practitioners at Buckhead Acupuncture for any health needs in the future.

Review №61

Ive been seeing Xiang for the last 3 weeks and all of the ailments that Ive been suffering for the last year have been relieved! I will continue to go weekly as the acupuncture has helped with my stress relief.

Review №62

Why wont they just answer the phone though?

15 Photos
4.9 Rating
  • Address:2233 Peachtree Rd #210, Atlanta, GA 30309, United States
  • Site:
  • Phone:+1 678-549-7848
  • Acupuncture clinic
  • Acupuncturist
  • Alternative medicine practitioner
  • Fertility clinic
  • Health consultant
Working hours
  • Monday:8:30am–7:30pm
  • Tuesday:8:30am–7:30pm
  • Wednesday:8:30am–7:30pm
  • Thursday:8:30am–7:30pm
  • Friday:8:30am–7:30pm
  • Saturday:10am–5pm
  • Sunday:10am–5pm
  • Wheelchair-accessible entrance:Yes
  • Appointments recommended:Yes
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